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Two SCs with one stone (long).

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  • Two SCs with one stone (long).

    This site inspired the Husband and I to talk about the bad old days when we both worked at Kinko's many years ago. Looking back, I really don't know how we got away with the stuff we did. I guess two reasons: we were good workers and the store was making obscene amounts of money. And the manager was a weak manager and didn't know half of what was going on. The half he did know about he didn't give a rip.

    This is the story of how we got rid of a sucky customer.

    I will call the husband J. I talk about him a lot, and I really do hate the word "hubby."

    So, anyway, J was working as a typesetter. At the time, I worked color and specialty, but we were both in there on a Saturday morning, and for some reason I don't remember, I was running the register. J had this dude that come in the night before and ordered some slides. He hadn't wanted to discuss cost, even though J tried to get him to discuss it, and now, in the cold light of day, he was experiencing some buyer's remorse and started a conversation with J to try and complain about the price after the fact.

    Meanwhile, this dude from P Marketing had come in and tried to pay for a 300 dollar order with a check. On my register, plain as day, was a sign. It said "Do not accept checks from P Marketing because they will bounce." Apparently, we'd been down this road before. I refused his check and off course, he had a meltdown.

    PM:What do you mean you can't take this check! You people always take my checks!"
    Me: Yeah, and they bounce every time. You will have to pay another way."
    PM: I'm taking my order and you're taking this check.
    Me: No, I'm not taking your check. Be thankful you aren't being charged for all the other orders you all have so far not paid for.
    PM: This is bullshit!

    He takes the large ream box his order is in and heads for the door. He's a big guy, so I imagine he's used to getting his way.

    Meanwhile, over in typsetting, J hears all the commotion and tells his SC to hold on a moment, he has to go take care of something. He come over to the register, sees what's going on, and chases the guy out, saying, "Call the cops on this guy." to us at the register. The two of them snarl and argue at each other all the way out the door.

    All the noise in the store comes to a stop. You can practically hear the toner drying as everyone's wondering if a fist fight is about to take place. I'm sure not going to let the love of my life be out in the lot alone with this big asshole, so I repeat "Call the cops!" to the others and run for the door. The other girl on the other register goes "What are you doing?!?!??!" (I'm only 5'6", and at the time 120 pounds) I yelled "I don't know, but if he takes a swing at J, he's gonna do it with me wrapped around his face!" and out the door I went.

    Cops showed up. P Marketing asshole actually admitted to the cops they'd been writing bad checks. How did this guy not get arrested? Isnt' that against the law? Anyway, I go back in and get back behind the register as if nothing has happened. Customers are all staring, but life begins to return. J walks back in with the ream box, plunks it down on the counter with a thud, and walks over to the SC he was dealing with before all this chaos erupted.

    J: Okay. What about these slides, now?
    SC: Um....never mind, dude.
    And he leaves. Quickly.

    At least HE was easy.

  • #2
    Maybe the other sc was afraid you were going to call the cops on him;that's why he left quickly.


    • #3
      I think he figured he wasn't going to get anywhere with his stupid little grievance. He'd just seen us totally drag this one guy from P Marketing, and when J came back inside, he was pissed and it was obvious.

      J doesn't hide his agitation well. He tends to wear his mood on his sleeve, even when he's trying not to. I told him once it was a good thing he didn't play poker for a living.

      I think the guy just decided he didn't want to tangle with someone who would chase a customer out into the parking lot yelling at him. Clearly, here was a man who did NOT think "the customer is always right" was gospel truth. The guy knew he was in the wrong. He just came back to see if he could take advantage of us. He saw that we weren't in the mood for foolishness.

