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Will I have to get sucky at Best Buy tomorrow?

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  • Will I have to get sucky at Best Buy tomorrow?

    Today I went to Best Buy and spent almost 300 dollars on a HDMI switchbox and three cables to use with it. After hooking it all up, it does not work. I call the customer support for the switchbox, and after trying what they tell me to there is no way it is working with my tv and setup. So now I have to try and return it all tomorrow, all of it opened. I know they will not want to take back opened merchandise, but there is no way I am keeping all of this stuff that will not work for me, not at the price I paid for all of it. I may have to get sucky with them, especially considering how much money I spend there. Is anyone familiar with Best Buys return policies and can tell me what to expect?

  • #2

    Well, since what you bought is not software, I think from reading this you would be ok.

    But remember, "getting sucky" is never the way to go. There are other ways to get what you want, or a compromise, without becoming one of the people we vent about on this site. Mentioning how much money you spend at retailer x in order to get what you want is also never a good way to go...if I had a dollar for every time a SC told me that, I swear I could retire by now.

    That said, good luck
    If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


    • #3
      Shouldn't be a problem. As long as it isn't:

      1) a tv, stereo, computer (the restocking fees)

      2) you have everything it came with

      3) the receipt (unless you used your rewardzone card; they can do receipt lookups)

      Then there shouldn't be a problem. I found out about the receipt lookup when I bought a UPS and it wasn't strong enough for my needs. I couldn't find the receipt, but since I have a rewardzone card, they clerk in returns looked it up. Of course, it probably helps that I'm memorable since SO and I tend to be a bit of a comic duo in retail stores.
      Last edited by fma_fanatic; 06-27-2007, 02:13 AM.
      Random conversation:
      Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
      DDD: Cuz it's cool

      So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


      • #4
        The problem is that the cables and switchbox were in those sealed plastic packaging, and Best Buy may not want to take them back, as there is no way they can be resealed properly. As for how much I spend, that is no normal bluster. I spend thousands at Best Buy every year, over a thousand in the last WEEK alone. If they refuse to take back these items they will lose a customer. I am going to do my best not to be sucky, but I have a temper that may come out if they refuse my return.


        • #5
          Quoth ReverendBSB View Post
          The problem is that the cables and switchbox were in those sealed plastic packaging, and Best Buy may not want to take them back, as there is no way they can be resealed properly.
          They will either take your returned items and send them back to the manufacturer for a credit, or put them on that table/shelf of returned/open merchandise they sell at a discount.

          Really, you will be fine. I don't spend the thousands there you do, but I have returned items with damaged packaging before without a problem.
          If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


          • #6
            They shouldn't refuse a refund. I refunded things at BB in the past. Last week, I refunded an ATI TV tuner card for my PC. I had it 14 days. I tried to get it to work using ATI support and different drivers, but the supposed "Vista" ready item did not run under Vista correctly. I had all the items and my receipt. They ask simple questions like "is the item broken or did you not like it?" To which I reply with "it does not work with my computer". Thats all, 1 minute later, I got a refund.
            I've done that with a PDA, and several routers and other communications items.
            You should be fine.


            • #7
              Quoth ReverendBSB View Post
              The problem is that the cables and switchbox were in those sealed plastic packaging, and Best Buy may not want to take them back, as there is no way they can be resealed properly. As for how much I spend, that is no normal bluster. I spend thousands at Best Buy every year, over a thousand in the last WEEK alone. If they refuse to take back these items they will lose a customer. I am going to do my best not to be sucky, but I have a temper that may come out if they refuse my return.
              They'll take them back, trust me. I had to return a cassette to cd tape converter a few months ago and the plastic things the item came in was a joy to open.

              If you opened the package the cables came in carefully and it can be resealed, then it's not a problem. It'll probably end up as a discounted open item on the shelf in a few days, or as Rental said, returned to the manufacturer for a credit.

              All you have to tell them is that the items didn't work as you had expected them to, and you want to return them for a refund/exchange.

              Honestly, most of my money is spent on dvds, but we (SO and I ) have on occasion have been known to drop a few hundred dollars on items - the two new computers we have come to mind. Smaller accessory purchases that have had to be returned (such as a couple of defective routers) have been done with the minimum of fuss.

              The only way I can see an issue is if you were to try and do a return after the 30 day limit.
              Random conversation:
              Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
              DDD: Cuz it's cool

              So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


              • #8
                Well from what you guys have said I am hopeful there is no problem. The only things I have had to return were a couple off DVD recorders. I bought one, it froze up, returned for a new one, same problem. Spent 30 extra dollars to get a better one, I still use it 3 years later. Only problem is that I was not careful with the packaging, there is no easy way to get those open. I just cut the top off and rip it open.


                • #9
                  I work for BB. AS long as you have your reciept and its within 30 days it shouldn't be a problem to return it. As for the packaging, it happens, you should see some of the mangled packaged items I've sold. If you happen to have lost your reciept they should be able to look it up through your credit card if you paid with that, with your reward zone card if you have that or if all else fails, and they know how, through your home phone number, but that takes some doing and know how.


                  • #10
                    Oh I have the receipt. I save every receipt. If I bought a donut I would insist on ink and paper being brought into the transaction (RIP Mitch). So from what you all say I think I wont end up being sucky. Makes me feel much better.


                    • #11
                      Just don't start out sucky. I'll admit that when it gets down to it, I can be a real asshole to the people who aren't helping me out.

                      But I use it as a last resort. Treat them with respect and you should be fine. BB has a pretty good rep for returning hardware.

                      If yours turns out to be the exception then ask to see a manager and be respectful to him/her. If you're still having problem then you unleash hell.

                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        You should be OK. I had to return a DVD Recorder to Frys last month (It was an RCA open box). Now DVD's are my thing its what I do for a living (I was converting VHS to DVD) and the damn thing kept freezing partway thru a disc. I must have gone thru about 8 coasters before giving up.

                        I've heard all the horror stories about how horrible frys is on returns. I was in and out in less then 5 minutes from the time I walked in the door until the time I walked out the door.

                        That being said, good luck, and I think it should hopefully be a cakewalk to return it.
                        My Karma ran over your dogma.


                        • #13
                          They might check the stuff just to make sure it's defective and what is so they don't send back more than necessary, but they will allow the return, so long as they aren't damaged on arrival and you have the receipt.

                          I was always telling people that sledgehammer marks mean it's not being returned.
                          I AM the evil bastard!
                          A+ Certified IT Technician


                          • #14
                            It went off without a hitch. They didnt even ask why I was returning it.


                            • #15
                              Quoth ReverendBSB View Post
                              The problem is that the cables and switchbox were in those sealed plastic packaging, and Best Buy may not want to take them back, as there is no way they can be resealed properly.

                              That does not matter. As long as you have a recipt and the product is identifiable as the item on the recipt they will take it back. They will shrink wrap the item and put a tag on it, or use it in the store, or RTV it.

