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Stay in Your own state

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  • Stay in Your own state

    Two annoying customers:

    Stay In your own state then:I work in at a Pet store between Iowa and Illinois. Iowa charges sales taxes for services, IL does not.

    This lady comes up and has a nail trim to be rang up
    SC-Sucky Customer

    Me: That will be 8.56
    SC: There should not be any tax
    Me: There's tax on services
    SC: Well there is not supposed to be
    Me: Yes, there is. Are you not from Iowa
    SC: No, but you cannot charge sales tax on a service. That is ridiculous
    Me: I did not charge you the sales tax the government charged you and in Iowa we pretty much tax everything except for food.
    SC: Well that's the dumbest thing I ever heard

    Me: Thinking well then get your nail trims in IL from now on

    It's cheaper on line
    SC brings up a Hairball control remedy for cats
    SC: how much is this
    Me: 4.99
    SC: Is it cheaper if I buy a lot of them
    Me: No sorry
    SC: I can get it for $2.25 on line at a different store
    Me: Oh, ok. (Your point is...)
    SC: This is ridiculous that it is so much more expensive here then on line
    Me: Probably because they charge for shipping and we don't
    SC: Still its cheaper there

    Interesting enough she ended up buying 7 cases of it at the store.

  • #2
    I get people complaining about taxes all the time. A lof of those who comlpain are the American customers who come up to shop at my store. Apparently there aren;t many Ikeas in the states.
    Anyway, in Ontario tax is 14%. 6% GST and 8% PST.
    They (along with a lot of regular Canadian customer) are always apalled at howmuch we tax for things, but what everyone seems to be forgetting is that our taxes make it so that we can have things like National Health Care.

    One day when I was having a particularly bad day at work a customer was complaining about taxes.
    All I could say in response to her was, "Well if it weren't for our taxes that cast you have on your arm would have cost a whole lot more than nothing."
    She shut up pretty fast.


    • #3
      Quoth i4wolves View Post
      SC: Well that's the dumbest thing I ever heard
      Every time I hear a customer say that I want to say "Well, that makes two of us" but I'm afraid they won't realize that I'm referring to what they said.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        Quoth i4wolves View Post
        Two annoying customers:

        Me: Yes, there is. Are you not from Iowa
        SC: No, but you cannot charge sales tax on a service. That is ridiculous
        Me: I did not charge you the sales tax the government charged you and in Iowa we pretty much tax everything except for food.
        SC: Well that's the dumbest thing I ever heard

        In Florida, whenever I hear how ridiculous things are here, and "in New York, we don't do that", you just want to tell them that if things are so great there, why the f**k don't you move back there and get out of my state?

        I also love it where they say it is you personally charging them a tax or a fee they don't like. When they tell you it's the dumbest thing they ever heard, it's as if they've never ever been anywhere the taxes are charged. Is there really a person out there that has never paid a tax on anything?


        • #5
          One of the great things about living along the coast in southern california is that we are over 300 miles from the nearest other state (nevada and arizona). So we don't get folks around here to much who aren't used to paying sales tax.
          My Karma ran over your dogma.


          • #6
            What I hate are the foreign tourists who complain about odd amounts and then tell me, "you should get rid of the penny!". As if the merchants have any say in that whatsoever. Pay it and shut the hell up!

            "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


            • #7
              Quoth digilight View Post
              One of the great things about living along the coast in southern california is that we are over 300 miles from the nearest other state (nevada and arizona). So we don't get folks around here to much who aren't used to paying sales tax.
              Unless you have a moronic Oregonian who insists that their state laws still apply to them regardless of where they are


              • #8
                Quoth rerant View Post
                I get people complaining about taxes all the time. A lof of those who comlpain are the American customers who come up to shop at my store. Apparently there aren;t many Ikeas in the states.
                Anyway, in Ontario tax is 14%. 6% GST and 8% PST.
                They (along with a lot of regular Canadian customer) are always apalled at howmuch we tax for things, but what everyone seems to be forgetting is that our taxes make it so that we can have things like National Health Care.

                One day when I was having a particularly bad day at work a customer was complaining about taxes.
                All I could say in response to her was, "Well if it weren't for our taxes that cast you have on your arm would have cost a whole lot more than nothing."
                She shut up pretty fast.
                yeah im pretty sure there are only three american Ikeas ... *runs off to google* go apparantle theres is a whole lot more but there isnt one in every state.


                • #9
                  Well gee whiz, IIRC the sales tax in Iowa is around 5% - 5-1/2%. I pay 6%.

                  Some people's kids just don't understand that you pay the taxes of whatever state you are in and smile about it because it could be worse.
                  Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                  I'm a case study.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Cia View Post
                    Some people's kids just don't understand that you pay the taxes of whatever state you are in and smile about it because it could be worse.
                    And then, there are those kids who go on trips to Washington DC, visit the Library of Congress, and go to the gift shop, then show shock that the prices on each item are precisely what you pay for them.
                    "What about the sales tax?" asked I to the clerk.
                    "There's no sales tax in Washington DC."
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      30 Ikeas in the US. Soon to be 35. 8 of those are in California. Being a Californian, I thought those places were more ubiquitous than they really are. I don't actually like most Ikea furniture, so I never actually shop there.

                      I don't get how people can not understand about sales tax. It's not like it's rocket science.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        We have a sales tax exempt policy for residents of certain states, but the process for those who are not already set up in our system, is a bit cumbersome, and holds up the line, so if someone happens to just make an offhand comment that they're from out of state, I don't volunteer the info.

                        I, personally, resent out of staters expecting to not pay sales tax. Not so much for the above stated reason, but when they are in this state, I believe they should pay their fair share. I suppose it could be argued that they pay for any road usage with the purchase of gas and the associated gas tax, but, they would get the same emergency services, should they need them, fire, police, aid, that a resident would which are paid through the sales tax.
                        Many of them are pretty nice when requesting it, but there are some that have the snobbish, entitled attitude.



                        • #13
                          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                          30 Ikeas in the US. Soon to be 35. 8 of those are in California. Being a Californian, I thought those places were more ubiquitous than they really are. I don't actually like most Ikea furniture, so I never actually shop there.

                          I don't get how people can not understand about sales tax. It's not like it's rocket science.

                          HEY KNEW THERE WAS A THREE IN IT...... somewhere...


                          • #14
                            *cough cough*

                            Ignorant tourists from Minnesota who come to Wisconsin and royally flip out when they find out that Wsconsin has sales tax on clothing.

                            This happened a lot at the clothing store. I always wondered why they didn't just stay in MN and buy clothes there. No sales tax, plus Mall of America and even some other malls are WAY bigger and WAY better than our piddly malls here.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Quoth i4wolves View Post
                              SC: I can get it for $2.25 on line at a different store

                              "Oh, but the book is cheaper online at!!"

                              Yeah, and you have a choice of between First Class, Priority Mail, and Express Mail. Overnight will cost you the "discount" you got for the book in many cases. Priority mail is a shoot for 5 days, and First Class? Not for big lots of books!!

