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Would restaurants ever say this?

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  • Would restaurants ever say this?

    Hey, my first real thread (seeing as my SC experiences can't compete enough for me to start my own on them--and I think this thread fits this forum better than it would the others).

    The following is based on my own actual experience as a customer at least once--perhaps others should try it, if any place cares to post it--or, more likely, gently mention it to customers who's visit gets off to a rocky start (fortunately I stayed calm during it all, and the conclusion was my idea, not theirs):

    The first table I was offered was in a stuffy part of the room
    The second, next to a very loud group
    The third had too much glare from the overhead light
    The fourth, too little room between seatback and table
    --both sides, and the table wouldn't move
    The fifth, uncomfortable seat cushions on both sides

    With no feasible tables remaining, and sensing I was maybe
    overly sensitive that night for some reason, I got the feeling
    maybe my body was telling me I needed to go to bed instead
    of stay up and eat--and wouldn't you know, home was quite comfortable
    --and so was that restaurant when I went back later
    I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.

  • #2
    Mon aéroglisseur est plein des anguilles!"


    • #3
      Oh...maybe the idea of being able to say this should have been under "Things you wish could happen"--SCs realizing the unpleasant situation is perhaps trying to tell them something. Remembering that a customer might be in a position like this helps me, anyway. Must be a new age thing.
      I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


      • #4
        Quoth Mixed Bag
        The following is based on my own actual experience as a customer at least once--perhaps others should try it, if any place cares to post it--or, more likely, gently mention it to customers who's visit gets off to a rocky start (fortunately I stayed calm during it all, and the conclusion was my idea, not theirs):

        The first table I was offered was in a stuffy part of the room
        The second, next to a very loud group
        The third had too much glare from the overhead light
        The fourth, too little room between seatback and table
        --both sides, and the table wouldn't move
        The fifth, uncomfortable seat cushions on both sides
        Personally, if I were offered that many bad places (especially the first two) to sit in, at a restaurant, I would consider never going back. Unless it was a busy time for the restaurant? If it was busy busy busy, I could understand...that's what's available. If it was slow, I'd say they didn't want to serve you for some reason.

        Just my opinion(s), though.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I'm with Mixed Bag on this one. On the other side of the coin... Most days when I go to work, even my strangest and most irate callers are amusing in their own way. Other days, even some of the nicest callers manage to irritate me. The callers don't change much from day to day... often it's me that's different.
          I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler

