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Behold the darkness in my heart

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  • Behold the darkness in my heart

    Yesterday was bad. I don't even want to get into it, but it was a day off and it sucked something awful. I'm hating my power company right now, it's really a shame they're the only ones around and I'd never survive without my electronic luxuries.

    Speaking of suck, I did work Monday and Tuesday, and here is transcribed every harrowing detail of that little adventure:

    SW = Sucky Woman
    SM = Sucky Man
    ME =

    I just gave this post a quick once-over before submitting, and I'm a little shocked by how full of evil it is. Oh well, after yesterday (power outage + trying to keep the basement from flooding = maximum suck), I don't care.

    I can almost see your point

    SM: I can't pay this bill, so you need to give me a credit.
    ME: I'm afraid that, although they are quite high, the charges are valid and there is no credit I'd be able to give you.
    SM: Sigh, well, you know, I'll be filing bankruptcy next month, I'd sure hate to have to include you guys in that.
    ME: But if you do, once your account is settled, it would still be possible to have service with us again.
    SM: Okay, here's the deal. I work for Orkin pest control, so I know how these things work. I know that you can talk to a manager who can make things happen.

    First of all, no. Secondly, I'm trying to connect the dots between Exterminators and Customer Care. You kill bugs, I destroy the hopes and dreams of people trying to get credits and/or free stuff for random reasons (note - keep this in mind for later on, it will be important and there will be a test). But although we do both deal in death, that still doesn't entitle you to any credit at all.


    ME: What's the problem you're having with the phone?
    SW: Well, okay. Last night, I went to sleep.
    ME: O..k...
    SW: And this morning, I woke up.
    ME: ...
    SW: ...

    So... you managed to not die in your sleep. While I can see how this has created a problem for me, I'm a little fuzzy on what this has to do with anything else.

    "Hate" isn't strong enough

    SM: I need a new phone. My last one got ran over.
    ME: I'm sorry to hear that. I see here you just activated in November, and you had the Blackberry XXXX. It looks like you didn't enroll in insurance, but we can still look at our upgrade program to see what kind of discount you'd be eligible for.
    SM: Okay, but I'm not paying for it.
    ME: Well, I still have that model available, and it would be $249.99.
    SM: I said I'm not paying for it.
    ME: Unfortunately, I don't have that phone for free.
    SM: Look you guys already made me pay you $500 in March. Now you expect me to PAY for a phone?
    ME: ... I see here you did go over your minutes that month by-
    SM: That's because I figured there was a cap and you wouldn't let me go over by very much.
    ME: But you were aware of how to check the minutes?
    ME: That's not the point. I wanted to find out what the limit was, and then I found out there isn't one, and that's just ridiculous. Then you wouldn't give me a credit, so I canceled. But after 1 day, I realized I can't live without by Blackberry, so I turned it back on and paid the bill.

    Yeah, it was so crucial to your survival, you managed to somehow be so careless as to run it over. The actual memo I left on his account: "Cust ci b/c got bberry when activated in 11/2006 // alas, it lost a dispute with a vehicle and exists no more // cust wants another one, adv $249.99 w/2 year // cust wants free, adv not eligible for discount // cust threatened to cxl, adv ETF will apply // cust feels this is unfair b/c went over mins in 03/2007, though stated he was using mins to determine the "limit" of overage allowable only to find there is none, which he finds unacceptable // adv charges are valid // cust hung up without making any changes"


    Yet another customer telling me all the reasons why she deserves a free phone because of whatever stupid reason she thinks will justify it. I hit my "Mute" button and said, "Oh boo-hoo." Then I realized I had already been muted, so I had unmuted myself before saying it. Luckily, the customer was too busy running her mouth to notice. I did remute in time to proclaim "Oh Sh*t!"

    The Grudge

    SM: I want to cancel because you overcharged me! And I want you to send me a hard copy showing you've canceled my account!
    ME: I'm sorry to hear you're looking to cancel. When were you overcharged?
    SM: Last September. I've been in service since 1989, and you wouldn't give me a credit!
    ME: I'm definitely sorry to hear that. I could look at-
    SM: I said I want to cancel! Are you deaf?
    ME: ... Okay, sure.
    SM: And I want you to send this conversation to me in writing.
    ME: I'm afraid I can't do that.
    SM: Why not? You can send me a bill.
    ME: Yes, because I have a system that makes your bill every month. I don't have a system that allows me to send you anything in writing.
    SM: Then get on a typewriter and do it yourself.
    ME: I can't do that.
    SM: Why not?
    ME: Because it's a violation of privacy laws. I can't send you any documentation relating to your account other than your bill.
    SM: Why is that?
    ME: Because I don't know who will be there to receive it.
    SM: Fine. Then I'll send a letter to your corporate office and they'll be smart enough to figure out how to type a damn letter.

