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192 cans of cat food

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  • 192 cans of cat food

    We got a call today at my store which my cashier took. This is mostly from only hearin what she said.
    P: My awesome cashier
    D: Me

    P Hello thank you for calling. This is P speaking, how may I help you
    P: No I don't think we got them in. D, this woman says Manager ordered 8 cases of cat food for her did they come in.
    D: No they didn't.
    P; I'm sorry they didn't come in.
    D: OK I vote Manager has to ring this lady up.
    P; Yes I'm sure they didn't come in. No he isn't here, he is on vacation. He may not have order them. She says that he told her he ordered them on Saturday.
    D: If he ordered them on Saturday, they wouldn't have come on the truck.
    P; She say she called Wednesday. Yes I'm sure they aren't here, they would be on the floor and there are no piles in Isle 6. Delphae is here. Ok, Yes I'm sure they didn't come in they may be back ordered. Good bye.
    P: She said that she hates you.
    D: Who is she.
    P: I'm not telling, I don't want any hair pulling.
    D: I wouldn't pull her hair.
    P: She's the lady that Manager lets buy all that candy.
    D: Oh she hates me because I make her buy stuff instead of giving it to her.

    FYI each case is 24 cans. That means 192 cans that will need to be price moded. Manager better be hear when she shows.

    Please take responsability for your own problems
    The pharmacy has taken to sending me their problems. Yesterday was a gift card that won't work. Their gift card. Today I got this. The man wasn't sucky, they were.

    Delphae Line 1
    D Hello Delphae speaking how may I help you?
    Man (M): I don't know why they forwarded me to you.
    D; Well what is the problem?
    M; I wanted to know about a discount on perscriptions.
    D: Yah, I don't have a clue.
    M: They don't either.
    D: Sorry.

    I have decided that I am not learning to solve any Pharmacy problems, becuase they need to solve their own.

    No sale for you!

    This woman came in claming that on June 6 these little serving plates she bought and had since used were 20 % off, and she didn't get the sale price. However, nothing in the store was 20% off that week. So she returned them. Then she tried to buy the same plate, only new ones because they were half off. P the awesome cashier made her buy the old ones again.

    That's false advertising
    It is not false advertising lady, we don't carry everything in the flyer. The flyer is for several stores, and we are on the small end of our area. There is a disclaimer in the small print. Now stop your kid from throwing balls around Isle 6 and go.
    I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

    This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.

  • #2
    The only reason you would need 192 cans of cat food is if you're a CRAZY CAT LADY. Imagine what her house smells like...............
    I know nothing and I can prove it!


    • #3
      Quoth Jadedcarguy View Post
      Imagine what her house smells like...............
      I *know* what her house smells like--one of my paper route customers had *40* cats, 2 dogs, and a scraggly horse. Trust me, you can smell the place from 2 blocks away during the summer
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #4
        Quoth Jadedcarguy View Post
        The only reason you would need 192 cans of cat food is if you're a CRAZY CAT LADY. Imagine what her house smells like...............
        Not necessarily. If I see a good deal on cat food at the pet store or grocery store, I will buy as much as I can afford and take it to the MSPCA. There have been times when I have donated in excess of 200 cans of cat food.
        The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


        • #5
          I bet every grocery store has their own crazy cat lady.

          I know when I worked in a grocery store, we had ours...

          She would always buy two cartfuls of food; one for her, and one for her cats and dogs...

          And believe me, we knew she had lots of them... you could smell her the minute she came in the store... and then the smell lingered for a while after she left

          Worse thing was she didn't have a car; so after she was done buying her stuff, she'd call a cab from the pay phone and then she would just hang around at the front with the cashiers until her ride showed up...
          A few definitions:
          Beauty: What a woman has when she looks the same after washing her face. (Hal Roach)
          Humanity: A work in progress. (Tennessee Williams).


          • #6
            [QUOTE=Jadedcarguy;149804]The only reason you would need 192 cans of cat food is if you're a CRAZY CAT LADY. [QUOTE]

            Not really. I have 3 cats. They split one can of food each morning and a can each evening (no they are not fat cats even the vet agrees; one's nickname is "Skinny Cinny"). If we see a good sale we will stock up on food. That would be about a three month supply of food in our house (assuming the cans are the standard size and not the little fancy feast ones or giant ones).


            • #7
              Cans of cat food shouldn't be fed as the only part of a cat's diet, same as cans of dog food should not be the only part of a dog's diet. It's nice to supplement them, but not to use in place of dry food. However, some cats and dogs are picky enough to eat ONLY canned (or wet) food. Therefore, IMO, unless your cat or dog is that picky, canned food is a nice treat, but an unnecessary expense if money is tight.

              I am in no way, shape, or form suggesting that anyone here does that, just kind of an FYI for people who are curious or don't know.

