This happened just before I left work to go on holiday, so I didn't have time to write it.
So, a girl comes up to the bar. First thing she says is annoying.
SC: Hi, I work at <bar name>. Give me my employees discount.
She thrusts a payslip and her I.D into my hands.
Me: OK, I'll just arrange that for you.
SC: OK, but hurry up!
Me: So what's it like working at <bar name>?
SC: Why is that important? Just give me what I asked for!
Me: OK...what can I get you?
SC: Give me <order here> and get it out soon! I work for the same company you know! So make sure they get it to me quick!
My annoyance was beginning to show. This girl works for the same company as me, she of all people should know the crap we have to put up with from people. Why is she acting like this?
Me: OK, so that is £xx.xx.
SC: What? What discount have you given me?
Me: 20%.
SC: What?? What about 50%?
Me: Well, 50% is only for employees of THIS bar, not all bars.
SC: That is absolutely ridiculous!
She walked away, and boy that was not the end of it. She returned about 15 minutes later, and banged her meal on the bar top.
SC: This is horrible!
Me: What was wrong with it?
SC: I don't like it! Give me my money back!
Me: What was wrong with it? Was it cold? Burnt?
SC: Umm, cold! It was cold!
A complete lie, obviously. But I just wanted her to go away, so I gave her her money back.
SC: Can I speak to the manager?
Me: OK.
I get the manager, and I watch their conversation. Now, bare in mind, the manager has no idea who this girl is, or how rude she has been. The girl walked away looking very happy, and so did the manager.
Manager: That's great!
Me: What?
Manager: She's from <bar name>. She just asked for a transfer! Its so great to be taking someone on with a bit of experience for a change!
Me: Um, do you know what she just did?
I told him what she said and what she had been like. Boy, he was not impressed.
Manager: She what? And she wants to work here? After severely pissing off the person who is going to be her supervisor??
Me: Yeah, she must be insane.
Manager: No way is she working here. Her of ALL people should know the types of crazies we have to deal with in here, she has completely betrayed us.
He rung her up and told her there were no positions available.
So, a girl comes up to the bar. First thing she says is annoying.
SC: Hi, I work at <bar name>. Give me my employees discount.
She thrusts a payslip and her I.D into my hands.
Me: OK, I'll just arrange that for you.
SC: OK, but hurry up!
Me: So what's it like working at <bar name>?
SC: Why is that important? Just give me what I asked for!
Me: OK...what can I get you?
SC: Give me <order here> and get it out soon! I work for the same company you know! So make sure they get it to me quick!
My annoyance was beginning to show. This girl works for the same company as me, she of all people should know the crap we have to put up with from people. Why is she acting like this?
Me: OK, so that is £xx.xx.
SC: What? What discount have you given me?
Me: 20%.
SC: What?? What about 50%?
Me: Well, 50% is only for employees of THIS bar, not all bars.
SC: That is absolutely ridiculous!
She walked away, and boy that was not the end of it. She returned about 15 minutes later, and banged her meal on the bar top.
SC: This is horrible!
Me: What was wrong with it?
SC: I don't like it! Give me my money back!
Me: What was wrong with it? Was it cold? Burnt?
SC: Umm, cold! It was cold!
A complete lie, obviously. But I just wanted her to go away, so I gave her her money back.
SC: Can I speak to the manager?
Me: OK.
I get the manager, and I watch their conversation. Now, bare in mind, the manager has no idea who this girl is, or how rude she has been. The girl walked away looking very happy, and so did the manager.
Manager: That's great!
Me: What?
Manager: She's from <bar name>. She just asked for a transfer! Its so great to be taking someone on with a bit of experience for a change!
Me: Um, do you know what she just did?
I told him what she said and what she had been like. Boy, he was not impressed.
Manager: She what? And she wants to work here? After severely pissing off the person who is going to be her supervisor??
Me: Yeah, she must be insane.
Manager: No way is she working here. Her of ALL people should know the types of crazies we have to deal with in here, she has completely betrayed us.
He rung her up and told her there were no positions available.