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Notice to customers

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  • Notice to customers

    I'm a delivery driver. Yes, I know that we have great pizza. Yes, I know that we deliver. Yes, I know that I'm one of the better drivers on the South Hill. But there's some things that you guys need to know.

    I don't care how stinking rich you are, how poor you are, what nationality you are, or what religion you practice; the fact remains that if you don't have your address on your house, or you have it hidden, or have it cloaked, or not in an easily visible area, your pizza could quite possibly be delayed.

    Oh, something else - so you have your address in a very visible place, perhaps outlined in neon lights. Excellent. But if I need to trek through a zombie infested township, through caves, a valley, wait at a waterfall for two minutes, and venture into a base full of foppies. . .please, please tell us. It helps a lot if I know the directions to your house instead of, y'know, leaving us to fend for ourselves, because, again, if you do, your pizza may, quite possibly be delayed.

    You must also understand that, while your pizza may be somewhat expensive because you just had to have that Collossus with every topping on it - ever - us drivers, being that we put your food in our cars, your drinks in our cars, and your everything else in our cars, use our gas to get to your house, and hand you your food with a smile on our faces, do like it when you tip. We don't like it when you demand your pizza, and then demand your change like we're your personal servants. We aren't, and every time you act like we are, you're getting closer and closer to me excersizing the right to refuse service. However, if you tip decently and keep a nice, perhaps even jovial air about the delivery, we'll tend to like you. You may even get your pizza faster!

    On that note, sometimes. . .we are missing people. So when we have one driver, you ordered while I was halfway through one delivery, then get angry that your delivery took an hour and a half, yes, I'm sorry about the wait. I wish I could do something about it. But, for christ's sakes, don't get sassy with me. I'm driving as fast as I can - breaking speed limits and a couple other assorted laws, as well - to get you your pizza as quickly as I can. Oh, and here's a novel idea: Our insider said that we have one driver and it's going to be a while, so instead of waiting for your pizza while I'm racking up more miles on my car than I'd care to mention. . .you could pick it up! Oh, and also, yes, your pizza is a half our late, we will give you half off. You don't tell I'm giving you your pizza for free, because I know how it works. You're not getting off that easy. Oh, and we also have the time that we took your delivery on our driver tags. You can't trick us that easily.

    Oh, and for employees, we get half off. I can't "hook you up" with a free pizza. If I don't get free pizza, and if the managers don't get free pizza, then odds are better than not that you aren't going to be getting free pizza. Go ahead and talk to the manager. The site manager. The district manager. The reigonal manager. They'll all tell you the same thing. And, if you actually ask for all three for something like a free pizza, odds are you're not even going to be getting the half off deal anymore. And you'll probably be finding yourself a new job while you're at it. Oh, and going in for radiator repairs. . .that take three days. . .also don't look too great.

    As drivers, we only have twenty bucks on us at any given time. So handing me a fifty for your ten dollar pizza is not going to endear me to you. Not a bit. Because this means that I take your money, give you your food, go back to the store, get change, go back to your house, and give you change. What we should be doing is taking the food with us. And no, you can't complain that your pizza's now cold, because you're the one who couldn't take time out of his busy day to dig out his checkbook or his credit card and call it in. Think ahead, buddy. It doesn't hurt to do that. . .although. . .is that smoke I smell?

    You shmucks in the lobby? The ones that want slices? Yeah, it may be a while. Because there's fifteen of you. And all of you want, on average, three slices. One slice pizza yields eight slices. That means that we need to put roughly six pizzas through the oven to get you guys taken care of. I promise you, we're going as fast as we can, so telling us, "We're in every day, so make more shit", makes me wanna say, instead of, "we're working as quickly as we can", I wanna say, "Whoop-de-friggin'-do. Get the hell outta my store." Again, that whole, "reserve the right to refuse service" idea kicking in.

    But, then, there are the good deliveries. The birthday parties where the mother tips you five bucks for the collossus, or the little old lady who just orders a sub and tips decently well for the price of the sub, and the guy my age who totally understands and hands me the twenty and tells me to "keep the change", and any and all others who understand the long delivery time when it's five o'clock in the afternoon and the dinner rush is in full swing. . .you guys totally rock my world. Like, seriously. Order more, please. . .it makes dealing with the cranial-rectally inverted folks above so much easier. . .

