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The Liar Family

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  • The Liar Family

    All names changed to protect the innocent and, sadly, the guilty.

    The other night my co- worker, whom I'll call Lana, and I were working when a young man came in to rent a movie on his Mom's account. He didn't have the card and he was not an authorized renter so Lana explained that his Mom would need to come in and add him to the account if he's going to use it. He leaves and comes back with her. She adds him and her husband to her account and has two extra cards made. Now her son is Rich and her husband is Richard.

    Four hours later Rich and two of his friends come in and rent Annapolis and get some junk food goodies. Lana and I are still working- she checks the son out again. He makes a semi- snotty comment like, "I don't need my Mom this time do I?" She told him no since his Mom had just added him earlier in the evening.

    Skip forward to last night.

    Lana and I are working again. The Mom calls and is RANTING about how she just got a notice in the mail that Annapolis is late but she never rented Annapolis. I didn't realize at first that this was the same account. I asked her the standard question, "You have two authorized renters on your account could one of them have rented it?" She gets angry and starts yelling that she KNOWS they didn't, she asked them and they said they hadn't... blah, blah, blah. I can hear her son in the background yelling stuff like, "This is bullshit! They're lying! They let someone rent on your account!"... blah, blah, blah.

    At some point in the conversation she told me about having to come in and add her son and that she had rented Grandma's Boy for him then but they hadn't come back.

    *Insert sound of gears grinding in my head* NOW I remember this woman and her son coming in twice that night.

    I diplomatically explain to her that since she's so sure her son didn't rent the second movie that she should call and ask the Store Manager to watch the security tapes and that would just clear- up any doubt about who rented.
    I also added that my CSR's are very diligent about getting ID and/or the account card- as she would know since she had to come in and add her son to the account. And that since the same CSR had checked out on her account both times that evening I was positive that she would have been given either a copy of her card or an ID of someone on the account.

    She was like, "Uhh... okay. I'll talk to the Store Manager tomorrow."

    I then ask Lana if she remembers them? She says, "Yeah... the father was Richard and the son was Rich right? The son came back with a couple of friends and rented again later..."
    Ironic how the liar accuses us of lying.

    Anyhoo~ about 2 hours later the Mom calls back AGAIN and talks to Lana. She asks if Annapolis has been returned yet as they miraculously discovered who had it. THEN she says that when *whomever* returned it that, "Some Woman" had ran outside and yelled at *whomever*.

    Yeeaaahhh.... riiigghhht.

    I left a note for the SM just in case the Liar Family decided to call her and make the accusation that one of us HAD ran outside and yelled at *whomever*.
    Not that my SM would believe such nonsense anyway.

    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2
    Yeah, sometimes I wonder if lying is a genetic defect. Not SC related but I had a friend (no longer a friend!) who admitted to being a "professional liar" but swore up and down that time in her life was a long time ago. (WHATEVER!) Anywho, I had caught her one day explaining to her son tha the needed to lie about why he was late to school. See, she had overslept and didn't get him there on time. She was trying to tell him to tell the teachers that he was sick that morning but got better and decided he could go to school. She tried to explain that a little white lie is not a bad thing. Yeah , right! Let's see how this child grows up.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      See, a little white lie is saying a bad haircut is good. Schools don't care why you're late. All they care is excused and un-excused.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        It's b/c the parents teach their kids it's okay to lie and then those kids grow up and teach their kids - you know it used to be REALLY bad to be caught in a lie (okay like way before I was even born) and now it's just like "whatever" half the time.....

