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Customers who hit on you

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  • Customers who hit on you

    I've worked quite a few jobs from retail to call centers.. and there are always the few who will try to pick you up....

    Chinese Restaurant: Waitress, age 16
    Situation: customer was out of p[lum sauce
    Me: Would you like some more plum sauce for your eggrolls sir?
    CS: I'd like to stick my eggroll in your PLUM SAUCE!
    ME: well I am actually a minor Sir I'll see if the cops at table 3 can help you with that... (The Cops came in every week and we were all on a first name basis, gotta $20 tip)

    Albertsons Courtesy Clerk, age 17
    Situation Customer was confused while looking for something
    ME: Is there anything I can help you find?
    CS: Ya, You can help me find your phone number!
    ME: I don't know if we have that, i'll go check to see if it's in stock

    Not to mention the call center ones.."This is not that kind of phone line sir...."
    or the ones who are just masturbating and watching porn while you are explining their bill to them... Perverts!
    Last edited by Annichka; 12-19-2007, 02:21 AM.
    Working for "Runfast" together with "Beforetel" is just super fun!

  • #2
    When I was at Walmart, I got hit on by a few beautiful employees, and a couple of customers.

    When I was at Office Max, this one beautiful female customer was flirting with me, while I was helping her choose between some furniture. The managers, got in the middle, and she left. They didn't understand, that if they didn't butt in, that we could have made a $1,200 sale, along with the company warranty with it. She was all set to buy it, and then they messed it up. She actually said that, she hates when the employees are rude, and she walked off. I had actually known her from school, and she could easily afford it. Damn them. I do see her every now and then, and we always chat, when we have time.

    At my last Job. There was these girls about 16-17 that came in. They both keep trying flirt with me. They didn't buy nothing, because we didn't have what they wanted in. Another one, she was flirting me big time, and I was flirting right back. That is the one where i dropped the DVD on the floor, and I watched it fall in slow motion. I forgot where that post is at on these forums.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Quoth Annichka View Post

      Chinese Restaurant: Waitress, age 16
      Situation: customer was out of p[lum sauce
      Me: Would you like some more plum sauce for your eggrolls sir?
      CS: I'd like to stick my eggroll in your PLUM SAUCE!
      Why did I picture The Todd from Scrubs there?


      • #4
        Last night, my waitress asked me out. (this isn't the only time a waitress has hit on me... but she did it the best so far)

        She started most excellently though... she remembered my drink. Then she asked me if I was still with the blond. The only blond I can think of would be my ex, and I haven't been with her in about a year. She's the only girl I know that you would really look at and say "blond". (Bottle blond, but it looked nice.)

        She asked if I'd like to get coffee or go see a movie with her sometime. I said no and that I was with someone else.

        I've had many customers try and hit on me... not all female too. It's flattering, and no matter who it is, I never take offense to it.
        When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


        • #5
          A lot of times the random "rough" boys or the not-so-vanilla guys will throw me a glance and a wink. I'm not usually around customers long enough to hear anything.

          Except last Halloween, I was dressed in an angel costume, basically a thin white dress and wings. One guy in a Wal-Mart devil costume said,"Hey, you're a cute angel." Yeah, thanks. "Do you date demons?" I keep Lucifer pacified at home, thanks anyway.

          Another time, we had a bussload of little teenage girls from high/middle/whatever school. Manager D set things on the buffet and made sure the teachers were accomodated, and every time he walked by view of those girls, they'd all squeal and hide their faces and giggle like pidgeons.


          • #6
            When I worked Tim McGraw and was directing traffic, a girl was stealing glances at me while traffic was stopped. I was thinking "Why not" and decided to go get her phone number when traffic started up again.

            Every now and then, a random girl would wink at me or blow me a kiss.

            Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
            Why did I picture The Todd from Scrubs there?
            HIGH FIVE!! Oh and the use of innuendo for just about anything.
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7
              Quoth Fashion Lad! View Post
              I've had many customers try and hit on me... not all female too. It's flattering, and no matter who it is, I never take offense to it.
              It's flattering until they say a pick-up line.. yeah hit on me all you want with the small talk... but "i'd like to stick my eggroll in your plumsauce?" did i mention this guy looked like a middle-aged plummer and i was 16? And another thing as i said Before DON'T CALL UP YOUR LOCAL CELL PHONE COMPANY AND MASTURBATE WHILE HAVING SOME GIRL EXPLAIN YOUR BILL!!! GROSS! you can't say that is ok
              Working for "Runfast" together with "Beforetel" is just super fun!


