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Back, kinda

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  • Back, kinda

    The powers that be at work kinda screwed up so I haven't had much time to post here, that and the little lady having homework to do for college, been getting on when I can.
    Now for the fun stuff, this is sucky, little rude, and just off the wall fun stuff, hopefully when I get a little more time will post some more stuff.
    Customer calls in today due to not getting his rebate on his cell phone and wants us to apply the credit to his account. I politly inform him that this is not something I can do and that we have to go through the company that does the rebates to get him his check.
    We can see if they have received it just liek the customer has and there is nothing on the account or in what we can see to show that since March he has mailed in his rebate. I advise him that since we do not handle the rebates we can not apply them and to call the company one again. He states he has and says we can credit him and fight them over it. Yeah right, we don't do that for anyone(it's a policy and no sup can over ride this).
    Mr. Wonderfull starts going off on how he works customer service and not only have I not showed him any empathy but I am not helping him at all. I just felt like telling this guy, well sir you've been told several times we can't do this, hmmm, I'm sorry mayhaps you should call someone who can help you and not wast my time.
    So being the customer service rep that he is, he escalates saying a sup will help him(snorts yeah right). I talk to my sup and ssdd we can't do anything he has to call them. I get back on the phone and try to tell him this and in the process find out that he is 2 days to his dead line, hmmmmm me thinks something may be amiss.
    So while I go back to tell him what is going on he keeps interupting me going I want a supervisor not you,when are they coming on the line. Finaly my sup gets on the phone and offers to fax him the form so he can send it in and he declines. Then asks for the address to write to the ceo of our company. Some people never learn
    I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.