While at work today the manager got a call from our security company. Someone pressed one of the silent alarms. 
The manager agrees to have the local police come, just in case something is going on. The police came, but stayed outside while they wanted the manager to walk though the store then out the front door, turn left and meet up with the police out of sight of the store.
The assisstant manager comes into the tech room (which has a view of the whole store) and makes sure we do not have any of the silent alarms, we do not.
The manager walks though the store and doesn't see anything odd and walks out the front door. Someone must have accidently hit it.
After the 'all clear' the security company calls back, the alarm was tripped again. Manager goes out and checks up with each rep. Nothing strange.
The alarm is pressed three more times when it is realized that one of the customer's children decided it was fun to push this button they found, hidden, under the cash register. When confronted about this, sure enough the parent swears that their child is an angel and never would do anything like that, even though she wasn't watching the kid. Uh-huh, four people saw the kid push the button.

The manager agrees to have the local police come, just in case something is going on. The police came, but stayed outside while they wanted the manager to walk though the store then out the front door, turn left and meet up with the police out of sight of the store.
The assisstant manager comes into the tech room (which has a view of the whole store) and makes sure we do not have any of the silent alarms, we do not.
The manager walks though the store and doesn't see anything odd and walks out the front door. Someone must have accidently hit it.
After the 'all clear' the security company calls back, the alarm was tripped again. Manager goes out and checks up with each rep. Nothing strange.
The alarm is pressed three more times when it is realized that one of the customer's children decided it was fun to push this button they found, hidden, under the cash register. When confronted about this, sure enough the parent swears that their child is an angel and never would do anything like that, even though she wasn't watching the kid. Uh-huh, four people saw the kid push the button.
