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What more do you want from me?

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  • What more do you want from me?

    The only good thing (for me) about this story was that i only had to deal with this bitchface SC over the phone, so she couldn't see the faces I was pulling.

    *phone rings*
    Me: Good evening, (name of store) Ez speaking.
    BF (bitchface): Yes hello. I was shopping there earlier this evening and I bought a 3L dairy farmers milk.
    Me: Yes...? (expecting that she had left it behind, it always happens).
    BF: And it must have had a hole in it or something because it leaked all through the bag and all over the back seat of my car.
    Me: I'm sorry to hear that. Next time you come in, you don't have to come back tonight-
    BF: *interrupts* Well I live at (an affluent suburb over the other side of town from our lower/middle class suburb) so I certainly won't be coming back in tonight.
    Me: *thinking- WTF was she doing shopping at our store anyway* Thats fine, whenever you do come back in we can give you a replacement milk. Just write on the top of your receipt that you have spoken to Ez, and bring that up to the front kiosk and they will be able to sort you out with a replacement milk. (normally this is fine for most people)
    BF: Well, thats not good enough. Its all over the back of my car!
    Me: I'm very sorry about that. Unfortunately the best I can offer you at this point is an apology and a replacement milk the next time you come in.
    BF: But i've had to clean the whole back seat of my car, there was milk everywhere!
    Me: *thinking- does she want me to friggin steam clean her back seat?* Unfortunately, milks leak sometime. Usually the girls on checkout will usually catch it if there is something leaking, but whoever served you must not have noticed. *thinking- if her story is even true, why didn't she notice it when she got it off the shelf? and it cannot have been leaking that badly, the girls on register aren't that stupid.* Like I said, at this point the best I can give you is an apology and a replacement.
    BF: There is milk all over the back seat of my car! Can't you do something more?
    Me: I'm sorry, but the best I can give you right now is an apology-
    BF: *interrupts* Yes, you've said that three times!
    Me: *thinking- well you aren't friggin listening to me!* I don't know what else to say to you, that is all I can do right now.
    BF: *sighs* Whats the name of your manager? Do you have one?
    Me: *relieved that I can handball her off* Yes, would you like me to get him for you?
    BF: Yes, thank you.

    I put her through to my manager, and apparently she was as rude to him as she was to me.
    And you know what she wanted out of it all? Two free milks.
    "Those who do not complain are never pitied." - Jane Austen.

  • #2
    man, what a dink! Couldn't she have given you her unreasonable demand instead of saying that the milk was all over her back seat ? I mean, okay, the milk's on the back seat what do you want me to do about it? Run over to your house with a wet-vac, pay you for cleaning your own damn car? Oh, dear, i've given them ideas I'll shut up now.


    • #3
      As best as I can figure, the woman apparently wanted someone to take time out of their work schedule to go to her house and clean the spilled milk from her car. (Ugh, the smell of car upholstery embedded with the eventual smell of sour milk. )

      And, if anyone can explain this to me in real world logic, why would she want TWO things of free milk? Now remember, it can NOT be SC logic, but NORMAL person logic...
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth BeckySunshine
        And, if anyone can explain this to me in real world logic, why would she want TWO things of free milk? Now remember, it can NOT be SC logic, but NORMAL person logic...
        Easy. If she gets two free milks, both of those can "leak in her car" and then she can demand FOUR free milks. Continue this cycle, and she can start selling her own milk for profit!


        • #5
          Hmmm...yes...I see how that is.

          Fair enough.

          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            When you want something different, why don't you just say what you want??? Sometimes you'll get it, sometimes you won't - but if the why keep screaming "isn't there anything else you can do?" Is the Customer service person supposed to read your mind & figure out what it is you want??? Just TELL them - then they can either do it or tell you they can't and you can move along......


            • #7
              Quoth BeckySunshine
              (Ugh, the smell of car upholstery embedded with the eventual smell of sour milk. )
              I've had that happen. My parents borrowed my car for some grocery shopping...and somehow milk was spilled in the back seat area. Nobody bothered to tell me, or even clean it up. Trust me, it was sooooo nasty! No matter what I used, the smell wouldn't go away. The only thing that took the stink out...was leaving the car outside in the carport during a rainstorm with the windows down.
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth air914
                When you want something different, why don't you just say what you want??? Sometimes you'll get it, sometimes you won't - but if the why keep screaming "isn't there anything else you can do?" Is the Customer service person supposed to read your mind & figure out what it is you want??? Just TELL them - then they can either do it or tell you they can't and you can move along......
                True enough. It's also helpful if the CSR, instead of repeating the same old phrase, says "What would you like me to do for you to resolve this issue?"


