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His Cunning Plan Failed

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  • His Cunning Plan Failed

    Too bad for him that I'm not stupid.

    This fellow called and asked about our software. I described it, but he seemed doubtful that it would work for him.

    So I referred him to our web site where he could download the free demo version. I warned him that the demo version would insert extra characters into the output (which could not be edited out) but otherwise functioned exactly like the paid product.

    Oh, no. That wouldn't work. He needed to see if the quality would be good. I assured him that the quality (besides the extra characters) would be just the same as the paid software.

    So he changed tack. You see, he found the price of the paid version very high and just needs a few lines of output. Could I run his text through the one on my machine and let him see how it came out?

    I gently pointed out that doing the work on MY system wouldn't be a very good test of how the software would work on HIS system. The best way to find out would be to use the demo on his system.

    Finally he came to the point. He had no intention of paying $600 for a piece of software he needed to use occasionally. Could I just run his text through my copy and give him the output?

    I was actually suprised that he came right out and said that. Most of them keep dancing around it, hoping they can trick me into doing some work for them for free.

    So I chirpily agreed that $600 certainly was a lot to pay for software which wouldn't get used much. Then I cheerfully informed him that many of our paying customers use our software to produce output for clients as a business. We are more than happy to refer potential clients to them. If he could just give me his location, I'd be more than happy to look a few up for him.

    Bottom line? I'm not going to steal business from our paying customers. Even if I thought it might lead to a sale, I wouldn't do that. I don't know where this guy got off thinking he was entitled to free work if he didn't want to buy the tools.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    You've probably mentioned it before, but what type of software is it? No names, just general.

    I'm a Leo, today is my birthday , we are abnormally curious (read: nosy beyond belief).
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #3
      Quoth wagegoth
      You've probably mentioned it before, but what type of software is it? No names, just general.

      I'm a Leo, today is my birthday , we are abnormally curious (read: nosy beyond belief).
      Happy Birthday, Wagegoth!


      • #4
        Shoulda told the guy, "Sure, I'll do it for you! It'll only cost you $600 for those two lines."


        • #5
          Hey Wagegoth, it's my birthday too and you are totally correct about the curiousity part - that's why we are Leos. *<)
          Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

          I'm a case study.


          • #6
            Quoth Cia
            Hey Wagegoth, it's my birthday too and you are totally correct about the curiousity part - that's why we are Leos. *<)
            Happy birthday to you too, Cia. Re the op, why is it that customers think "Oh, it's ONLY two lines....only a 65 cent candy bar...only a few grapes...I'll only use it for a minute....You shouldn't worry about it...what harm can it do....the store won't miss it...oh, sorry, it broke!" ?


            • #7
              To my fellow Leo!

              A BIG Happy, happy birthday, Cia!
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                Happy births, C & W.

                Moi, I'd be a contrite customer recognizing that businesses paid a lot for the software and indignantly demand to know what sites were letting it be illegally downloaded so I could file complaints against them--and if you didna know, I'd hope to shame someone at the store into finding out in order to protect their best customers.
                I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                • #9
                  This sounds like something my ex-client would have tried to pull.

                  He needs the functionality of the software, but he doesn't want to pay the money for it. So he has three options:
                  - Hire somebody who has the software (I think this point has been covered quite well)
                  - Find another, cheaper, product that meets his needs (ooh, maybe there's an open-source version available for FREE... but that's probably too much work and too geeky for him).
                  - Or... ooh, here's a novel idea... he can just do the formatting himself in a word processor, do any calculations by hand, etc., and deal with the fact that he doesn't want to pay for his software in a mature and intelligent fashion.
                  "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                  -- The Meteor Principle

                  Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                  • #10
                    Quoth wagegoth
                    You've probably mentioned it before, but what type of software is it? No names, just general.
                    If memory serves, Dips' company makes some very specialised software, and to reveal too much would be to make it very recognisable about where she works. It's usually a very good idea to obfuscate where your place of work is.



                    • #11
                      Happy birthdays Cia and Wagegoth. Look in your PMs.

                      Quoth Mixed Bag
                      Happy births, C & W.

                      Moi, I'd be a contrite customer recognizing that businesses paid a lot for the software and indignantly demand to know what sites were letting it be illegally downloaded so I could file complaints against them--and if you didna know, I'd hope to shame someone at the store into finding out in order to protect their best customers.
                      <snerk> That wouldn't work, either. Although it would get a "nice try" for style from me.

                      Even though I know you're joking, you'd be surprised how many thieves actually try to get me to help them steal our software. Sometimes after I have established who they are and where they live.

                      First rule of theft, people. Stay. Off. The. Radar! You don't walk into a store and announce you plan to shoplift, do you?

                      Quoth pbmods
                      - Find another, cheaper, product that meets his needs (ooh, maybe there's an open-source version available for FREE... but that's probably too much work and too geeky for him).
                      Very true. There are a couple of freeware options. The truly free ones are not supported and have a command-line interface. I'm more than happy to tell people in genuine need that the freeware exists, but nothing more. If they can't figure out how to use Google to find the freeware, they certainly won't be able to figure out how to use it.
                      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                      The stupid is strong with this one.

