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Customers on the prowl...

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  • Customers on the prowl...

    There should be a "Wild Kingdom" style show where customers are observed the same way animals of the serengeti are.

    A few days ago, I was the gazelle and these customers were the cheetahs (or lionesses, whichever you prefer). I work at McDonalds (kill me now!) and I was working at the drive-thru (which I hate, but there you go). Now, we pride ourselves on getting the food to customers as quickly as possible. If the food isn't prepared by the time the customer comes up, we have to "park" them and bring the food out to them.

    Now, we had this one car that did have food given to them on time. That means they drive away, right? Well, the car after them needed to be parked. I always direct them to park beyond the painted "thank you" on the road... only the car that I had just served was parked there. Ooookay, I think to myself, I just tell the car that needs to be parked in front of them. So we're shorthanded, I leave my "post" and bring the food to the parked customer, I turn to go back in...

    And the cheetah attacks the gazelle!!! The women in the car, blocking everyone's path at the "thank you" sign, actually called to me,
    "Can you bring us some keeeeetchuuuup???"

    These women were parked and waiting for some idiot employee (like yours truly) to come out and give them stuff! I was in a hurry so I ran in, grabbed some and gave it to them.

    I was so appalled at their laziness and ready to kill myself for being such a pushover.
    "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West

  • #2
    makes you wonder if they're gonna ask you to go home and eat it for them too. it scares me how lazy people are these days.
    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


    • #3
      And I thought that I was lazy. If I am at a drive-thru, and forget something, I go and park, and then head inside and get it. I take my receipt in also, just incase
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        People like that scare me. Just a little. I can HEAR their tone with the "keeeeetchuuup".

        Also, let me say this: Y'all's parfaits are good.


        • #5
          Quoth Deanna Darkstone View Post
          A few days ago, I was the gazelle and these customers were the cheetahs (or lionesses, whichever you prefer).
          Lionesses hunt in Prides while cheetahs are loners.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            makes you wonder if they're gonna ask you to go home and eat it for them too. it scares me how lazy people are these days.
            *nods vigorously*

            Lionesses hunt in Prides while cheetahs are loners.
            Forgive my ignorance. I guess I should have deduced that much... in all the nature specials I've seen, I've never seen a group of cheetahs. Thanks for the info.

            Also, let me say this: Y'all's parfaits are good.
            I think so too! I always have 'em in lieu of fries.
            "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


            • #7
              Quoth katie kaboom View Post
              makes you wonder if they're gonna ask you to go home and eat it for them too. it scares me how lazy people are these days.
              They'll probably stuff their faces while driving and be a total hazard on the road.
              "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

              When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


              • #8
                Sometimes there are groups of cheetahs, a mother and her cubs.


                • #9
                  Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                  Lionesses hunt in Prides while cheetahs are loners.
                  Unless they are brothers who team up. Females are always solitary, but males can and do form partnerships in the wild. I love cheetahs.

                  eta I enjoy the shows were a pair of brothers take down a HUGE wildabeast or something similar. Gooooo kitties! lol


                  • #10
                    Yeah. Cheetahs are generally smart and expend a lot of energy while hunting. Lions tend to be lazy, and sometimes a bit dumb. So SCs are definitely more like lions.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      If I forget to ask for ketchup (or any other condiments), I just deal with it, unless I am by myself because I refuse to leave my kids alone in the car for even 30 seconds, and it is a little hard to unbuckle both of them (one is almost 4 and the other 14 months) and haul them both in the restaurant, just for some ketchup or whatever.
                      "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller

