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Huge Refund (Sarcasm)

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  • Huge Refund (Sarcasm)

    We sell these paper bags for 13 cents and when you bring them back to reuse them you get a rebate of 2 cents, there's a barcode on one side that you scan to buy the bag and another barcode on the other side to get the rebate, it's an incentive to get people to stop using plastic.

    My coworker accidently scanned the barcode to buy instead of the rebate and forgot to scan the 2 other bags, so the lady comes storming up to the refund desk and it goes like this.

    Me - Well me
    SC - Evil wench
    L - Manager extrodinar

    Me " Hi how can i help you?"
    SC " You can start by training your employees better, that stupid boy didn't scan my bags correctly, i want a refund and an apology RIGHT NOW!!
    Me "I'll refund the bags for you", Processes refund for a whopping 17 cents. "There you go, sorry about that.

    SC "I want an apology from that boy not from you"
    Me "Ma'am it was an honest mistake and i've already aplogised, i don't feel he needs to do it aswell.

    I need to mention that coworker was never rude to her and didn't even realize he had made a mistake, i've made the mistake before but haven't had anyone screaming at me over a lousy 13 cents.

    L " What seems to be the problem?"
    SC "That stupid boy screwed up and i want an apology from him, and that girl was very rude to me.
    L " What was the mistake?"
    Me "Coworker accidenly rang up the wrong barcode and forgot the other two"
    L " You want an apology over 17 cents?
    SC " YES!"
    L " Was he rude to you in any way?"
    SC "NO, but that's not the point, i'm the customer, i AM always right and i deserve an apology.
    L " He didn't realize he made a mistake and it could happen to anyone, he doesn't even know you're up here getting a refund, did you say anything to him when it happened?
    SC "No, but he should have known, i shouldn't have to point it out."
    L "You've already gotten an apology from chained and i'm sorry it happened but it's 17 cents and it was an accident, you got an apology from 2 people and i think that's enough, you have your 17 cent refund now please leave my store.

    SC "FINE, but don't expect me to shop here again, i promise you that"
    L " We can live in hope"
    Me then

    And off evil wench goes to hopefully never return, it's 17 freaking cents for gods sake imagine getting bent out of shape over that.

  • #2
    Awesome manager you have there. You're lucky. I wish mine would stand up to rude customers like that. What a bitch that lady was!
    My Myspace, add me!


    • #3
      Honestly, if I had been a customer there and had to witness that, but instead of being cool the manager had caved, I would have immediately walked up to him and said:

      "That cunt insults your employees when they did nothing wrong, and then you take her side of it to go groveling at her feet? THAT DOES IT, I want to speak to YOUR manager Right NOW, so I can tell them the problem in how this place treats its employees. And after that, me and my family will never shop here again, how's that for lost business?? Cause my family has 17 members more that shitty ass customer's single checkbook. Get YOUR manager!"

      Two can play this sucky customer game

      He'd have to worry about being demoted after I was done with him. (all assuming the situation had gone differently) Someone without a backbone should never be put in a managerial position, no matter how nice they may be. And I have nothing but contempt for those customers who stand around and watch helpless employees get berated by some screaming idiot.
      Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


      • #4
        You really are lucky to have a manager that would stick up for you like that. My boss basically tells us to kiss the customers' asses, and if they want to take a shit on us, just be sure to be directly underneath their ass so it doesn't get on the floor and detract from the beauty that is his restaurant.


        • #5
          Not me... I will treat the customer as they treat me. My manager lets that fly and to be honest... it helps with morale.


          • #6
            I would have thrown that bitch (and I'm putting it *nicely*) a quarter...and told her to call someone who cares
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              Quoth allniter View Post
              Honestly, if I had been a customer there and had to witness that, but instead of being cool the manager had caved, I would have immediately walked up to him and said:

              "That cunt insults your employees when they did nothing wrong, and then you take her side of it to go groveling at her feet? THAT DOES IT, I want to speak to YOUR manager Right NOW, so I can tell them the problem in how this place treats its employees. And after that, me and my family will never shop here again, how's that for lost business?? Cause my family has 17 members more that shitty ass customer's single checkbook. Get YOUR manager!".
              And if i was the manager and you used that term to me, I'd take great pleasure in throwing you and your foul little mouth out of my shop. Don't you understand that by using language like that to someone who is inevitably limited in their behaviour by job rules, you are demonstrating that you are absolutely as low as the SC who just came past. Who cares how many family members you have? I bet they'd be embarrassed by your foul mouth as well.
              A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
              - Dave Barry


              • #8
                Quoth Chained to the counter View Post
                SC "FINE, but don't expect me to shop here again, i promise you that".
                Translated: "See you next week!"

                Don't SC's realize by now that every employee knows the SC never will follow through with that threat - and in the rare instance when the SC does follow through and stays away, no one notices or cares?
                "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                • #9
                  Quoth Chained to the counter View Post
                  SC "FINE, but don't expect me to shop here again, i promise you that"
                  L " We can live in hope"
                  Me then
                  Add a few more s from me, please.

                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                    And if i was the manager and you used that term to me, I'd take great pleasure in throwing you and your foul little mouth out of my shop. Don't you understand that by using language like that to someone who is inevitably limited in their behaviour by job rules, you are demonstrating that you are absolutely as low as the SC who just came past. Who cares how many family members you have? I bet they'd be embarrassed by your foul mouth as well.

                    Yeah but if you were a good manager, you wouldn't have taken that kinda language from the SC in the first place - so there would be no need to approach you. But if you did allow someone to curse and to spew their venom without consequence at a helpless employee, you'd be nothing but a hypocrite for not letting me have my say as well. So yeah, you would suck as a manager. And if a manager won't stand up for their employees when they're abused, then they deserve to have their position threatened.

                    And being as low as the SC ain't so bad when you're doing something positive for someone. Case in point, this type of incident will happen again, so why not try and get a manager in charge who can actually manage not just the employees but also the obnoxious and undeserving customers?!

                    Last edited by allniter; 08-08-2007, 08:03 PM.
                    Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                    • #11
                      "That cunt insults your employees when they did nothing wrong, and then you take her side of it to go groveling at her feet? THAT DOES IT, I want to speak to YOUR manager Right NOW, so I can tell them the problem in how this place treats its employees. And after that, me and my family will never shop here again, how's that for lost business?? Cause my family has 17 members more that shitty ass customer's single checkbook. Get YOUR manager!"
                      I know your heart is in the right place and all, but I'd throw you out too. Cussing and swearing is not a good way to make your point. There's no reason to stoop to a SC's level.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                        I know your heart is in the right place and all, but I'd throw you out too. Cussing and swearing is not a good way to make your point. There's no reason to stoop to a SC's level.
                        I disagree with your opinion (in certain circumstances) but I respect it. Kudos
                        Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                        • #13
                          Call me crazy, but this little difference of opinion between Allniter and I. P. F is centered around a "What if" situation. It didn't happen, so, it's not really that important, now, is it?
                          Last edited by Imogene; 08-09-2007, 01:43 AM. Reason: Needed to find handles.
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                            I know your heart is in the right place and all, but I'd throw you out too. Cussing and swearing is not a good way to make your point. There's no reason to stoop to a SC's level.
                            In New Jersey, it is the only way to make a point. It's how we order lunch!


                            • #15
                              That's how we order lunch in Wisconsin too!

                              "Damn retarded sunofabitch, I don told ye I wanted mayonazzze on mah sandwich! Ya foo!"

                              Damn rednecks.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