    Arghetlam@CS ~ $ sudo awesome

  • #2
    So if they want it delivered really fast then they need to make it themselves.


    • #3
      Not exactly. More like: if you want ultra-fast service, do what you can to make your own order go quickly.
      And, conversely, if your hous has no visable address, your street is hard to find/isn't on the map, your yard is a maze and your door is a 10 minute walk from the driveway, and you paid no attention whatsoever to what the total was so you don't know how much money you need, plus you have no clue where your wallet is, .... well, don't be surprised at how long it takes for your order to arrive.
      The reasons for this are twofold:
      1) you are not the only disorganized clod to order a pizza tonight: I had to serve at least 3 between the time you ordered and the time you got your food. And now you're making someone else's food even later.
      2) if I know in advance what to expect from you, I am bumping you to the end of the line for the abovementioned reason: 3 customers served on time and one served REALLY late beats 4 customers each served 5 minutes late. It is cheaper (and better for repeat business) to give one customer his order for free than to give 4 customers half-off.

      I think the #1 on this list really has to be, though, "If you just ordered a pizza, go get your wallet. Right now."
      Nothing makes a delivery driver loathe you as quickly or completely as, "Dude! Pizza's here. Quick, gimme some money." We told you the total on the phone for a reason.


      • #4
        I must be a pizza delivery person's dream.

        I have cash on me at all times.

        I tip obscenely well.

        Most of the time, I'm sitting outside waiting.

        My house is easy to find.

        I don't complain if my pizza is a few minutes late. Half an hour or more, however, and the pizza place isn't too far out of the way, yes, I will complain, and you had better not expect as good of a tip.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Having done that for a few years, I hear exactly where you are coming from.

          Good customers even had their voices remembered. Very regular customers could almost have thier orders repeated just from hearing them say hello.

          Others were remembered from the crazy things they did. Such as not tipping, ever. Others that were either just out of the delivery area, ordered less than the delivery minimum or complained when delivery was estimated at an hour (pretty good really) on a Saturday night.

          Then there was the skinhead that would come in and write down his order if there wasn't a "white" person to take his order. The owner was a very fair skinned Mexican, but the guy would talk to him fine. Goes to show racists tend to not be the smartest people around.
          I feel crazy. Like I'm drunk and trapped in a water globe and someone won't stop shaking it.
          -The Amazing E
          Zonies social group now open!


          • #6
            When I was younger, sometimes we would some times have pizza delivery drivers come up to our house by mistake (my parents house and a few others on our block had similar addresses. ex: 111 Jump Way 111 Jump Street, etc). We would direct them to the correct address and joke about getting free pizza.
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              Quoth Arghetlam View Post
              Oh, and for employees, we get half off. I can't "hook you up" with a free pizza. If I don't get free pizza, and if the managers don't get free pizza, then odds are better than not that you aren't going to be getting free pizza. Go ahead and talk to the manager. The site manager. The district manager. The reigonal manager. They'll all tell you the same thing. And, if you actually ask for all three for something like a free pizza, odds are you're not even going to be getting the half off deal anymore...
              Well, I was never an employee of a pizza place, but at one point my old roommate and I had ordered pizza so often the drivers would stop by and give us 'undeliverable' pizzas for free if they were in the neighborhood. Or they would accidently deliver to our apartment rather than the correct apartment in our building because it was habit for them to walk to our door.

              We also had furniture (end tables and such) built completely from pizza boxes. That made me smile back then. When I think about it now that stage of my life makes me

              Well, anyway, that's all I have to add to this thread.


              • #8
                Delivery drivers love me

                Doesn't matter what it's for. I once tipped a pizza guy nearly $10 because he didn't have a a 5 on him. (I knew the guy, he delivered to us all the time). His previous delivery drained all his change, and I only had a 20. Next time he delivered, he gave us a store-coupon for a free pizza

                Then there was the chinese place. we tipped them so well, that they'd grab our food and deliver to us before anyone else. It always came SCORCHING hot. Though it did help that we were right around the corner (MAYBE a mile away). One time, we ordered, my roommate hung up the phone, and I ran down to the corner shop to get paper plates and plastic cups. I was gone 8 minutes. When I got back, the delivery driver was pulling OUT of our driveway. Talk about prompt service!
                <Insert clever signature here>


                • #9
                  Not being able to find my house? Yeah, well, that's why I keep my Christmas lights up all year 'round. "Just look for the house in the twinkle lights on the left, ya can't miss it~!"

                  Always got my pizza.
                  Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                  Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                    drivers would stop by and give us 'undeliverable' pizzas for free if they were in the neighborhood.
                    Are you, by any chance, four teenage turtles living with a reporter with bizarre hair, in an apartment with a walking, talking rat?
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Arghetlam View Post

                      But if I need to trek through a zombie infested township, through caves, a valley, wait at a waterfall for two minutes, and venture into a base full of foppies. . .please, please tell us. It helps a lot if I know the directions to your house instead of, y'know, leaving us to fend for ourselves, because, again, if you do, your pizza may, quite possibly be delayed.
                      Man, It's been years since I played Earthbound... I thought no one else other than me even remembered that game.


                      • #12
                        back when i was in the states i was pretty lazy.... i just ordered my pizza online. however i always made sure i had some cash for a tip, or put the tip on the credit slip.

                        and if the weather was really crappy - bad snow etc - i usually gave them like 5 bucks for their effort.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Arghetlam View Post
                          I'm a delivery driver.

                          Preach on brother man and Hi from a fellow pizza slave.
                          Last edited by MadMike; 01-23-2008, 01:28 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting
                          I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


                          • #14
                            on behalf of myself and all delivery drivers everywhere including the OP I thank you for your generosity and understanding and good tipping ability.

                            and Becky please understand that sometimes things happen to make your delivery late (most of the time it is NOT the drivers fault) so please be understanding. like last night I go send on a 20 minute wild goose chase to the edge of our delivery area. it is just me and one other driver and we are busy at 11pm because of the snow here in Green Bay. someone ordered pizza and when I got there after a long drive the Child who answered the door said :"OH my cousin ordered the pizza but he just left with the money" I told the kid to tell his cousin if they wanted the pizza to call the store and have it redelivered and I left. 15 minutes wasted on my part as I could have delivered another order on time instead of 10 minutes late if the idiot had just canceled his order.

                            one other thing about addresses. we just took over part of another stores delivery AREA. not that this is a bad thing, but when people live in an apartment complex or such and you give us your address why oh WHY do you NOT THINK THAT THE APT NUMBER IS NOT PART OF YOUR ADDRESS AND REFUSE TO GIVE IT TO US AT THE TIME OF THE INITIAL ORDER I had 3 orders last night where I had to call the customer back to get an apt number. no I do not have psychic powers or Jedi training I GOTTA have the apt # to DELIVER you jerks.

                            Now if we could beat some sense into the rest of the population esp during bad or horrific weather, bad sports seasons, bad economic times, welfaries with the latest electronic devices, and just total ignorance or stupidity
                            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                              one other thing about addresses. we just took over part of another stores delivery AREA. not that this is a bad thing, but when people live in an apartment complex or such and you give us your address why oh WHY do you NOT THINK THAT THE APT NUMBER IS NOT PART OF YOUR ADDRESS AND REFUSE TO GIVE IT TO US AT THE TIME OF THE INITIAL ORDER I had 3 orders last night where I had to call the customer back to get an apt number. no I do not have psychic powers or Jedi training I GOTTA have the apt # to DELIVER you jerks.

                              I hated giving them my apt # when I lived in one... not because I didn't want to, but because I knew their first thought was gonna be "Son of a...". I lived on the 3rd floor. I'd tell them the apt # no problem, I just felt like an ass making em walk up 4 flights of stairs.

                              When I could, I'd try to pay attention to the cars coming into the apt complex (I lived right by the entrance, and my room faced the parking lot). If I saw the delivery driver pull in, I'd actually try to go down to them to get the food, just to save em the walk.
                              <Insert clever signature here>