              • #8
                The way that I flirt, I make small talk. Before I know it, I have a number and/or email. The way one of my old buddies does it, is he uses pick-up lines. He told me a couple, so I could try it. Never again. I will stick with my way, that actually works.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  Quoth powerboy View Post
                  The way that I flirt, I make small talk. Before I know it, I have a number and/or email. The way one of my old buddies does it, is he uses pick-up lines. He told me a couple, so I could try it. Never again. I will stick with my way, that actually works.
                  there we go small talk The right answer!
                  Working for "Runfast" together with "Beforetel" is just super fun!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Annichka View Post
                    It's flattering until they say a pick-up line.. yeah hit on me all you want with the small talk... but "i'd like to stick my eggroll in your plumsauce?" did i mention this guy looked like a middle-aged plummer and i was 16? And another thing as i said Before DON'T CALL UP YOUR LOCAL CELL PHONE COMPANY AND MASTURBATE WHILE HAVING SOME GIRL EXPLAIN YOUR BILL!!! GROSS! you can't say that is ok
                    Agreed. There is a big difference between harmless flirting and sexual harrassment. Especially if the target is a minor, that's a big no-no.
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      I enjoy a little flirt here and there (who doesnt), but if it got outta hand like Plum Sauce dude, I would have said something too.
                      I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                      "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I'm not amused by customers flirting with me either. I try to take my job seriously and I consider any reciprocation highly unprofessional on my part. Still, I've had a few occasions where it was just really bad

                        The worst happened when I was working at a candy store, I'd usually clerk by myself. The store was empty one evening and I was counting down the minutes to close when two teenage white-trash girls come in. They're the type you can tell by the way they act that they're kinda wild, and both are wearing tube tops and one was wearing a skirt(this will be important later). I will not lie. They were cute...-ish.

                        They proceed to get bags and fill them with their favorites before bringing it up to the counter. After weigh-in, they're a couple dollars short and I inform them that they can't put candy back.

                        One then looks at me and says "you can't make up the difference can you?" and the other adds a "yeah, please?" I tell them I can't, and they tell me to hold on a sec, then proceed to retreat to a corner of the store and whisper to eachother, one apparently trying to get the other to agree to something. They reached an accord and came back to the counter. "Okay," says the first, "will you make up the difference if we show you our boobs?" I was going to protest no when almost simultaneously the tube-tops came down.

                        Now, I'm a red-blooded male who likes the female form, but I have to be well-prepared for nudity and it has to be in the appropriate place. I was at work, enforcing corporate policy (which was that candy that cannot be paid for is to keep in in store, in the bag, and sell it 25% off), and so I was not amused. I told them no.

                        The leader then turns to her skirt-clad friend "What about this? She's not wearing any underwear. Show him your pussy!" and up the skirt went without hesitation, to which I replied "I'm calling mall security. Get out now!"

                        That was the worst hit-on I ever got at any job, but I have had quite a few flirters try to woo me into marking down a train set or model they were buying for daddy.
                        O God, thy sky is so vast and my plane is so small.


                        • #13
                          I once had a girl hit on me. My back was facing her as I was restocking shelves, she saw my short hair and starts flirting with me asking if I'm single and if I'm good in bed and asking which aisle the condoms were in. (I didn't answer any of her questions by the way.) My back is still facing her 'cause I don't want her to see me stiffling my giggles. Then she tries to give me her phone number by slipping it in my jeans. At that point I turned around, took the number, handed it back to her and said in my obviously high-pitched girly voice that I already had a boyfriend and I wasn't interested. When she heard me speak, the look on her face was priceless. She quickly grabbed the paper and fast-walked right out of the aisle. Later, I see her again with one of her friends, who is laughing her ass off, and shouting for the whole store and the North Pole to hear, "I can't believe you hit on a girl!" The girl was trying to shut her friend up when she saw me and immediatly looked in the other direction while turning the same color as Heinz ketchup.
                          "But I don't want to be among mad people."
                          You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


                          • #14
                            I remember one particularly embarassing incident when I worked as a banquet server at our town's local Italian restaurant.

