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Talk about slow

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  • #16
    SC's also like to have converstaions in the main drive of a parking lot. Hello! Car coming...can you please move out of the flow of traffic trying to get through?Or they just dart out of the exit without even watching for cars. Then they glare at you like you're doing something wrong. I see this all the time at my local Wally World.


    • #17
      Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
      Reminds me of high school. The worst was the people who had to have their conversations leaning against my locker. Or the people sitting on the floor doing their homework, again, in front of my locker. Or that anonymous person who stuffed paper garbage into my locker through the slats. God, I hated high school.
      My locker was Chewed Gum Depot. It got to the point where I was turning the dial with a piece of paper each day because people thought it was funny to stuff their wads of gum on it and the latch. ::gag:: Then they finally finished building the new high school and I got a clean, almost-as-tall-as-I-am locker instead of the dinky (3 feet tall, half a foot wide) Gum Repository.

      The university I did my undergraduate work had lots of people (usually freshmen) who would stop and have a conversation in the middle of the hallway or sidewalk. They always had this uncanny knack for conversing right at the tightest bottlenecks. I usually mumbled an "excuse me" as I just sort of power-shouldered past them on my way to my next class.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #18
        Quoth LonelyStr8manInSF View Post
        A couple times I've been irate enough to use my special 'really loud but not yelling extra deep' voice to say: "Move to the back of the damn bus, and this applies doubly to those of you pretending you can't hear me." I once started calling out individuals who continued to deny my existance. It worked VERY well.
        Ooooh... I'd adore a driver who did that. I have a tendancy to be snarky to the idiots on the bus.

        Just this morning, I had a bit of a shoving match between me, and some brain donor with a backpack. For background, I have to take two buses to get to work. The first one I'm on for a single mile, and get off at the second stop, so I just stand in the back door well, since I'm not going far. Nobody has ever gotten off at that first stop, yet, either.

        So, I take up my spot, and this summer school idiot decides that the other side of the back door area is a great place to stand. Which would have been fine if she had any clue whatsoever on how far back her backpack went. I think I shoved it into her back about a dozen times before she turned so it wasn't aimed directly at my chest. And all of that in less time than it takes a bus to travel a single mile.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

