Not especially sucky, just...REALLY irritating, cos manners cost nothing do they and I seem to be seeing more and more of this recently.
So this couple with a toddler come into the shop, it's quiet, so I'm taking a few minutes to catch up on the paperwork at the counter, head down. They go straight for the children's section with the kid in tow, right to the back of the shop.
I'm halfway through working out the weekly totals when I hear this voice getting louder and louder, my head lifts, Idiot boy is standing CLEAR down the other end of the shop floor from me, that's a GOOD 30 feet, shouting,
Somehow, I manage to resist the urge to raise a brow tho it damn near killed me, instead, I politely walk to the end of the shop, point out the books in question (approximately 5cm's from his eyeline), and walk BACK to my counter since he seems happy.
Not even a minute later, still standing where I'd left him,
*sigh* Yes...yes that's right, call me like your dog again, I love it so and it makes me want to help you OH so much more. I politely inform him that everything we have is out, again resisting the urge to point out that since his hand is currently on the shelves attached to the back wall of the building, "out the back" would have to be a magical land somewhat akin to Narnia and only accessible through a mysterious doorway formed of folded copies of Harry Potter.
He looks slightly pouty at this, but apparently decides he'll live, gathers up the kid and the woman he was with and heads for the counter. Half way up the shop, the kid escapes his grasp and proceeds on a rampage of terror (if you're a book) in the art section. Give the idiot his due, he did pick it all back up again...sort've...but at the same time, he was actually informing the child that:
"The nasty lady'll get you if you wreck her shop!"
So now I'm not only your dog, but also apparently one used to terrorize your child into behaving well. Excellent. I love my job on days like this.
So this couple with a toddler come into the shop, it's quiet, so I'm taking a few minutes to catch up on the paperwork at the counter, head down. They go straight for the children's section with the kid in tow, right to the back of the shop.
I'm halfway through working out the weekly totals when I hear this voice getting louder and louder, my head lifts, Idiot boy is standing CLEAR down the other end of the shop floor from me, that's a GOOD 30 feet, shouting,
Somehow, I manage to resist the urge to raise a brow tho it damn near killed me, instead, I politely walk to the end of the shop, point out the books in question (approximately 5cm's from his eyeline), and walk BACK to my counter since he seems happy.
Not even a minute later, still standing where I'd left him,
*sigh* Yes...yes that's right, call me like your dog again, I love it so and it makes me want to help you OH so much more. I politely inform him that everything we have is out, again resisting the urge to point out that since his hand is currently on the shelves attached to the back wall of the building, "out the back" would have to be a magical land somewhat akin to Narnia and only accessible through a mysterious doorway formed of folded copies of Harry Potter.
He looks slightly pouty at this, but apparently decides he'll live, gathers up the kid and the woman he was with and heads for the counter. Half way up the shop, the kid escapes his grasp and proceeds on a rampage of terror (if you're a book) in the art section. Give the idiot his due, he did pick it all back up again...sort've...but at the same time, he was actually informing the child that:
"The nasty lady'll get you if you wreck her shop!"
So now I'm not only your dog, but also apparently one used to terrorize your child into behaving well. Excellent. I love my job on days like this.
