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no employee discount for you!

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  • no employee discount for you!

    today, i had a customer come in. at first, she was really nice. i guess you couldn't say she was horrible, but still annoying. she got her stuff, and came back to my counter. she said she gets employee discount, and then handed me the card. the card was so faded in parts, that i couldn't fully read the date. well, if i can't read the date, i can't give you the discount. the reason? on our checks, we get these little things we tear off, and use to get our discount. on it, there is a date. lets say the date on it is 01-20-2006, you have until 02-20-2006 to use that card. after that date, it is expired. so if i can't read the date, then i can't tell if it a valid card or not.

    me- who else but your lovely beauty advisor at this store?
    sw-sucky woman(duh....)

    me- I'm sorry, i can't fullyread the date on this.
    sw- it says 5-31.
    me-it looks like 1-31 to me.(i could mke out a few marks, and it looked like a 1)
    sw- its not. its 5-31. my husband just got it and just gave it to me. its the most recent one. its only so faded because i just let it sit in my purse.
    me-let me call the manager.

    i call my manager over, and he looks at it, and agrees.

    m-im sorry, this is too faded. i can't read it.
    sw- it says 5-31! my husband just gave it to me!
    m- what store is he from?
    (we can call the store to see if they work there.)
    sw-oh, he works at corporate....
    m-well, we have to hve one we can read before we can accept it.

    she leaves the stuff on the counter and walks away. if we have given her the discount when she wasn't supposed to have it, we could have gotten fired. she came back in a few minutes later asking what store we were. we assume she was going to make a complaint.

    me and my manager talked about it, and he said that from what he could make out on the card, that it was a 1. we then checked the last checks that came out, and the date on it was nowhere near the date she claimed it was.

  • #2
    It seems the worst SCs are sometimes employees from other stores. I work for a c-store chain with 60+/- locations. There are at least half a dozen right here in town, so sometimes employees from other stores will come in to our store.

    I had one who insisted on arguing with me about carding her for beer and cigarettes. She informed me that she was well aware of company policy and law because she worked at store #. I told her that she should know better then. She said she would talk to the manager in the morning. So, I called my manager while the woman was griping. She left quickly, funny how that works. My manager said she'd take care of it in the morning.

    Guess what, by the time I reported for my regular shift the next day, a reminder memo from the vice president of operations was prominently posted on the wall by the office door. In it, he indicated a generic version of the incident I just described. I walked in the office, and the first thing the manager said to me was that she talked to the manager at store #, and then called the area supervisor to follow up on it. One good thing about my manager, she doesn't tolerate anyone hassling her clerks.

    The same woman came in a couple of days later, so I couldn't resist rubbing it in. She didn't have much to say about it. Have a nice day, bitch! I know I will.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


    • #3
      The worst customer is an employee, Doctors are the worst patients, mechanics have the nastiest running cars and the guy cooking your steak is the one person in the restaurant you DON'T want touching your food.

      I think it's a law or something.
      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


      • #4
        Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
        The same woman came in a couple of days later, so I couldn't resist rubbing it in. She didn't have much to say about it. Have a nice day, bitch! I know I will.
        Did you card her again??
        The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


        • #5
          Ever have someone who doesn't work for your company ask for the employee discount? It happens to me about once a month.
          I know nothing and I can prove it!


          • #6
            I work in the contact (call) center for a major department store and took a call today from an employee at one of our stores wanting to place an order for another store employee and have it sent to their store.. which we can't do, if they want it sent to their store, they have to do a store to store transfer. Of course they didn't want to do that, because the guy wouldn't have gotten his commission on the sale. He was a little angry with me that I wouldn't do it, but sorry, I wasn't losing my job for him.

            His store manager got a nice phone call from me, informing him of his employee's attitude and the fact he wanted me to break policy... the store manager didn't sound too happy with the guy.


            • #7
              i worked in a store in the mall. We gave MALL employee discounts. which meant if you worked in the mall, you got 10% off, the ONLY thing you had to have was your name tag, and sign your name in our book ( idunno why you had to sign your name)

              So many people complained about the name tag thing. As far as I know, any store in the mall who gave a discount to mall employees, you had to show your badge.


              • #8
                Most bizarre employee discount I ever gave was to the girl from our chain's catalogues.
                I asked her for ID and she pointed to the catalogue on the counter and said. "that's me"
                Kind of hard to argue with that
                She was really tiny too, wouldn't have hit 5 foot tall in heels. Guess it makes the furniture look bigger in the photos.
                Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


                • #9
                  being an employee I try to be the best customer. I used my employee discount card (which they only give to corporate employees; store employees get a little barcode on the front of their checks with an expiration date also) last night twice and they asked for ID. I have never been asked for ID in the year I've had that card (Yes, I pulled out my license and said, here ya go!)
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    How does it get faded from sitting in your purse? I can understand if it was sitting in the sun (I thought she was going to say that) but if it's in her purse that would keep it fresh.
                    It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                    -Helen Keller

                    I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                    • #11
                      If it's loose in the purse, and not in a side pocket or holder, then constant rubbing and bouncing and such could very well make it fade. I'm guessing it was "aged" on purpose though, for a scam. She's probably a former employee trying for some last discounts after being fired.
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                      • #12
                        My super nice manager used to give my mom discounts after I stopped working there year round and went seasonal. We have 3 dogs, and they eat a lot of food, so the discount was really nice to have. Shame he doesn't work there anymore, or I would go back there in a heartbeat. His new store is too far away .
                        Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                        Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                        The Office


                        • #13
                          Its not going to fade just being in her purse for less then a month. Unless it was printed using a thermal printer (which I'm sure it wasn't). It would have had to have been left on the dashboard of her car, and even then its iffy.

                          Thermal printing ink (like that used on most CC machines) breaks down in heat, Regular laser toner does not. I've left paperwork printed on my laser printer (HP 4050) out in my car for months with no problem at all.
                          My Karma ran over your dogma.


                          • #14
                            You'd be amazed at what people can do to paper in the space of a day, much less a month. Sometimes the scripts people bring in looks like it got delivered through a war zone, they're so beat up.

                            But still. She should know that the store would disallow the discount if the stub looked fishy. Besides, it's not like our discount is all that exciting. Sometimes when I'm just getting a drink and I can't find anyone in photo or cos, I'll just go get it rung out at regular price just so I can get back to work.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Jadedcarguy View Post
                              Ever have someone who doesn't work for your company ask for the employee discount? It happens to me about once a month.
                              Reminds me of that A&E special on that bastard Brian Eftenhoff, the guy who was convicted of killing his wife. He was more concerned about being able to retain his wife's employee discount status at Neiman Marcus rather than the well being and emotional strain of his family.

                              When I worked at Bellsouth, the worst people like this were the managers. I worked in a specialty group, and one of the functions was employee discounts. This lady who was in charge of it went home in tears one day because of this constant harassment of a manager 500 miles away. He had called at least eleven times in one day, plus he had sent several faxes, all to her. These calls and faxes were all scenarios with his phone service where he wanted to know what it would cost each month if had certain services, then what would it be without this one but adding another, or just internet and the phone, or just caller ID and call waiting, but adding internet, then DSL was a total nightmare. I had received this man on my phone, and when I went to her telling her he was asking for her, she broke down, asking me to tell him she went home for the day. This guy had driven her so crazy with these outlandish requests that she was ready to have a nervous breakdown.

                              I think employees like this and sometimes former employees who try to keep their discounts when they are let go or change careers are terrible people to deal with.
                              Last edited by greensinestro; 06-29-2007, 07:36 PM.