              We never had anyone that I know of order that many cases of cat food, even if it was on sale, during the 2 years that I worked at a pet store. I think I did see some people go through with 8 cases of cat food once or twice, but they worked for the local cat shelter and got it on sale and tax exempt.

              IMHO, canned food is a bonus to a cat's diet, but their main diet should consist of dry food (as with dogs) since it is a healthier blend of nutrients and vitamins, and since it is better for their teeth. I know that dogs that get fed only dry food have significantly less plaque and tartar on their teeth then dogs that eat wet food mixed with dry. One of my dogs, now 11, didn't need to get her teeth cleaned until she was 9, and she hasn't needed it since. It really saves their teeth.

              /soapbox (Don't be mad, just giving an opinion. Not saying anyone is right or wrong.)
              Last edited by Shabo; 06-29-2007, 05:31 PM.
              Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
              Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
              The Office


              • #8
                Don't worry Shabo, I hear the same thing from my vet and my mom's vet. My cat gets half of a Fancy Feast can on Friday and Saturday nights, and that's it! It's my little bribe to her so that she lets me sleep past 5:00 am on the weekends. My cat has never needed her teeth cleaned.

                My mom's cat gets half a can morning and night EVERY night, and that cat goes in for cleanings about once a year, has had several abcessed teeth, and has lost a few recently. She is also about 7 years older than my cat, but the vet does stress a mostly dry diet. The problem now is that with 3 or 4 teeth missing it is hard for her to eat the dry food.
                The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                • #9
                  At the garden center, we had a crazy cat lady; however, despite the shedloads of cat hair on her person, she was brilliant cuz she'd always tell SCs off if they were being bloody to me. XD Hail to the cat lady!
                  People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                  My DeviantArt.


                  • #10
                    We give our cats wet every day because they prefer it, but we also leave a huge bucket of dry out for them and they nibble at it all day. We're just spoilers.

                    Also, I can conceive of buying 192 cans of cat food...but then again, we have upwards of 20 cats. Mostly strays who get dumped on us...a few pregnant ones included. We can't do much more for them, but we can fix the females (females are priority, males get fixed as we have spare money) so there's no more babies, feed them every day, and give them a big yard with a guard dog and warm dry places to sleep when it rains, which I think is better than making them take their chances with the animal shelter.

                    Their end of the deal involves why we don't have any mice, rats, roaches, or other vermin within a mile of the house. Now if we could just find a way for them to eat fireants, we'd have all the pests eliminated...
                    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                    • #11
                      40 cats! I'm pretty sure that's illegal! Weren't the neighbours complaining?
                      It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                      -Helen Keller

                      I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                      • #12
                        I used to feed Fat Cat and Baby one can of Fancy Feast two or three times a week as a treat. They shared it, but Fat Cat got most of it since she's such a hog.

                        Then there was that whole pet food scare and I've been terrified of wet food ever since.

                        Gramma's cat that she gave to us, Fanta, is really fat and spoiled. Gramma fed him at least two cans of Fancy Feast a day. He is a total stereotypical fat old orange tabby tom cat. He is not happy that we've put him on a diet. His legs will thank him soon enough.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          She is donateing the food. We have a sale again next week and I ordered 1 case of each (before this call). She is not buying all of the cases and not leaving any for anyone else.
                          I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

                          This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.


                          • #14
                            Well, going by what everybody's posting in another thread, what if she's a dealer buying tons of cat food for resale, thereby depriving other customers who only need a can or two?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Shabo View Post
                              Cans of cat food shouldn't be fed as the only part of a cat's diet, same as cans of dog food should not be the only part of a dog's diet. It's nice to supplement them, but not to use in place of dry food. However, some cats and dogs are picky enough to eat ONLY canned (or wet) food. Therefore, IMO, unless your cat or dog is that picky, canned food is a nice treat, but an unnecessary expense if money is tight.

                              I am in no way, shape, or form suggesting that anyone here does that, just kind of an FYI for people who are curious or don't know.

                              We never had anyone that I know of order that many cases of cat food, even if it was on sale, during the 2 years that I worked at a pet store. I think I did see some people go through with 8 cases of cat food once or twice, but they worked for the local cat shelter and got it on sale and tax exempt.

                              IMHO, canned food is a bonus to a cat's diet, but their main diet should consist of dry food (as with dogs) since it is a healthier blend of nutrients and vitamins, and since it is better for their teeth. I know that dogs that get fed only dry food have significantly less plaque and tartar on their teeth then dogs that eat wet food mixed with dry. One of my dogs, now 11, didn't need to get her teeth cleaned until she was 9, and she hasn't needed it since. It really saves their teeth.

                              /soapbox (Don't be mad, just giving an opinion. Not saying anyone is right or wrong.)
                              My dog only eats wet because she is missing alot of her teeth and its to difficult for her to chew dry.

