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[QUOTE=FuzzyKitten99;163075]Your's must be Lea/Leah/Leia (fill in your name's spelling)... QUOTE]
Mines Leah. i get called princess Leia alot. also, i have a few customers tell me there is a song about my name...one guy in particular, tells me about the song everytime he comes in.....hes in every day.... i also get,"OH! a bible name!" which it is.... in the bible, Leah has a sister named...Rachel, i think. and rachel marries a man, but cannot produce, so rachel asks Leah to produce children for her by sleeping with rachels husband, and Leah does, many times. but then, a slave of thiers also does, and then finally, rachel does as well.......
i named my son Aleksander. i liked alexander, but with Aleksander, i can call him Alek, Aleks, Sander, Al, or Der(my moms nickname for him). plus, it was a little more unique, but still easy to pronounce. i am always having people tell me they absolutely LOVE the way we spelled his name. with his last name, it is really hard to pronounce, even though it is only three letters. it is just the placement of the letters. when asked for his last name, people always try to add another letter in front of it, because of how it sounds. so now, instead of saying it, i just spell it when asked for it.
Just the other day, someone asked me the origin of my last name. I was on the phone with Qwest, trying to get a bill sorted out. The guy asked me for my name and then asked what origin it was (he made small talk as well) . . . Indian. [Well, Native American].
The only problem is that my name has a R in it, and I can't pronounce Rs. And frankly, at this point I just hate those goddamn Rs. Do we really need them? The French have the right idea. And Americans expect a lot out of their Rs. What passes for an R in England doesn't even register to an American's ears. So, I introduce myself.
Heh. You and my grandmother would have gotten along famously. She was from back east, and she couldn't pronounce an 'r' to save her life. It was just the accent. We once gave her a watering can in the shape of an elephant, but told her it was an aardvark just so we could hear her say it. That lasted all of about an hour before we cracked up too much and told her. She had a good laugh.
Our favorite, though, was when she got a flat tire and pulled into a market parking lot and called my mother and aunt to go get her. My grandmother had only rudimentary directional sense, and by the time she pulled into the parking lot, she had lost track of where she was. The exchange went something like this:
GM = Grandmother
M = Mom
GM: I've got a flat and I need you to come change it.
M: Ok. Where are you?
GM: I'm in a parking lot for the "Skoah Stoah"
M: Do you know what cross streets?
GM: No just that I'm at the "Skoah Stoah"
So my mother and aunt go through the phone book looking for what they thought she had said: the Score Store. Fast forward to 45 minutes later. My mom and aunt were still at the house, having had no luck finding the place.
GM: Where are you?
M: We can't find where you are. You said you're at the Score Store?
GM: No, I'm at the "Skoah Stoah" S-K-O-A S-T-O-R-E.
M: Oh.
[tells my aunt, who finds the listing]
M: Found it. We'll be right there.
Beorn is a cool name. I approve.
Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
We had a similar situation with Jason's for a while.
At one party, we had three of our Jason's all sitting on a single couch. And you couldn't refer to any of them as "little" Jason, because the smallest of them was over 6' and at least 250 if not 300 lbs. Thankfully, none of them went by their actual names.
My mom and I are still Big A----- and Little A----- becuase for some reason she doesn't like Old A----- and Young A-----...
Can't imagine why..
And whoever it was that posted that Baby Name site...THANK YOU!!!! A few minutes ago I was wiping away tears I was laughing so hard...and you're right, I definitely think this girl and Gravekeeper would get along famously (or they would hate each other...)
I don't go in for ancient wisdom I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"
[QUOTE=DragonRose;164016]My last name is Polish and very hard to pronounce if you don't already know what it is. It's also not common at all. I am very used to it being mangled completely. In fact I've only had 2 ppl say it right in my lifetime. /QUOTE]
Polish names have always been easy for me to pronounce. Once you know the "tricks" of how the letter combinations work, it's actually pretty easy. It also helps that I'm of Polish extraction myself. And growing up with a family named "Wojtowicz" doesn't hurt either. (For those of you who don't know how to probounce Polish names, Wojtowicz is pronounced White-o-witch.)
My last name is not a typical Polish name, but it gets mangled all the time. It's Luehr, pronounced "Leer." but the vast majority of people pronounce it, of course, "Lure." And telling people how to spell it is a special experience in itself.
"That's Luehr. L-u-e-h-r."
"No, L-u-e-h-r."
I've often wished I could have a simple name, like Smith.
(The funniest misspelling our family ever got was when my dad got something in the mail addressed to "R. W. Lumber.)
