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High profile SC gets boned.

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  • High profile SC gets boned.

    I just love it when a "do you know who I am?" goes completely wrong.

    A little backstory for as most people here aren't from Australia,
    Eddie McGuire was the host of the Oz version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, he was also CEO of Nine Network (major TV station down here) and currently hosts another gameshow and is president of Collingwood Football club.

    Well, he tried twice to get a branch of the RTA (US esquivalent would be DMV i guess) to open early as he doesn't have enough time to stand in line to renew his drivers licence like everyone else. The staff refused to do it and refused to let him speak to a manager. His next attempt involved turning up 10 minutes before closing, marching up to the counter and demanding to be served. The staffer told him to take a number and wait. He complained to the manager who (and this is an important lesson to all managers out there) backed up the counter staff and told him to take a ticket and wait in line like all the other people.

    link here if you want to read the full news story
    Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.

  • #2
    MWAHAHAHAHA Oh thats priceless. I would hug my manager if I worked there!


    • #3
      It would have been really funny if the arguement between McGuire and the RTA Manager had carried on a little longer:

      McG: I demand that you serve me right away!

      Mgr: No, you'll have to take a ticket and wait like everyone else!

      ......this goes back and forth several times........

      McG: Oh fine! Gimme a bloody ticket!

      Mgr: Sorry sir, but it's 5:00 pm. You'll have to come back another day as we are now closed.



      • #4
        Hahahaha! Eddie Everywhere! What a tosser. He totally deserved to get binned from Channel 9. But I didn't know about the RTA story!

        We Aussies don't take crap from anyone. And the bigger you are, the more we like knocking off you pedestal if you're a wanker.
        Last edited by MadMike; 07-17-2007, 05:22 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting
        Total surrender
        Your touch is so tender
        Your skin is like water on a burning beach
        And it brings me relief
        "Nails in My Feet" - Crowded House