                • #9
                  Quoth One-Fang
                  True enough. It's also helpful if the CSR, instead of repeating the same old phrase, says "What would you like me to do for you to resolve this issue?"

                  True, I probably should have said that.
                  But she was talking to me as if I was a piece of dirt and not listening to anything I was saying, plus is was the busiest time of the night. I just wanted to get her off the phone.
                  "Those who do not complain are never pitied." - Jane Austen.


                  • #10
                    haha you could have told her not to cry over spilt milk

                    ba doom chich
                    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                    • #11
                      Quoth air914
                      When you want something different, why don't you just say what you want??? Sometimes you'll get it, sometimes you won't - but if the why keep screaming "isn't there anything else you can do?" Is the Customer service person supposed to read your mind & figure out what it is you want??? Just TELL them - then they can either do it or tell you they can't and you can move along......

                      Ah...but they don't actually want to be blatant selfish pigs, they want to be selfish pigs that are pandered to by the establishment that they're leaching off of.

                      And honestly, after she bought it, it's her responsibility to make sure that it's not going to make a mess. Her eyes are just as operational as the stockboys' and cashiers'.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kiwi
                        haha you could have told her not to cry over spilt milk

                        ba doom chich
                        I didn't even think of that!
                        "Those who do not complain are never pitied." - Jane Austen.


                        • #13
                          Quoth protege
                          The only thing that took the stink out...was leaving the car outside in the carport during a rainstorm with the windows down.
                          Wait, wouldn't that make it worse? I accidentally left my rear windows open in a rainstorm, and the car smelled funny after the rain, and it wouldn't go away for awhile...


                          • #14
                            It's also helpful if the CSR, instead of repeating the same old phrase, says "What would you like me to do for you to resolve this issue?"
                            Every time I've had to say that, it only made them angrier.
                            Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                            • #15

                              I thought I had seen the end of her, but no...

                              On Wed nite, I was just in the kiosk, doing my thing when a woman comes up to the counter, holding a reciept. I was actually in a good mood that nite, so I approached her cheerfully.
                              Me:'Hi. How can I help you?'
                              She just stared at me at barked my managers name (I'll just call him M).
                              Her: 'M!'
                              Me: *confused* 'I'm sorry?'
                              Her: 'M! M works here, hes a manager or something. I need to speak to M!'
                              Me: (knowing he was just about to go on his break) 'Is there something I can help you with?'
                              Her: 'No! I need M!'

                              So I went and got M, who wasn't that happy that someone had asked for him by name (cos it rarely ends well), and he went to speak to her, while I went back to doing my thing in the kiosk. I heard the first part of their exchange:
                              M: 'Hello, I'm M, how can I help you?'
                              Her: 'No, I need M the manager!'
                              M: 'I am M the manager.'

                              Granted, M has a pretty common name and he does look about 18 (hes 21, which is still kinda young for a manager), but why would I not get her the manager she asked for?
                              At this point I got called away and when I returned she was gone, but M was still there. He explained that she was the woman with the milk from a few weeks ago... and then it all made sense.
                              M had given in to her on the phone when it happened (he told me that he had 'dealt' with her), after she had been completely rude to both of us, and she was ensuring that she could still get her two free 3L milks... when the whole saga was partly her fault in the first place!

                              Then when she was approaching the check-out area I was on my way back to the kiosk and she spotted me and made a beeline for me.
                              Her: *barks* 'Ez! You're Ez the supervisor, aren't you?' (My nametag clearly says my name, right above where it says SUPERVISOR)
                              Me: 'Yes I am, how can I help you?'
                              Her: *eyes me up and down, then says smugly* 'I'm the lady with the two free milks.'
                              Me: *fighting the urge to slap that shit-eating grin off her face* 'Not a problem. Why don't you come through this register, the girl is nearly finished, and then I can sort you out.'

                              I did, and while to walking away I heard a haughty:
                              'Thank you.'

                              I wonder if she treats retail staff in her affluent suburb with the same snotty attitude, or if she only does it in our lower class community store to make herself feel better.
                              "Those who do not complain are never pitied." - Jane Austen.

