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Scottish Jello Wrestling

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  • Scottish Jello Wrestling

    annnd back to work...


    Just once I'd like to get through a week without a clerk at the 7/11 telling me "I'm always glad to see you because it means I get to go home soon!".

    Its Always the Parkades...

    SC: "There's a car in the parking lot with its alarm going off!"
    Me: "Unfortunately, that's not considered an emergency. "
    SC: "So then what if there's a fire or flood or something?"
    Me: "That would be an emergency. Then I would be able to contact the on call property manager."
    SC: "Ok, so then say if there was a flood in a suite?"
    Me: "There would have to *really* be a flood in a suite."
    SC: "Well then what if you do if the list is incomplete or out of date! Wouldn't common sense take over?"
    Me: "The list is complete and up to date."

    -and my common sense is telling me to drag you down to the shipyards and stuff you into a randomly selected shipping crate. Well, ok, maybe that's just the voices. But I do have full confidence I their judgment. Don't doubt me, I know the security guard's schedule ( The shipyard guards have to check in with us hourly <cough> ). They'd never find you in time. The next time you glimpse the warming light of the sun it'll be shining down on you from behind a pyramid.


    Me: "and your postal code?"
    SC: "That I don't know."

    Psst! I'll let you in on a little secret. But only if you promise to tell no one, its very personal and embarrassing…..ready? I don't know what it is either. Wow, eh? Whew, damn, now that I got that off my chest I feel like a great burden has been lifted from my shoulders! I feel free fro-…..wait, damn, you're still on the line, aren't you?

    Skytrain Chatter
    ( I seriously heard this from the pack of girls in front of me... )

    Girl 1: "Big guy, about 6'3, blond, wears a kilt."
    Girl 2: "Oh, is that the one that does jello wrestling?"
    Girl 1: "Yeah."

    Wait, what? Wow, downtown Vancouver is more exciting then I thought? Scottish Jello Wrestling? Sign me up!

    Surprise, Grandma!

    Me: "Good evening, <company> Bathroom-"
    Ow: "Hello?"
    Me: "Hi."
    Ow: "Who's this?"
    Me: "<company> Bathroom."
    Ow: "Hello?"
    SC: "<Some guy comes on the line> Nanna, are you interested in getting a bathtub?"
    Ow: "What? No."

    Because this is what the elderly enjoy: Surprise 4am conference calls from their grand children to an infomercial line. Who the hell does this? Its one thing to inflict your stupidity on me at 4 am, at least they pay me for it. But dragging your unwilling elderly relatives into it is going above and beyond the call of whatever it is you consider your duty. So just put the phone down and go back to your true calling: Turning beer into pee.

    Divine Installation

    Me: "Ok, what software are you using?"
    SC: "Oh, Jesus."

    Somehow I doubt the second coming of Christ will require us to choose a destination directory.


    <Older female client of ours> offered me breakfast this morning. She did not specify when, where or in what context. I'm a bit afraid to leave the building now.

    Air ball

    SC: "I booked a room at such and such hotel-"
    Me: "Ok, unfortunately I don't have any travel agents in that can assist you yet. They don't arrive until 8am pacific."
    SC: "Oh, ok. So anyway, the problem is-"

    Did you at least feel the air current when that sailed over your head? I thought I was pitching pretty low there. Any lower and I'd be aiming at your face. Not that I have any problem with that mind you. But I do like to make at least one attempt at gently tossing people a clue before I move on to more drastic measures that may result in facial reconstruction surgery. Still, if you insist...

    Was actually pretty quiet last night. I'm hoping the trend continues. =p

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    SC: "There's a car in the parking lot with its alarm going off!"
    Me: "Unfortunately, that's not considered an emergency. "
    'Cause you know, the first thing I think when I hear a car alarm is "Oh no. A car is being stolen."
    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


    • #3
      Scottish Jello Wrestling... mmmm... Men in kilts AND Jello! Woot! I want front row seats.... hehe
      hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
      1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
      2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
      3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Surprise, Grandma!

        Me: "Good evening, <company> Bathroom-"
        Ow: "Hello?"
        Me: "Hi."
        Ow: "Who's this?"
        Me: "<company> Bathroom."
        Ow: "Hello?"
        SC: "<Some guy comes on the line> Nanna, are you interested in getting a bathtub?"
        Ow: "What? No."

        Because this is what the elderly enjoy: Surprise 4am conference calls from their grand children to an infomercial line. Who the hell does this? Its one thing to inflict your stupidity on me at 4 am, at least they pay me for it. But dragging your unwilling elderly relatives into it is going above and beyond the call of whatever it is you consider your duty. So just put the phone down and go back to your true calling: Turning beer into pee.