    Yeah, you do that. The department that handles written correspondence doesn't make any account changes and also can't break the law for you. But good luck with that.

    We all float down here

    CSR: Hi, I have a customer on the line who wants to add her daughter to her account.
    ME: That's great. But I'm afraid this isn't the right department. We don't activate here. We do the opposite.
    CSR: Oops, sorry.

    You seek to create? Fie, leave this place. Only death and despair exist here.

    China Go

    SW: I cancel my service, I move to China.
    ME: I'm definitely sorry to here we're going to be losing you. Do you know when you're moving?
    SW: Uh... August... what? Oh, August 2nd.
    ME: Wow. What an amazing coincidence. You couldn't have timed it any better. That just so happens to be the same day your contract ends.

    We get so many dealers posing as customers, I just can't resist the temptation to mess with them at least a little.

    King Asshat

    SM: I demand compensation! You people screwed everything up and my son's birthday was ruined!
    ME: I'm sorry to hear about that. How did we disrupt your son's birthday?
    SM: I ordered him a new phone, and you idiots sent him a text message telling him he was getting it and how much it cost!
    ME: Well, our system does send confirmation when you place an order to ensure accuracy. If you used his number for the upgrade, then it would have sent him the confirmation to his line.
    SM: So what are you going to do to fix this?
    ME: I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience, I'd be happy to offer you 200 temporary free minutes.
    SM: I don't need minutes. What credit are you going to give me?
    ME: Credit?
    SM: That's right.
    ME: So you ordered the phone for your son.
    SM: Yeah.
    ME: And you agreed to purchase it with a contract for $250?
    SM: Yeah.
    ME: And it arrived on time?
    SM: Uh-huh.
    ME: It works okay?
    SM: Yes, it's fine!
    ME: Then it appears there is no credit necessary for this issue.
    SM: Can you imagine your child opening up his presents on his 9th birthday, and you hand him the one with the phone and his friend says "Wow, can you believe that?" And he says "Yeah, I got a text message about it." Just try to imagine your heart stopping in your chest!
    ME: So he was upset by it?
    SM: No, but I was!
    ME: And what would you consider to be fair compensation?
    SM: Well, I'd settle for 2 months of free service.
    ME: I'm afraid that's not possible.
    SM: But, a glitch in your system caused this!
    ME: It's not a glitch. We want our customers to have peace of mind that their orders are placed correctly.
    SM: That would have been okay, if someone had bothered to tell me that when I ordered it.
    ME: So, you told us it was for your son as a gift?
    SM: .... That's not the issue here! What are you going to do for me?
    ME: I've already told you what I can do for you.
    SM: You know what? If you can sit there and listen to a broken-hearted father's story and not feel any sympathy at all, then you shouldn't be in this department at all.
    ME: You have my deepest sympathies. I've already stated that. I can definitely understand how frustrating this was for you. But that sympathy does not translate into 2 months of free service.
    SM: Well, it's a shame they have someone like you supposedly trying to help people. You need to be retrained in what customer service is all about.

    Okay, I can understand how frustrating this must have been, that wasn't bullcrap. But 2 months of free service? He didn't lose any money, his son was still ecstatic about getting the device. Which, by the way, who in their right mind buys a $250 phone for a nine year old? Hello,McFly, anybody home? Had he told us when he was ordering it that it was a present, we could have used a different line on his account so his son didn't get the confirmation. So yeah, there was a failure of communication on both parts. But it's worth exactly $0.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
    I can almost see your point

    SM: I can't pay this bill, so you need to give me a credit.
    ME: I'm afraid that, although they are quite high, the charges are valid and there is no credit I'd be able to give you.
    SM: Sigh, well, you know, I'll be filing bankruptcy next month, I'd sure hate to have to include you guys in that.
    ME: But if you do, once your account is settled, it would still be possible to have service with us again.
    SM: Okay, here's the deal. I work for Orkin pest control, so I know how these things work. I know that you can talk to a manager who can make things happen.

