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  • Achtung!

    Ah, days off. After starting off yesterday by pissing off a customer who then wanted to speak to my supervisor, ending the day with yet another pissed off customer who also demanded to speak to my supervisor, and being accused of belonging to a group responsible for the slaughter of 6 million people, I'd say it's all in a day's work!

    SW = Sucky Woman
    SM = Sucky Man
    ME = Member of the SS Customer Service Squad

    It begins

    SM: I need to get this thing replaced. I have 2 bluetooth phones and a bluetooth for each of them, but I can't connect my phone to its earpiece.
    ME: I'm definitely sorry to hear about that. Can you connect your handset to the other bluetooth headset?
    SM: What? I went to the store and your technician couldn't connect it either. So you need to replace it.
    ME: Do you have your other headset with you?
    SM: My what?
    ME: You said you have 2 of them.
    SM: Yeah, but, look I don't have time for this. I need this done right now.
    ME: Well, we need to troubleshoot a bit so we can find out if it's the headset or the phone that's not working. If it's the phone, we can replace it since it's still under warranty. If it's the headset, you'll need to contact the manufacturer for replacement.
    SM: Why the hell do I need to do all that? Just replace the damn thing!
    ME: I can only replace the phone, the headset is a third-party accessory and-
    SM: This is ridiculous! I bought it from you! Why can't you just do it?
    ME: Because our return center does not get accessories, just the phones. The manufacturers of the headsets do have warranties, but you'll need to contact them for service.
    SM: Look, I work 12 hours a day! I don't have time for this!
    ME: I work 10 hours a day, so I can understand that. Luckilly, most manufacturers have a 24 hour line for support.
    SM: Give me your supervisor!
    ME: Regarding what?
    SM: Because I want this earpiece replaced and you're not doing anything for me.

    I love how all these fools who are far to busy to go through the proper channels and get their problems resolved quickly always have all the time in the world to yell and scream at the wrong people.

    Hulk Smash!

    SW: I want these phones turned off! My kids were abusing the minutes and I want them to get their own phones.
    ME: Well, we could switch the service into their lines into their own names for you, and they could keep the same numbers and phones.
    SW: No, I smashed their phones.

    I'm sure a psychologist would have a field day with the deeper connotations of destroying your children's phones because you were upset with them. Still, at least it was the phones and not the kids.

    Gravekeeper's Farkwit
    (I've been waiting so long to use that, I'm almost 100% sure this is one of his)

    ME: Could I have your mobile phone number please?
    ME: I'm sorry, could I get your mobile number please?
    ME: Um... May I ask what this number is?
    SW: My phone number.
    ME: I'm afraid that number isn't a valid one. Mobile numbers are 10 digits.
    SW: It is.
    SW: Yes.
    ME: That's 16 digits. I'm afraid that's not a phone number, or an account number.
    SW: Yes, it is my number.
    ME: I'm afraid that number is not in our system.
    SW: But that is my number.
    ME: Do you have an account with us?
    SW: *Click*

    It's finally happened. The stars are aligned and I am getting my karmic twin's customers. Pretty soon I'm sure corporate will start running a promotion for free pink camo tube tops with all phone upgrades ><

    I'll let der Fuhrer know you'll be in touch

    SM: I want to cancel this line because I didn't get service in the UK.
    ME: I'm sorry to hear that. We actually do have a few roaming partners in the UK, and I see your phone should be compatible with their networks.
    SM: Well it didn't work. And you guys said it would, which is why I got the service in the first place. So now I'm done, and I want it canceled.
    ME: I do see you called us from the UK and it looks like they were able to get you connected to the network over there.
    SM: Yeah, well, then I lost it again. So just cancel.
    ME: I can cancel the line for you, but since it's already been active for 2 months, the termination fee would apply. Now, what we can do instead is try to find out why-
    SM: I'm not paying a termination fee! You failed to provide me with service!
    ME: We didn't fail to provide you with service. We don't offer service ourselves anywhere but in the US, though we do have agreements with foreign providers that allow our customers to use their service for a fee. But we do not own or operate those networks.
    SM: This is total bullshit! You're taking no accountability for failing to provide me with service you said would be there.
    ME: Again, I don't know what might have caused your phone to be unable to access the network in the UK, but as long as you were in a coverage area, it should have been able to get signal. But I can only be accountable for the service that I provide.
    SM: Yeah? Well how about this. How about if you don't take that termination fee off, I'll send out letters to everyone in my community that you are the worst company there is. How would you like that?
    ME: I wouldn't like that, but I couldn't stop you from doing it.
    SM: You know what? You guys are a bunch of f*cking nazis! What is your name and rep ID?
    ME: Kara, XX-XXXXX
    SM: Yeah, well, you know what, Kara? I'm writing a letter to your CEO and I'm going to tell him you're a nazi and your company sucks. *click*

    Yeah, be sure to send that priority mail. The sooner we get that letter, the sooner we can dispatch a death squad to your location. Though I am part German and I speak the language (somewhat. I took it in high school but it's been 10 years now), I'm not a nazi at all. I'm too cute. I am, however, part of a more terrifying organization. Cobraaaaa!

    You've got to draw a line somewhere

    SW: I want to cancel unless you give me more free minutes! Our phone is down at work and our boss is on a cruise, so I've been having to use my cell phone to call customers and tell them to pick up they laundry.
    ME: I can definitely understand how that would cause you to be using more minutes. But I see here that you've already been given 450 courtesy minutes this month, and I have no more minutes available that I can get for your account.
    SW: But I need it for work! So you're just going to let me go over and charge me?
    ME: We can look at going to a higher plan for the month.
    SW: No! I ain't paying no more than my regular bill!
    ME: Then I'm sure that since you had to resort to using your cell phone for the sake of the business, your boss will be happy to reimburse you for any charges you incur for that.
    SW: No he won't do nothing like that!

    Then, once again, you are yelling at the wrong person. You did a noble thing, using your phone to keep the customers (and money) coming in, but "generous" doesn't even begin to describe what we've done for you. and I just have nothing further I can add without going to a higher plan. You should make your boss get on his knees and kiss your butt.

    I'm guessing reading in general is probably a struggle for you

    SM: So you're saying that just because I didn't read my bill, and I didn't see when my bill cycle ended and went over, that you aren't going to help me?
    ME: Again, your bill cycle has remained unchanged since you activated 2 years ago and the start and end dates of your cycle are printed on every bill. I do apologize if you missed that, but we do send your bill so you have an understanding of what you were charged for and what period of time the charges were incurred.
    SM: Let me ask you something, do you read all your bills?
    ME: I understand that if I don't bother to read a bill I may miss a change to a policy or increase in charges.
    SM: Okay, so you can understand where I'm coming from. So, like, if you don't read your car insurance bill-
    ME: But, if I don't read my insurance bill and they change my premiums or coverage, if I call back and try to dispute that they can't do anything for me.
    ME: But, that's like, not the same thing.

    No, it's exactly the same thing. I destroyed you with your own example. Checkmate! Flawless Victory! A winner is me! Cobraaaaa!

    And lastly....

    SM: I'm a good customer! I pay my bill every month. And 1 month I don't pay, you guys shut me off?
    ME: While I can see that your payment history is excellent, any account may be suspended if the bill is unpaid for an extended period of time.
    SM: Well, this phone doesn't even work right. All I get is static!
    ME: I can certainly get that taken care of for you. Now, it looks like you're on the phone right now. I'd need to have you on a different line so we can troubleshoot the issue.
    SM: I'm not doing that. Just replace it in good faith.
    ME: I'm afraid I cannot get an exchange without troubleshooting.
    SM: Let me talk to your supervisor.
    ME: Sigh, just a moment.
    SUP: What's going on?
    ME: This ass-goblin wants to talk to you because he's a good customer and wants his phone replaced without troubleshooting.
    SUP: So what does he want me to do?
    ME: I already told him we need to troubleshoot.
    SUP: Okay, I'll call your desk in a minute.
    ME: Sir? My Supervisor is finishing up on a call right now but he'll be right with you.
    SM: Let me get your name!
    ME: Kara, Rep ID XX-XXXX.
    SM: Yeah, I'm going to be writing a letter with your name on it. I'm so tired of this shit! I can't believe that you would-
    ME (to SUP): Hold on, don't call me yet. He's not done bitching at me.
    SUP: Say when.
    SM: Blah blah all these years! And my phone isn't working and you want me to jump through these hoops for you!
    ME: Uh-huh. Well, looks like my supervisor is going to be joining us momentarily, so if you don't mind holding one more time.
    SM: Fine, whatever.
    ME: WHEN!

    Maybe I should just ignore policy and protocol and just give everyone what they want, no matter how impossible. Then at least they'd stop whining so much.
    Nah, it's more fun being evil. Cobraaaaa!
    Last edited by Kara; 07-12-2007, 12:02 AM.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Heh, just remember the policies and rules governing all Cobra operatives in the field:

    1. When sneaking up on a Joe or other opponent to quietly and quickly take them out, remember to always shout out 'COBRAAAA!' before attacking.

    2. At Cobra, safety is job #1. Remember to follow the safety guildines for your area, use all provided safety equipment, and clean up any spills or splattered co-workers.

    3. Blow up Fancher Elementary School.

    4. No matter how easily Cobra can clone a replacement for you, we still care about your well-being!

    BTW, you might be interested in this:
    Check out my webcomic!


    • #3
      Es gibt nichts schöneres als ein ein Post von Kara oder Gravekeeper am Morgen.

      Ha, now try and translate this!

      Melody Gardot


      • #4
        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
        SM: Yeah? Well how about this. How about if you don't take that termination fee off, I'll send out letters to everyone in my community that you are the worst company there is. How would you like that?

        Me: Everyone in your community? That's alot of people! You will spend more in the price of stamps than you will with the early termination fee. Unless you are writing the letters on 'principle'

        Oh how I love idle threats like that. They bring a little joy into my life.


        • #5
          Quoth Panigg View Post
          Es gibt nichts schöneres als ein ein Post von Kara oder Gravekeeper am Morgen.

          Ha, now try and translate this!

          hmm... I'm trying to remember my German...

          I think I've got part of it, but I don't remember what schöneres means...

          I miss German class... there were so few of us that took it in high school, we used to have a field day with it.
          I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


          • #6
            I'll translate it for you.

            There is no better thing than a post by Kara or Gravekeeper in the morning.

            "schöneres" directly translated is "more beautiful".
            Melody Gardot


            • #7
              Gravekeeper's Farkwit
              (I've been waiting so long to use that, I'm almost 100% sure this is one of his)
              Next thing you know your company will open an account with us for after hours/overflow calls. One major cell company already does.....starts with a C. If your cell company starts with a C. Please leave me alone.

              Crashing through the sky, comes a fearful cry: Cobraaaa, COBRA! Cobraaa, COBRA!

              Also, Baroness <3


              • #8
                I think I would have gotten it if I had known that one word! I can still read German a bit! Weee!

                I like how we made our German teacher proud the one day this kid paired up 2 sentence parts wrong and we all laughed... He was wrong, but we understood him! She exclaimed... and sat there stunned looking at us..

                We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic.

