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Heartbreak, Ewoks and Deliverance

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  • Heartbreak, Ewoks and Deliverance


    SC: "Yeah, I was trying fix truck lighting"
    Me: "Pardon? Track lighting?"
    SC: "Yeah, and breaker went off. I dunno how to fix it. I think it's a fuse or something."

    Let me get this straight: You don't know how to change a fuse but you're attempting to fix your own track lighting. This seems tragically unwise. In fact, since you managed to trip a breaker, that would imply you've already succeeded in shorting something out. Unfortunately, since you're phoning me instead of 911, you must have failed to prove Darwin right. You're not going to give up that easily are you? That track lighting isn't going to fix itself. I bet I know the problem too: The wiring's probably dirty. Give it a good scrub down with a wet cloth first. No, no need to hang up. I can hold. I'll sit here and quietly cheer you on while I listen for any sound of your "success".


    SC: "Yeah, I jus saw an ad in the paper-"

    You know what? Its 11:30pm. Based on your area code that would make it 2:30am your time. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret: The newspaper will still be there in the morning. No one's going to steal your newspaper while you sleep. Whatever hallucinatory gremlins, mogwai, pixies or ewoks that are haunting your waking hours are purely figments of your psychosis and cannot actually remove articles from your home. If it makes you feel any better you can tell Gizmo to go to Hell before you go to bed. That'll learn em.

    Rare Occurrences

    SC: "I just paid my MGL bill at your little machine here and I was wondering how long it takes to post?"
    Me: "It typically takes 1-3 business days to post."
    SC: "1-3 business days? Alright, great. Thanks, bye"
    Me: "Ye-"
    SC: "<click>"

    ….but….what….that's it? You're not going to argue? You're not going to demand I speed it up? You're not going to demand your money back? You're just going to politely accept it, be reasonable and hang up? Wha….th……but…, come back! I love you!

    Irrelevant Details

    Me: "Is there any particular time you'd like them to call?"
    SC: "Well, I'm gonna be out in a few hours here…gotta get ma hair cut. Then I might be out mowin' the lawn…."

    Yes, more, MORE. I require more utterly irrelevant details on your life! Wait, wait, no, this isn't fair. I should outline what I'm going to do for the rest of the day too so you to can experience the thrill of listening to pointless drivel from a complete stranger. After I manage to stumble my way to the Skytrain I may or may not pass out on the trip home. Provided I don't wake up in Surrey I'll somehow manage to find my way home. Then I'll stick my head in the freezer for half an hour. Then I'll stumble into bed and attempt to sleep through the heat, sun and my landlord's incessant need to mow all of creation. I may even get up once or twice to get a glass of water and scratch myself inappropriately.


    Me: "Ok, what time did you make the payment?"
    SC: "Around 9:30."
    Me: "AM or PM?"
    SC: "Noon."

    Whoa, did you feel that? The very flow of time actually lurched forward there for a moment. Incredible. Do it again.

    Tech Support <sob>

    SC: "It says its trynna connect to the server but its jus sitting there"
    Me: "Ah, alright. Do you have a firewall installed?"
    SC: "Do you hafta be connected to the internet?"
    Me: "…yes."

    That would be helpful. Next time please identify yourself as woefully computer illiterate faster. The sooner I realize you're not even remotely qualified to own a computer the faster I can lower my line of inquiry to a more primitive level you can understand such as "Is the computer plugged in?".

    and again....

    SC: "Ya, I'm trynna install yer softwar n' I jus wanna make sure I'm doin' it right."
    Me: "Ok."
    SC: "Now I stuck the disk in an' it's sayin' somethin' bout autoplee sh'yall.exe, run'?"
    Me: "Pardon?"
    SC: "Sh'yall.exe. S-h-e-l-l.exe"

    Wait, you're being foiled by your laptop's Autoplay settings? <sigh> Well at least you identified yourself much faster then the previous caller. So I will award you a handful of brownie points for that anyway. Don't spend them all in one place. There's no telling how long it'll be before you ever get your grubby paws on more.


    SC: "Yew doin' alright todae?"
    Me: "Yes, I'm doing good."
    SC: "….Good…...thas a good thing….real good...."

    …..I have no wish to emit distressed noises akin to a swine while two banjos do battle in the background. Please spare me.

    Day Two: Complete.

  • #2
    I'm addicted to your posts... as is my other half...

    I can actually hear the southern twang while I read... Scary.
    hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
    1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
    2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
    3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Irrelevant Details

      Me: "Is there any particular time you'd like them to call?"
      SC: "Well, I'm gonna be out in a few hours here…gotta get ma hair cut. Then I might be out mowin' the lawn…."
      I get these ALL THE TIME. I live in the midwest, and people are...chatty.
      We have enough youth. How about a "Fountain of Smart"?


      • #4
        Quoth Rappunzill View Post
        I get these ALL THE TIME. I live in the midwest, and people are...chatty.
        He was from North Carolina. North "Car-raul-line-uh" to be exact.


        • #5
          I don't know about that first guy, but when a 'fuse' blows in my house I just go downstairs and flip a switch - maybe this guy should check into getting that installed if he still has an old school fuse box... (my mom and I occasionally blow out several lights/outlets in the bedrooms and bathrooms when one of us doesn't realize the other is using her hair dryer at the same time we turn on our own). Aside from that I don't believe I've ever blown out the lights.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

            Rare Occurrences

            SC: "I just paid my MGL bill at your little machine here and I was wondering how long it takes to post?"
            Me: "It typically takes 1-3 business days to post."
            SC: "1-3 business days? Alright, great. Thanks, bye"
            Me: "Ye-"
            SC: "<click>"

            ….but….what….that's it? You're not going to argue? You're not going to demand I speed it up? You're not going to demand your money back? You're just going to politely accept it, be reasonable and hang up? Wha….th……but…, come back! I love you!

            I hope this wasnt a girl because yout rabid fangirls may wolf out, hunt them down and rip their bodies to shreads


            • #7
              Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
              I hope this wasnt a girl because yout rabid fangirls may wolf out, hunt them down and rip their bodies to shreads
              It was, actually. Want her address? I am normally rather benevolent but having others kill for me seems rather novel.

              Er, I mean, no, I don't condone violence of any sort. >.>


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                He was from North Carolina. North "Car-raul-line-uh" to be exact.
                I think you may have spoken with one of my ex's. Just not sure which one - they all seem to run together at times.

                Which I think explains why I drink bottled water - the water supply is contaminated with stupid.
                Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  :Me: "Ok, what time did you make the payment?"
                  SC: "Around 9:30."
                  Me: "AM or PM?"
                  SC: "Noon."

                  Whoa, did you feel that? The very flow of time actually lurched forward there for a moment. Incredible. Do it again.
                  If it ever happened again, I think the world as we know it would implode.

                  When that happens, I'll need to be held.

                  And how 9:30 AM/PM becomes noon--if anyone can tell me how that's possible, please do.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    It was, actually. Want her address? I am normally rather benevolent but having others kill for me seems rather novel.

                    Er, I mean, no, I don't condone violence of any sort. >.>
                    AHHHHHHH but violence against others is fun


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                      I hope this wasnt a girl because yout rabid fangirls may wolf out, hunt them down and rip their bodies to shreads
                      Too late. Don't worry, girls, she won't be 'distracting' GK anymore....

                      *goes to wash her hands and use a Tide pen to remove the 'evidence' from her shirt*
                      -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                      -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                      • #12
                        Quoth BusBus View Post
                        Too late. Don't worry, girls, she won't be 'distracting' GK anymore....

                        *goes to wash her hands and use a Tide pen to remove the 'evidence' from her shirt*
                        That would be a much better commercial for that Tide pen then that silly army one. Some guy about to be hauled in for questioning about the body in his apartment and the blood stains on his shirt. He then deftly Tide pens them away when the cops aren't looking.


                        • #13
                          Rare Occurrences

                          SC: "I just paid my MGL bill at your little machine here and I was wondering how long it takes to post?"
                          Me: "It typically takes 1-3 business days to post."
                          SC: "1-3 business days? Alright, great. Thanks, bye"
                          Me: "Ye-"
                          SC: "<click>"

                          ….but….what….that's it? You're not going to argue? You're not going to demand I speed it up? You're not going to demand your money back? You're just going to politely accept it, be reasonable and hang up? Wha….th……but…, come back! I love you!
                          You love me long time!
                          Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            SC: "Yeah, I was trying fix truck lighting"
                            Me: "Pardon? Track lighting?"
                            SC: "Yeah, and breaker went off. I dunno how to fix it. I think it's a fuse or something."
                            Okay, I can fix computers and phones. That's it. I am totally inept at fixing just about everything else (except dinner ). And even I know how to check a damn fuse box!
                            "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                            • #15
                              What is black, smokes, and hangs from the ceiling?

                              An amateur electrician.