    First of all, no. Secondly, I'm trying to connect the dots between Exterminators and Customer Care. You kill bugs, I destroy the hopes and dreams of people trying to get credits and/or free stuff for random reasons (note - keep this in mind for later on, it will be important and there will be a test). But although we do both deal in death, that still doesn't entitle you to any credit at all.
    Okay, let's get this straight. You're going into bankruptcy, you've told me this. Therefore you are an admitted bad credit risk. In fact, you are the worst credit risk possible. You cannot pay your bill. The two options you have presented me are thus:

    1. Give you last month for free, crediting back all charges, and retain you for another month, allowing you to rack up another months worth of charges, knowing you are indeed a tremendously bad credit risk, and the chances of your financial situation improving sufficiently to pay your bill in 30 days are virtually nil

    2. Cancel your service due to nonpayment, apply all charges. Be added as a creditor in your bankruptcy proceedings, and after a delay, recoup some, if not all, of the charges owed. Also requires you to re-apply for a phone at your current credit rating, which would ensure a suitable deposit or places you on a pay-as-you-go plan, thereby avoiding this issue in the future.

    And you believe that #1 is the choice that best serves our interests? Well no WONDER you're in such dire financial straits!

    You fail. Come back when you can manage your finances a little better.

    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
    "Hate" isn't strong enough

    SM: I need a new phone. My last one got ran over.
    ME: I'm sorry to hear that. I see here you just activated in November, and you had the Blackberry XXXX. It looks like you didn't enroll in insurance, but we can still look at our upgrade program to see what kind of discount you'd be eligible for.
    SM: Okay, but I'm not paying for it.
    ME: Well, I still have that model available, and it would be $249.99.
    SM: I said I'm not paying for it.
    ME: Unfortunately, I don't have that phone for free.
    SM: Look you guys already made me pay you $500 in March. Now you expect me to PAY for a phone?
    ME: ... I see here you did go over your minutes that month by-
    SM: That's because I figured there was a cap and you wouldn't let me go over by very much.
    ME: But you were aware of how to check the minutes?
    ME: That's not the point. I wanted to find out what the limit was, and then I found out there isn't one, and that's just ridiculous. Then you wouldn't give me a credit, so I canceled. But after 1 day, I realized I can't live without by Blackberry, so I turned it back on and paid the bill.
    You see, this is a CORE tenant of the DERR Principal (Dynamic Expediency Readjusted Reality).

    To ensure blame cannot be placed upon you, one merely has to point out how the other party might have prevented you from performing said unwise act. Ignorance is not only an excuse, it is the BEST excuse as far as the DERR Principal is concerned.

    As long as you didn't know, it doesn't matter how hard they tried to tell you, or how impossible it would be to predict your course of action in order to head you off, it is THEIR fault, not yours. Therefore, all true practicioners of the DERR Principal will strive to block out all information, for with knowledge comes responsibility. True enlightenment can only be achieved through attaining the mental state of a drooling brain-damaged vegetable.
    Check out my webcomic!


    • #3
      ME: What's the problem you're having with the phone?
      SW: Well, okay. Last night, I went to sleep.
      ME: O..k...
      SW: And this morning, I woke up.
      ME: ...
      Oh my too! I had no idea this could be a problem!

      I'd better go check my phone right now to make sure its still working...

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
        We get so many dealers posing as customers, I just can't resist the temptation to mess with them at least a little.
        What are they doing and why?


        • #5
          Oh, I can answer this from our company's point of view. They tell the customer to call in and cancel instead of upgrading their existing account, because the dealer wants the new activation sale. So then the customer is double billed for a month of service (we have a 30 day cancellation policy), since they have two phones, and they've lost their old phone number, too.

          At my company, if we catch the dealer, they get fired. It affects churn and looks bad.

          *Edited to add* Is it bad that before I even read Kara's post, I saw she had a new one and thought "SWEET!" in my head?


          • #6
            Quoth Boozy View Post
            Oh my too! I had no idea this could be a problem!

            I'd better go check my phone right now to make sure its still working...
            You make me laugh muchness.

            To the parent whose child's b-day was "ruined"... one winter I stumbled across my Christmas presents, unwrapped, while I was cleaning the storage. Spent that winter very excitedly looking forward to my new computer, even went to "visit" it a few times just to bask. Losing the surprise is not as horrible a thing as you might imagine. Oh poo, your thunder was stolen. Big whoop.