                I love your posts Kara. I'm sorry you have assholes to deal with, but I sure do love reading about them...and your commentary
                I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                • #9
                  Quoth Kara_CS View Post

                  SM: Yeah, well, you know what, Kara? I'm writing a letter to your CEO and I'm going to tell him you're a nazi and your company sucks. *click*
                  Hmm, you seem a bit young to have attempted exterminating my ancestors. Oh well maybe Red Skull invented a time machine or something. By the way your airports suck but Luftansa is pretty nice (they gave me chocolate but it tasted like soap which is still better than no chocolate at all).

                  Gravekeeper, I think the cat in your icon went crosseyed from supressing a fart. It makes me giggle.
                  Last edited by Soulstealer; 07-11-2007, 07:57 PM.
                  How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                  • #10
                    Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                    Me: Everyone in your community? That's alot of people! You will spend more in the price of stamps than you will with the early termination fee. Unless you are writing the letters on 'principle'
                    Unless, of course, he does not mail out the letters, but spreads them around in leaflet form.

                    Which is littering, and punishable by a fine larger than your termination fee. Check and mate!
                    I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                    Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                      And lastly....

                      SM: I'm a good customer! I pay my bill every month. And 1 month I don't pay, you guys shut me off?
                      ME: While I can see that your payment history is excellent, any account may be suspended if the bill is unpaid for an extended period of time.
                      I got one of these asshats yesterday. Called whining about his electric getting cut off. (It was 95 degrees here in Michigan yesterday and I'm sure he was "hot around the collar") He starts out with telling me he pays his bill every month and never in his life has he been turned off for non-payment and we'd better turn him back on in the next half hour or someone would hear about it..... Well, looking over his account, he pays every other month and not every month, so he's late half the time, and......get this.......He's been turned off for non-payment 4, yes 4 other times since he's had service with us!!!!

                      He told me he'd made a phone payment just before calling me, so I verified the payment and then placed his order, being sure to emphasize that his service will be restored "within the next 24 HOURS" as per our policy. I was hoping our techs would be busy and he'd have to wait, but when I checked this morning, we had him restored in 1 hour


                      • #12

                        Am I the only one that has been alternately amused and disturbed that, when you leave a job that offered insurance, the "stopgap" plan that allows you to keep your insurance is called COBRA?
                        Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                          Though I am part German and I speak the language (somewhat. I took it in high school but it's been 10 years now), I'm not a nazi at all. I'm too cute. I am, however, part of a more terrifying organization. Cobraaaaa!
                          Nah.... what you need, see, is a fluffy white cat to pet while you contemplate your diabolical schemes....


                          • #14
                            Quoth Panigg View Post
                            There is no better thing than a post by Kara or Gravekeeper in the morning.

                            "schöneres" directly translated is "more beautiful".
                            I came up with "There is nothing more beautiful than a post by Kara or Gravekeeper in the morning." I know it's the same thing, but I'm glad to see I haven't forgotten everything I learned.

                            And thank you *blush*

                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            Also, Baroness <3
                            Agreed. She was so much easier to enjoy than the girl Joes. Lady Jane and Scarlet were just Bantha pudu.

                            Quoth DesignFox View Post
                            I love your posts Kara.
                            Aw, stop it.


                            Seriously, don't.

                            Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                            Nah.... what you need, see, is a fluffy white cat to pet while you contemplate your diabolical schemes....
                            I love cats. But my SO is so allergic to them that if she touches one her eyes swell shut. So we have bunnies instead. I could be a villainess (or Baroness since she's the only Cobra female) with a bunny. That reminds me, there was a Monty Python bit that went like that. "Four Fluffy's dead, and not one called me mother."

                            Quoth JetfireRules View Post
                            It drove an ex girlfriend of mine nuts (N-V-T-S NUTS!) that I can do an absolutely perfect Dr. Evil.
                            I can manage a pretty good Frau Ferbissina (Send in ze clone!). Which keeps in line with the German/Nazi thing.
                            "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                            • #15
                              Bah, Lady Jay and Scarlet.

                              Jinx was kinda cute on the rare occasion she took off the mask.

                              But definitely Baroness all the way... -.-

