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If you think a price is wrong...

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  • If you think a price is wrong...

    Then tell me BEFORE the transaction is completed, not AFTER!

    Had these customers today who waited til I'd put their credit card thru and handed them the receipt before they said, "Actually, Pimms is on special offer today at £10.99." Argh! I told them I couldn't do anything now that I'd processed their shopping and that they had to go to customer services. They looked pissed off and left, muttering angrily.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    Quoth Lace Neil Singer
    Then tell me BEFORE the transaction is completed, not AFTER! .
    Amen! Not like customers can be bothered to actually pay attention during checkout.


    • #3
      pimms... thats sounds familiar what is that?
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4

        I'm so amused at the British pound sign....I wish I had one on my keyboard - because it's cool
        Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

        Proverbs 22:6


        • #5
          Quoth thegiraffe

          I'm so amused at the British pound sign....I wish I had one on my keyboard - because it's cool
          you can make the £ sign by pressing and holding down the Alt key and entering 0163 at the same time (Alt + 0163 = £)

          And an on-topic used to tick me off when I was cutting fabric at WM when the customer would wait till I've started cutting her fabric and then would say she needs xx-more yardage than what she previously told me...on the last bolt of the fabric, that would have had the amount she needed, had she not waited till I started cutting. (she wanted continuous uncut yardage, not multiple pieces of it)

          Then she'd get all pissy because I didnt have any more of this fabric left. And I didnt have ordering privileges, so all I could do was write her name and the UPC from the bolt in the Wish Book and hope the dept manager would eventually order more.


          • #6
            Quoth Erin
            you can make the £ sign by pressing and holding down the Alt key and entering 0163 at the same time (Alt + 0163 = £)
            If you have Windows, click on Start, go to All Programs, then Accessories, then System Tools, and you'll find a thing called Character Map. It has all the fun symbols, including various money symbols (¢, £, ¥, ₤, €), fractions (⅓, ⅔, ¼, ½, ¾), letters from other languages, mathematical symbols, etc.

            Back on topic, it seems the concept of "paying attention to what you are doing" has gone out of vogue. How else do you explain these fools? Do they expect you to magically uncut the fabric? Or change the price AFTER you've put through payment? A few moments of thinking things through would save so much hassle, yet so few even consider it.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              I get this all the time, especially with special deals. Say something is buy one get on ring it all through (and usually the customer is staring at the screen to see how much each item rings up as). give them th total, they pay, you give reciept and then they say "wasn't this on bogof"? Grrrrrrr...........most of the time they are wrong, but when they are right then I have to do everything over again and put special barcodes in.

              I really hate it when they feel the need to tell you before when the item in question has a huge red sticker on it that says "buy one get on free". Yes, I know it is, I can read the sticker!

              Also, when you ring something through and it DOES take the money off and they say "wasn't that supposed to have £4.00 off"? I say yes, it has taken it which point they grab the reciept and start combing through it. They always seem to calculate things being cheaper in their heads. ie:

              "Let's see I bought a notebook for £2.00, a birthday card for "3.00, 6 pens each at £1.00 each and a book for £10.00 with £5.00 I will have to pay £ 7.00 for all of together"!

     have to pay £16.00 for all of it, you when I say £16.00, why are you all suprised and think I am screwing you in any way? Errrrrggghhh!
              "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


              • #8
                Quoth Erin
       used to tick me off when I was cutting fabric at WM when the customer would wait till I've started cutting her fabric and then would say she needs xx-more yardage than what she previously told me
                when people used to do that at my craft store (with ribbon) I would make them pay for the amount I had cut already, if they refused, then they couldnt have anymore of that ribbon

                cust: can I have 1.3 metres
                me: sure no problem (cuts legnth)
                cust: oh no wait actually I need two metres
                me: again no problem, now would you like another piece at 2 metres or would you rather me just cut 0.7 off for you
                cust: oh so I have to pay for that then *points to shorter piece*
                me: yep sorry, you tell me to cut, I cut, I cut, you pay.

                surprisingly most of them sheepishly agreed to pay for it
                I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                • #9
                  Quoth Kiwi
                  pimms... thats sounds familiar what is that?
                  It's for pimming.



                  • #10
                    Pimms is this fruity alcoholic beverage that is mostly served up at barbeques, mixed with lemonade. I prefer it with pomegranate juice as it then becomes not only yummy, but seemingly devoid of alcohol.
                    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                    My DeviantArt.


                    • #11
                      Maybe they're hoping for free stuff by making a bigger deal of it--or hoping to distract you into not giving them the receipt so their 50¢*swap meet talisman will be free.
                      I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                      • #12
                        Quoth thegiraffe

                        I'm so amused at the British pound sign....I wish I had one on my keyboard - because it's cool
                        Simply type option+3 on a Mac
                        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                        -- The Meteor Principle

                        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                        • #13
                          Oh yeah, those geniuses, People would go outside, and then come back in to tell them i supposedly, stiffed them, .50, or some such thing, When i directed them to the service desk they whined, "waaaalk alllll the waaay over therrre, can't you just give me .50?" I usually said" No, it isn't allowed.", and they moved sulkily over to the S.D. One woman made such a big deal about it, she went on for 15 minutes, that the woman I was currently serving said "Here's .50 call someone who cares." But yeah, those people suck, PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE! We are
                          human, and capable of mistakes.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Crow The Robot
                            Oh yeah, those geniuses, People would go outside, and then come back in to tell them i supposedly, stiffed them, .50, or some such thing, When i directed them to the service desk they whined, "waaaalk alllll the waaay over therrre, can't you just give me .50?" I usually said" No, it isn't allowed.", and they moved sulkily over to the S.D. One woman made such a big deal about it, she went on for 15 minutes, that the woman I was currently serving said "Here's .50 call someone who cares." But yeah, those people suck, PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE! We are
                            human, and capable of mistakes.

                            Good for that customer in line!!! I mean my gosh, $0.50??? Now if there's $2.00 or something I might go back b/c I do NEED those $2.00....... heck that could buy you lunch in some places.... but for $.50? Can you get anything that cheap anymore? I like this customer that told her to "call someone who cares!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kiwi
                              when people used to do that at my craft store (with ribbon) I would make them pay for the amount I had cut already, if they refused, then they couldnt have anymore of that ribbon

                              I dont think I'd ever have been able to get the moron customers to do that. I always seemed to get the self-entitlement people who freaked out at any little imagined transgression.

                              I was cutting fabric for some woman and her daughter once, and just as I was starting to cut, the woman grabbed the fabric...she practically yanked it off the table and I cut my hand on the scissors as the fabric got pulled away. So, I looked over at her with a WTF! look on my face as I was scrambling for a paper towel to get the blood. She started throwing her pattern, zippers and buttons at me and stomped off.

                              I went to the back to report the cut on my hand when I heard the page for my manager to customer service. Sure enough, that bi...errr...ummm...person...was up there complaining that I was throwing zippers and buttons at her and giving her dirty looks. The manager was walking past me just then, and I told him what happened. He said he'd go talk to the woman and take care of it.

                              The manager looked at the security video, and even tho he could see that I never once did anything that woman said I did, he took her side of it and he STILL gave me a Decision Day (so I could have the day off to think about whether or not I still wanted to work for WM) The woman got a $50 gift card for her "trouble".

                              I will never understand WM managers or WM customers...they're evil. All of them.