            • #7
              Quoth Kara_CS View Post
              SM: You know what? If you can sit there and listen to a broken-hearted father's story and not feel any sympathy at all, then you shouldn't be in this department at all.
              Pretty tough to break something you don't have to begin with. Is there a violin-playing smilie?
              Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


              • #8
                Quoth Skandranon View Post
                . Losing the surprise is not as horrible a thing as you might imagine.
                One year I went up the loft to find my Christmas presents. Suprise wasn't exactly important.

                Boy did I catch hell when my parents realised.
                "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                • #9
                  Yet another customer telling me all the reasons why she deserves a free phone because of whatever stupid reason she thinks will justify it. I hit my "Mute" button and said, "Oh boo-hoo." Then I realized I had already been muted, so I had unmuted myself before saying it. Luckily, the customer was too busy running her mouth to notice. I did remute in time to proclaim "Oh Sh*t!"
                  Rule #1 violation on that one... Thankfully, nothing got on the computer...

        's your violin smiley-

                  I'm sorry you have to deal with this shit, Kara...but damn, I love your posts.

                  Cell phone sales sucks... I would never in a million years want to be a CSR.

                  The actual memo I left on his account: "Cust ci b/c got bberry when activated in 11/2006 // alas, it lost a dispute with a vehicle and exists no more // cust wants another one, adv $249.99 w/2 year // cust wants free, adv not eligible for discount // cust threatened to cxl, adv ETF will apply // cust feels this is unfair b/c went over mins in 03/2007, though stated he was using mins to determine the "limit" of overage allowable only to find there is none, which he finds unacceptable // adv charges are valid // cust hung up without making any changes"
                  I do so enjoy this, and if I ever was poking through an account and saw that, I'd be itching for the customer to leave so I could have my co-workers come see...and laugh.
                  I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                  • #10
                    Haha, you need to just cover your mic with your finger tips like I do. Its much safer.

                    I'm so glad none of our clients make us take account cancellations. Its been quiet so far this week at my office. Wanna trade? ;p


                    • #11
                      alas, it lost a dispute with a vehicle and exists no more
                      Oh, to be able to put snarky comments on customers' orders...unfortunately any notes you put on a book order print out on the hold sheet when the book comes in...too much chance the customer might see it (and I have had to act quick to get a sheet back from a psycho customer on at least one occasion before he had a chance to see that the sheet said he was "insane. Really").

                      To the parent whose child's b-day was "ruined"... Get some perspective, man! Oh, and Happy Birthday to your kid . Doesn't sound like his day was ruined in the least. Your day, on the other hand...

                      I'm 31 and I don't even have a $250 cell phone......oh, wait, I don't want a $250 cell phone. Yay, me
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        I don't have a cell phone period. -.-


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                          The actual memo I left on his account: "Cust ci b/c got bberry when activated in 11/2006 // alas, it lost a dispute with a vehicle and exists no more // cust wants another one, adv $249.99 w/2 year // cust wants free, adv not eligible for discount // cust threatened to cxl, adv ETF will apply // cust feels this is unfair b/c went over mins in 03/2007, though stated he was using mins to determine the "limit" of overage allowable only to find there is none, which he finds unacceptable // adv charges are valid // cust hung up without making any changes"
                          So . . . how do you write "Customer is a dumbass" in your lingo there?
                          This area is left blank for a reason.


                          • #14
                            Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                            So . . . how do you write "Customer is a dumbass" in your lingo there?
                            I'm lucky, I can actually get away with writing "Customer is a dumbass". But management finds my bitterness endearing.


                            • #15
                              Maybe Kara can shed some light on this, why don't cell phone companies send some sort of reminder text message when someone reaches the limit on their minutes? I know from a business standpoint that overages = $$ for the company, but it seems like it would be almost worth it to avoid all the customer service issues it creates.

                              In the interest of full disclosure, this sort of happened to me. My mother in law was on my old family plan and we ended up getting at ridonkulous bill because she was making calls every 10 minutes when they went to Florida. I asked the rep why they can't send some sort of reminder message since the emphasis is always on the customer to keep track and I didn't know my m-i-l was going batpoop crazy with her phone so I had no reason to be checking my minutes constantly like I was Monk or something. I was afraid of ending up becoming fodder for a thread here and didn't press the issue.

                              Considering how my provider texts me for everything else, it seems awfully suspect they can't do this as well. I liken it to how credit card companies will raise a flag if you never use your card much and suddenly there's a large purchase. If you never go over your minutes and one month there's a overage by a large margin, wouldn't they at least be somewhat concerned about possible theft? Just a quick text to make sure everything's ok?
                              "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

