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The customer can never listen...

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  • The customer can never listen...

    I thought of about three incidents that happened within the past few days. Three things that show that even if you KNOW what you are talking about, the customer will just assume that you don't know shit and ignore you.

    First one:

    Woman comes in looking for a phone. She has [competitor] and is thinking of switching. She wants to know what we have that can do text, has a full keypad, camera. She doesn't want a business phone, nor does she want a data plan, just text. I narrow it down to one phone that my store carries that BEST suits her needs. She blows me off. Why? Because her Dad has the same phone and she doesn't want the same thing he has. So she asks me if I have [competitors] phone, and I explain to her that the phone I showed her is the closest to what [competitor] sells and that it will best suit the needs she presented to me. She looks at everything but what I wanted to show her and leaves. Whatever.


    Guy calls on phone. Asking a ton of questions about business devices and rate plans. Makes a big deal about wanting to check websites and do his email. Apparently, someone at some other store told him he could use one of the phone internet plans to get internet. All good and fine, but he wants a data device. He wants to use his email constantly. Any PDA device MUST have a PDA plan a) so you qualify for the rebate b) or else they'll shut your service off because you're using more than your paying for. NEWSFLASH- unlimited isn't necessarily unlimited. It means that the service is unlimited for the average user. If you hit over a certain amount of usage, you WILL be cut off. You will not be given notice; it just happens. I explain this to the customer. I tell him what he NEEDS. So, what does he keep asking me...over and over and over... If he can use the cheaper phone plan. I finally got fed up and just told him to do whatever he wanted. Obviously, he didn't want to listen to my advice, even though I tried 3 times to tell him what would be in his best interest. Fuck it. He can buy the device, not get his rebate, and bitch all he wants when his service is cut off. I tried to tell him.

    Instance number three:

    This is indirect. This started with my co-workers and culminated in a return cycle that ended with me today (in the midst of one of the shit-storms I described in another thread).

    Lady comes in with a Treo. She needs to swap it for a Blackberry. Apparently, the Treo doesn't support whatever email client she was running.

    Best part is, the person who ORIGINALLY did her sale, sold her the Blackberry. She came and exchanged it for the Treo because she insisted on having a Treo... Even though when she came in to do the exchange the SECOND salesperson told her that she would most likely have problems with her email and should consider sticking with her Blackberry.

    Dear customers:
    Do some homework before you go shopping, ask your salesperson some questions, and for the LOVE OF GOD if they tell you something maybe...just maybe...consider their advice. TRUST ME we don't want you coming back with your we certainly will do our DAMNDEST to make sure you are happy and have what you need. (not saying I mind helping legit customers who bought from me, and will continue to buy from me...but we don't go out of our way to CAUSE problems.)

    End rant....

    Thank god tomorrow is the 4th and we are CLOSED.
    I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

  • #2
    Yesh.... I feel special now. The good kind, not the short-bus kind. The only time I've ever gone into a cell-phone shop not knowing exactly what worked best for me is because I was wanting to compare the physical shapes of a couple different, nearly-identical phones to see which one I liked best.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      As part of my research into a new phone DF, I have a couple of questions for you. As to the plan for my phone, I'll have to work that out with my carrier here in Canadaland.

      I was going to get a Treo because I had heard that they were the easiest to sync with a Mac. That is one of the reasons why I want one. I would like my calender (iCal), appointments and address' to all match. I want to be able to email, text, and possibly IM. I also want to be able to access the internet. What do you think?

      I hope you don't mind my asking you about work, on your down time. If so, I understand your not responding.
      "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

      a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm


      • #4
        With the easy availability of the internet, I can't imagine NOT researching something I want to buy. I guess that's why I'm not an SC.

        Last month I bought a new cell phone, my old one had gotten wet at work and wasn't working right. So I did the research and narrowed it down to three models. Once in the store, I asked the CSR his opinion on the three phones and then...(dramatic pause)...I took the one he recommended! I love my new phone.


        • #5
          Quoth justZu View Post
          Last month I bought a new cell phone, my old one had gotten wet at work and wasn't working right. So I did the research and narrowed it down to three models. Once in the store, I asked the CSR his opinion on the three phones and then...(dramatic pause)...I took the one he recommended! I love my new phone.
          How could you? Suppose the CSR of that store is a member here and is just DYING for a story to post...

          Tsk, tsk.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth The Gatekeeper View Post
            I was going to get a Treo because I had heard that they were the easiest to sync with a Mac. That is one of the reasons why I want one. I would like my calender (iCal), appointments and address' to all match. I want to be able to email, text, and possibly IM. I also want to be able to access the internet. What do you think?
            On that one, I'll be honest...I'm not sure. I know that you can sync the device and store calendar, contacts, appointments. I know you can email, text and IM. You most certainly can access the internet. If you are unsure of how it works with your Mac, I would suggest calling your carrier's technical support department. They will know more specific things than your salesperson will.

            If ever I don't know the answer to a question for a customer, that's who I call. Plus, once I learn the answer, I don't need to call them next time. In my short time in the business I've learned a little about Blackberry, but it's the only Data device I've really had to set up for anyone, so I don't know much about the others, yet.

            Also- If you're looking for Direct Push for the email, there may be an option available for that through your carrier as well, but it may require you to download some extra software for the Treo. The only device I know of (or at least that my store sells) that does Direct Push off the bat is the Blackberry.

            I hope that helps you a little.
            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


            • #7
              Quoth justZu View Post
              Last month I bought a new cell phone, my old one had gotten wet at work and wasn't working right. So I did the research and narrowed it down to three models. Once in the store, I asked the CSR his opinion on the three phones and then...(dramatic pause)...I took the one he recommended! I love my new phone.
              Exactly! When I got onto hubby's plan, I told the salesdude what I needed. Big buttons, flip phone. And I got a phone that is perfect for me. It's not hard to tell them what you need, and then listen to them. You'll get what you need!


              • #8
                On a similar note, it really irks me when someone comes up and tries to tell me what to do based on what they think I need to do to get them what they want. This is usually perpetrated by my boss, not customers. Thankfully, when I tell him to stop and just tell me what result he wants, he does so.

                Now if only the customers could be trained to just do that.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth DesignFox View Post
                  Best part is, the person who ORIGINALLY did her sale, sold her the Blackberry. She came and exchanged it for the Treo because she insisted on having a Treo... Even though when she came in to do the exchange the SECOND salesperson told her that she would most likely have problems with her email and should consider sticking with her Blackberry.
                  You can lead a horse to water...
                  I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                  Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                  • #10
                    Quoth DesignFox View Post

                    NEWSFLASH- unlimited isn't necessarily unlimited. It means that the service is unlimited for the average user. If you hit over a certain amount of usage, you WILL be cut off.
                    I'm contacting my customers so that you can stop by their homes & explain "unlimited" to them. I get so many ppl emailing me, IN ALL CAPS (screaming), that they were told they could get unlimited time online & that should mean "unlimited," not unlimited until we say you're limited. *sigh* So anyway, just be there by 5 P.M. EST. Thx. LOL
                    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                    • #11
                      Why? Because her Dad has the same phone and she doesn't want the same thing he has.
                      Did she not want the same phone because he had problems with it or there was something about it she didn't like or ... because she just didn't want the same phone as daddy?

                      I have the same phone as my dad...cuz when I got it he added an extra line on his plan and got the new phone, and switched the number so I got his old phone; then when the old phone was up for replacement he just got the same one he had and I paid him back. I only use it for the occasional call and text messages (he added a text plan to my line)...I don't need anything crazy and I really don't care as long as it works when I need it
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Quoth The Gatekeeper View Post
                        I was going to get a Treo because I had heard that they were the easiest to sync with a Mac. That is one of the reasons why I want one. I would like my calender (iCal), appointments and address' to all match. I want to be able to email, text, and possibly IM. I also want to be able to access the internet. What do you think?
                        My Blackberry synchs marvelously with my iCal, etc. And my 8700 is a DREAM for texting (so is the Curve; I hated the partial keyboard for the Pearl, but that's just me. My boyfriend can type over 60 wpm on it). And IMHO, Blackberries are the best for data, since they have the smartest compression, on both the device and network level (you can research this; I'm no expert, so please do your own homework. However, let's just say that about half the population of my town works for RIM, so we know our Blackberries pretty well. And now you know where I live :P).

                        I'm not a great ambassador for Blackberry, since I criminally underuse my device. But it's still the best option for me, as 99% of my usage ends up being voice, texting and PDA stuff (like iCal), and my Blackberry does these things flawlessly.

                        And OMIGOD, don't get an iPhone thinking because it's from Apple that it's the best to work with your Mac. Typing on those things is PAINFUL. Touchscreen is a disaster for the avid texter. It may work well enough as a phone and for wifi web browsing (and yes, the device is super pretty), but texting will suck, and internet over your data plan will be slow and expensive. For an individual picking up the tab for their own data plan, the last thing you want is the "whole internet".

                        But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.


                        • #13
                          I have no interest in the iPhone. First off, I'm in Canada, and there is officially *coughRogerscough* not provider yet. Second, it's way over priced.

                          Thanks for your opinion on the Blackberry. I do think they are really cool too.
                          "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

                          a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm


                          • #14
                            Quoth The Gatekeeper View Post
                            I was going to get a Treo because I had heard that they were the easiest to sync with a Mac. That is one of the reasons why I want one. I would like my calender (iCal), appointments and address' to all match. I want to be able to email, text, and possibly IM. I also want to be able to access the internet. What do you think?
                            There's a program called 'The missing Sync" or something extremely close to that. One of the techs I work with is a macaholic and she suggests that to anyone with a mac who buys a Treo.

                            DF - I feel your pain. Being a tech no one *ever* wants to listen to my suggestions. Back up your PDA, buy an extened battery and/or an extra charger since you're talking on the phone 4 hours a day. Get a leather case to protect the phone, DON'T USE THE PHONE DURING A DOWNPOUR. If you want a phone that works, don't buy the cheapest piece of $h!t out there. I wouldn't expect a Kia to perform like a BMW.
                            Quote Dalesys:
                            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
                              . I get so many ppl emailing me, IN ALL CAPS (screaming), that they were told they could get unlimited time online & that should mean "unlimited," not unlimited until we say you're limited. *sigh*
                              Well, while I'm certainly not defending their 'screaming' at you, they do have a point. "Unlimited" means 'without limits'. If there is a limit ('reasonable', 'average' or not), then it is not "unlimited".