Last edited by hecubus; 07-28-2007, 03:14 AM.
Reason: typo
My last name gets butchered so regularily, it doesn't even faze me anymore. It catches me offguard if someone pronounces it correctly. My nickname at work is the butchered version of my lastname. The only time it bugs me is if a) someone who should know better thinks that it's pronounced differently or b) it's a phone rep trying to sell me something who keeps using it.
-"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
-Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"
I worked at WM very very briefly in college. In orientation we had to make nametags, and the HR rep said we could put a nickname on it if we liked. So me being...well, me...I put "Jack Hammer" on mine.
2 months later the Store Manager is doing a walk through in my department and does the old shake-your hand-while trying to look at your nametag-without you noticing move...and does a doubletake. So much for him being Mr. Slick. Of course, I had to make a new nametag with my real, less cool name. But I was impressed I got away with it for that long. What was funny is my name was "Jack Hammer" so most of the customers called me Jack. Nobody picked up on it until the SM. Makes me wonder if all that pesticide used in potato farming really does harm brain cells........
I've never liked my name - first, middle or last. ESPECIALLY the last, because it was a source of much misery for me during high school thanks to the numerous assweeds who thought it would be fun to call me things like "Douche."
I would change it if I could, but I can't, for two reasons: 1, it would piss my dad off something fierce (and he is not the type who would understand that it's nothing personal, dad, but I can't fucking stand a name like that because it's been such a bloody PITA my whole fucking life). 2, even if I could, I can't decide what I would change it to because I haven't yet found any names that I really like well enough to live with.
My brother once got a piece of junk mail that was addressed to "[brother's name] Fucka." Yes, spelled exactly that way. We still laugh about that one, mainly because we can't believe that somebody would honestly think that was a legit surname.
~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~
My real name is stupid and I've hated it all my life. When I was cashiering, about every 3rd or 4th SC felt the need to comment on my name. So, I quit wearing my name tag.
One woman asked me, "Why in the world would your mother name you ____?"
I answered, "Because she hated me before I was even born."
Retail Haiku:
Depression sets in.
The hellhole is calling me ~
I don't want to go.
My brother once got a piece of junk mail that was addressed to "[brother's name] Fucka." Yes, spelled exactly that way. We still laugh about that one, mainly because we can't believe that somebody would honestly think that was a legit surname.
At one of our company picnics a few years ago, they gave us all name tags. One co-worker of mine, who's name was "Clint" got a nametag that did not say "CLINT," t=rather whoever made the nametag had mistaken the "LI" for a "U." You can imagine the looks he got.
I worked at WM very very briefly in college. In orientation we had to make nametags, and the HR rep said we could put a nickname on it if we liked. So me being...well, me...I put "Jack Hammer" on mine.
My name tag, which is more like a milit'ry dog tag than a name tag, says "The Frialator" on it. One old woman comes up to me, tilts her head to read my name tag, and says, loudly, "That's against the law! You have to put your real name on your name tag it's the law! I could have you arrested!"
You know, there's a certain flavor of narcisism to the kind of person that would actually convince himself that there must be a law about whatever he doesn't like.
You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.
Nobody picked up on it until the SM. Makes me wonder if all that pesticide used in potato farming really does harm brain cells........
When we get buyers who come in with names like "Candy Kane" and "Sumer Winter" then is it really any surprise that people didn't look twice at a name like "Jack Hammer"?
And yes, we really do have buyers by those two names. We've got buyers with even worse names, but those are two I can remember off the top of my head.
Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
I'm one of the few people in the world who LIKES their name. It suits me. It got be teased something rotten, but I put that down to the jealousy of a load of 'hayleys'. It's pretty without being sickly, unusual without being too weird and until recently had not been tarred with the chavvy brush of chav. It's a lovely traditional Irish name from the Irish side of my family. I like the contrast between irish first name and french hugonoat surname.
Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.
My name is Polly. I like it, and it suits me quite nicely.
Well, except for any time someone has recently seen the old version of Tom Sawyer, anyway....
And when people need help remembering it I just tell them, "Think parrots and crackers." However, I also tell them, "Don't ask unless you have them," when they start to mention anything about crackers. I like crackers.
My dad, back when he was still somewhat coherent, used to joke that my middle name was going to be Esther. I used to make jokes about when I missed my geometry class in high school. But the high school teacher who referred to me as "Wally Doodles" deserves to be buried in an anthill. The teacher who like to call me "Pretty Polly" wasn't so bad, but it did get me teased. And yeah, I was usually a teacher's pet, 'cause most of my fellow students were mindnumbingly lame.
Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden