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SC for me, and I don't work! With visual aid.

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  • SC for me, and I don't work! With visual aid.

    I live in the basement apartment of a 7 unit apartment building that used to be a huge 18-room house built back in the mid-1800's. The building still looks like a house from the outside. My apartment's entrance is on the south side of the building, which because the street it's located on is on a hillside, is the only place on the building where the basement is exposed. All of the other apartments in the building have access through the main door which is on the east side of the building.

    The entrance to my apartment leads into the kitchen. It's the only entrance to my apartment besides a door that is locked from my side that leads into the hallway of the main part of the building. Standing outside my apartment door, you can clearly see my sink, cabinets, countertops table, chairs and my fridge. Remember this, there will be a test.

    Last night about 11:30 as I'm sitting in my living room watching TV when I hear my storm door open and slam shut. This is rather strange as I never get anyone visiting me at that time of night, and if I did, they would at least give me the courtesy of knocking or shouting my name through the screen before they come in or wait for me to let them in.

    I get up and walk into the kitchen to find a stranger standing there.

    ME: Kindly but surprised basement dwelling large person.
    HIM: Disheveled traveler who smelled of fish.

    ME: Can I help you?
    HIM: I need a room.
    ME: This ain't the hotel. It's r...
    HIM: (cutting me off in my own house) Just tell me if you have a room, I'm tired and want to go to sleep.
    ME: This ain't the hotel, it's my apartment.
    HIM: Then why did you put that sign down on the corner if you're not a hotel?
    ME: I didn't put the sign there. The hotel did. It's right around the corner.
    HIM: What corner? I didn't see a corner.

    I tell him to follow me. Once outside I see that he has his car parked in the middle of the street with the lights out right over the crest of the hill. I walk him to the corner of my apartment building and point out the 8 X 16 foot

    National chain motel

    sign on the side of the building.

    HIM: (as he gets into his car) You should really take that sign down if you're not the hotel.

    I finally got a clue as to his problem. His out-of-state licence plate read ST-OWNER.
    Last edited by bigjimaz; 07-07-2007, 03:37 AM.
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

  • #2
    All I can say and all I am GOING to say, is that you are a HELL of a lot nicer than I am.


    • #3
      I would have called the police on this guy after he refused to leave after telling him that this is not a hotel.


      • #4

        If that were me, and he cut me off like that, I'd have told him that I was going to tell him where to find the motel, but since he's being an asshat, he can just get out and find it on his own, and good luck with that.


        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth i4wolves View Post
          I would have called the police on this guy after he refused to leave after telling him that this is not a hotel.
          Well at least he'd have a room for the night.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            Good lord! I really should stop being surprised at SCs but the idiot didn't even apologise for barging into your house or thank you for the directions?
            Almost makes me wish you had greeted him with a snarling doberman and a shotgun, ala "Git off mah property!"

            More proof for the theory that SCs really do believe the whole world exists to give them service - they are always in the role of the 'customer' so therefore they can never be wrong!


            • #7
              I think I would have greeted him with a butcher knife and a "GET THE FUCK OUT!"

              I'm not a violent person, just a defensive move.



              • #8
                Quoth JustaCashier View Post
                I think I would have greeted him with a butcher knife and a "GET THE FUCK OUT!"

                I'm not a violent person, just a defensive move.

                Heh heh. Cue the SC fleeing and shouting over his shoulder "I'm going to complain to head office about this TERRIBLE SERVICE..."


                • #9
                  I'm a bit of a recluse in my house and I tend to not be kind to intruders. They will usually meet a bamboo kendo stick (If you've been on the receiving end of those things they sting) Bigjimaz, you were a lot nicer than I would've been. And why is it the nutcases always smell of fish?
                  The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                  • #10
                    Quoth JustaCashier View Post
                    I think I would have greeted him with a butcher knife and a "GET THE FUCK OUT!"
                    I would have done that Justa but he was standing right by the knife drawer.

                    Normally I would have gone up one side of him and down the other, but for some reason he didn't give off any aura of being a threat. I've always been a pretty good judge of character and rarely get too riled when the person is so much smaller than me.

                    Just to give you some idea of the description above, here's a shot of my front door. It looks nothing like the entrance to a hotel. Sorry, I took this at night and my camera is crap.

                    And this is the view through my door. Looks just like a hotel lobby, doesn't it?

                    Someone is going to ask so I'll clarify here. I live in a small town where no one locks their doors when they are awake. Hell some people don't lock them when they're not there. I do lock them when I go to bed. The distance from my building to the hotel is about 100 yards, if that. There is no major crime in town. The last murder in the borough limits was in 1903. We have one full-time and 7 part-time police officers that work from 6AM to 9PM. Monday Thru Saturday. The state police take care of things after 9PM and all day Sunday. The closest State police barracks is 25 miles away so calling the cops would do no good. By the time they would have gotten here, it would have been too late.

                    This isn't the first time that a person has come to my door looking for the hotel. Up until this point everyone has recognized that they were not at a hotel prior to walking in. A few have knocked though. Their final clue that they are at the wrong place is usually me walking to the door with no shirt on.

                    As to why they always smell of fish? I don't know. I doubt it's because they work at LJS.
                    Last edited by bigjimaz; 07-07-2007, 08:49 AM.
                    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                    • #11
                      Wow, your apartment is really clean. Good job. It still doesn't look like like a hotel lobby though.
                      Check out my cosplay social group!


                      • #12
                        Anyone doing that to my home (which in no way looks like any kind of hotel) would find themselves at the business end of one of my husbands daggers or swords from his extensive collection. I think I might have chosen the one with the double tip just for effect.
                        "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


                        • #13
                          Quoth Best Made Tacos View Post
                          Cue the SC fleeing and shouting over his shoulder "I'm going to complain to head office about this TERRIBLE SERVICE..."

                          I can picture that!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            In Colorado, it's 100% legal to shoot trespassers inside your house. This guy would have met me with my .357.
                            Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


                            • #15
                              Kilamon, I'm with you. While I don't own a gun, my old campus gave out pepper sprays for free, and I have one in every color. And a guard cat.

                              Well...she's actually not that great of a guard. She likes to be petted too much.
                              But boy will she shed on you!