                            I was 20 at the time and a wedding reception in our banquet hall was winding down at about 1AM. Now this restaurant had a portable dance floor that had to be disasembled via a star-bitted tool. So as I was starting to take apart the dance floor, I got a caressing tap on my shoulder and turned around to see who was trying to get my attention. Now, as a quick aside, let me just say that some of the family at this reception were quite liberal in the amount of spirits that they consumed and were quite "social" as a result of it. As I turn around, I see this semi-attractive 30'ish woman who is obviously about 10 sheets to a hurricane, standing over me, and this is the conversation that followed:

                            SPW=Spirits Possessed Woman
                            Me = Dur.

                            Me: Hello, can I help you?

                            SPW : H--hi, I was wondering if you could just leave the dance floor up for a little while longer.

                            Me: I am sorry mam, but I have already discussed the arrangements with the bride and groom, and they have already agreed that the dance floor is to be removed at this point.

                            SPWNow slightly more perky/bubbley) Oh, ok.

                            She wanders off at this point, and I continue to take apart the dance floor slab by slab. About five minutes goes by and I have the dance floor half done, and again I receive that familiar caressing tap, only this time on my bottom and obviously more "friendly". I was so startled that I almost dropped the square slab I was holding onto my already sore feet. I turn around startled and there is the same woman, now cracking a sly smile, and this is the second round of conversation that ensues:

                            (At this point also keep in mind that I am standing by this woman's father and her sister, who is the bride)

                            Me: Mam?

                            SPWSloshed, purring tone of voice) Can you just leave the dance floor up for a little while longer?

                            Me: I am sorry mam, but as I explained before, the bride and groom have requested the dance floor be taken down as per compliance to our restaurant's policy.

                            SPWSame purring, sloshed tone) Oh c'mon, (at this point she gets closer to me) I'll make it worth your while.

                            Me: (Raises eyebrow)Exscuse me, but I don't exactly understand.

                            SPWIn a not so quiet one of voice) I'll give you ten dollars and (wait for it ,wait for it, wait for it)a blowjob.

                            The father bride stood wideeyed and shocked, the waitress helping on this banquet let out a strangled little laugh, and I nearly dropped the slab on my feet for the second time. Luckily, my quick wit kicked in and responded with:

                            Me: I am sorry mam, but while I am flattered for the offer, I am afraid I must decline.

                            SPWPerplexed, drunken, purring, tone) Why?

                            Me: Because the bill already has included a gratuity.

                            With that, and a mirthful smile, I turned and carted out the slab I was holding leaving SPW standing there confused while her father and sister were trying to correctly express themselves as the conflicting emotions of anger at their relative's' actions and the humor of my response churned in their brains. I finally got the last of the slabs back into our storage area and as I came back into the banquet hall, I see non-other than SPW, in her drunken glory, dancing on top of what was the head table for this wedding reception. Needless to say, her father and sister were less than amused and were scolding her to come down from the table. Finally, SPW's husband/boyfriend/etc. decided to take her home and himself did not look amused by his significant other's actions and sternly escorted her from building. As Tracey(The Waitress helping me with said banquet)and I were finishing up and discussing the nights events, the father of the bride came walking back into the banquet hall and profusely apologized for his daughter's actions and offered us a white envelope as compensation for maintaining our composure with what had been a strenuous and rowdy reception. We thanked greatly and saw him off for the evening. When all was quiet we looked in the white envelop and it contained, I kid you not, about $400.00. We were both shocked because that was an extra $200.00 on top of what was already going to be a nice gratuity from the bill.

                            Needless to say, word got around to the serving staff and management of the place and that night became a sort of "legend" in the restaurant. Even after leaving the place seven years ago, I still get comments about that "Infamous Evening" and have even had the one manager, also a woman, take a 10 dollar bill and snap it between her hands as she gave me an evil smile. I turned beat red with embarassment , what can I say. Ahh well, the events life throws your way.


                            • #15
                              Can't say I've ever had this.

                              Wearing a butcher's apron and carrying a big old knife probably had effect when I was in retail. My picture (along with those of colleagues) on the cover of catalogues probably has an effect now.