        Air ball

        SC: "I booked a room at such and such hotel-"
        Me: "Ok, unfortunately I don't have any travel agents in that can assist you yet. They don't arrive until 8am pacific."
        SC: "Oh, ok. So anyway, the problem is-"

        Did you at least feel the air current when that sailed over your head? I thought I was pitching pretty low there. Any lower and I'd be aiming at your face. Not that I have any problem with that mind you. But I do like to make at least one attempt at gently tossing people a clue before I move on to more drastic measures that may result in facial reconstruction surgery. Still, if you insist...
        Lesson the first: It's never too early to interest your grandparents in proper hygeine. No wait, that's not it. Hmm... It's never too late to rewrite your will to exclude those idiot relatives! That's it!

        Lesson the second: anything said on the phone comes over as a pleasant sound of waves crashing if it isn't immediately what the person wants to hear.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          gk do post those storys to get your fangirls thinking about you in kilts, in a tub of jello or fuming and ready to kill


          • #6
            Has this been said? Has it been explained? WHERE THE HELL DO YOU WORK, anyway? You're a travel agent, no, something to do with security and/or emergencies? Bath...rooms...? This is not a question actually seeking answer, necessarily. I'm just expressing the fact that you seem to be the Jack of All Trades wrapped up in a surly, sarcasm-weilding, night-phone-answering exterior.


            • #7
              Quoth MinimaMagistra View Post
              you seem to be the Jack of All Trades wrapped up in a surly, sarcasm-weilding, night-phone-answering exterior.
              You got it!!

              (FTR, he works in a call center with multiple clients, and late at night he gets to deal with 'em all! Lucky for...well, US! And he rides the Skytrain which is apparently just all kinds of fun...I'll have to come up to BC in the middle of the night sometime...)
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                scottish jello wrestling? sign me up! after all, you know what a 'true' scot wears beneath his kilt, don't you?
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #9
                  Like the new kitty icon Gravekeeper, he's very fearsome (that or he has gas, I'm not quite sure.)
                  I thought for a second that I clicked on the wrong thread when I didn't see a hairless cat/rat icon.
                  Last edited by Soulstealer; 07-05-2007, 08:35 PM.
                  How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                    Just once I'd like to get through a week without a clerk at the 7/11 telling me "I'm always glad to see you because it means I get to go home soon!".
                    I know the feeling. My coworkers like to tell me that they love to hear my voice, because it means their day is almost over.

                    Also, the clerk at my 7/11 always does the sing-songy "off to work?" when I stop in for caffiene and magazines on my way in.
                    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      Divine Installation

                      Me: "Ok, what software are you using?"
                      SC: "Oh, Jesus."

                      Somehow I doubt the second coming of Christ will require us to choose a destination directory.
                      lol, sorry, we had a good laugh over the "destination directory" part.
                      ie:divine destination (heaven/hell/valhalla/etc)
                      yeah overtired now

                      Hobby Twitter.


                      • #12
                        Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                        scottish jello wrestling? sign me up! after all, you know what a 'true' scot wears beneath his kilt, don't you?
                        I have to take this moment to continue my personal crusade to inform people that
                        under his kilt
                        a true scot
                        wore Braes.
                        They were the early version of Boxers, made out of linen or softly felted wool.
                        Scotland is about forty to sixty degrees fahrenheit in JULY. I know this from personal experience. It's also a misty windy sort of place. Consider for a moment the physical discomfort if a man in a kilt and nothing else was to go out in that weather with everything ahem, hanging in the wind. Ahhhhhhh Noo.
                        "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


                        • #13
                          Quoth Sofar View Post
                          'Cause you know, the first thing I think when I hear a car alarm is "Oh no. A car is being stolen."
                          Yeah, more like, "Oh no, the wind blew a leaf across the car hood."
                          Quoth NotSoInnocent View Post
                          Scottish Jello Wrestling... mmmm... Men in kilts AND Jello! Woot! I want front row seats.... hehe
                          Save me a seat! I'll even bring popcorn!
                          Last edited by XCashier; 07-05-2007, 10:34 PM.
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                            Like the new kitty icon Gravekeeper, he's very fearsome (that or he has gas, I'm not quite sure.)
                            I thought for a second that I clicked on the wrong thread when I didn't see a hairless cat/rat icon.
                            Apparently my last hairless flesh beast icon was too frightening for some viewers. So I relented. For now.....

                            Oh, and my family's scottish. We have our own tartan and everything. So I have a clear excuse to wear a kilt if I so desire. So na na. =p


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Apparently my last hairless flesh beast icon was too frightening for some viewers. So I relented. For now.....
                              I liked the hairless the hat...
                              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

