We sell these paper bags for 13 cents and when you bring them back to reuse them you get a rebate of 2 cents, there's a barcode on one side that you scan to buy the bag and another barcode on the other side to get the rebate, it's an incentive to get people to stop using plastic.
My coworker accidently scanned the barcode to buy instead of the rebate and forgot to scan the 2 other bags, so the lady comes storming up to the refund desk and it goes like this.
Me - Well me
SC - Evil wench
L - Manager extrodinar
Me " Hi how can i help you?"
SC " You can start by training your employees better, that stupid boy didn't scan my bags correctly, i want a refund and an apology RIGHT NOW!!
Me "I'll refund the bags for you", Processes refund for a whopping 17 cents. "There you go, sorry about that.
SC "I want an apology from that boy not from you"
Me "Ma'am it was an honest mistake and i've already aplogised, i don't feel he needs to do it aswell.
I need to mention that coworker was never rude to her and didn't even realize he had made a mistake, i've made the mistake before but haven't had anyone screaming at me over a lousy 13 cents.
L " What seems to be the problem?"
SC "That stupid boy screwed up and i want an apology from him, and that girl was very rude to me.
L " What was the mistake?"
Me "Coworker accidenly rang up the wrong barcode and forgot the other two"
L " You want an apology over 17 cents?
SC " YES!"
L " Was he rude to you in any way?"
SC "NO, but that's not the point, i'm the customer, i AM always right and i deserve an apology.
L " He didn't realize he made a mistake and it could happen to anyone, he doesn't even know you're up here getting a refund, did you say anything to him when it happened?
SC "No, but he should have known, i shouldn't have to point it out."
L "You've already gotten an apology from chained and i'm sorry it happened but it's 17 cents and it was an accident, you got an apology from 2 people and i think that's enough, you have your 17 cent refund now please leave my store.
SC "FINE, but don't expect me to shop here again, i promise you that"
L " We can live in hope"
And off evil wench goes to hopefully never return, it's 17 freaking cents for gods sake imagine getting bent out of shape over that.
My coworker accidently scanned the barcode to buy instead of the rebate and forgot to scan the 2 other bags, so the lady comes storming up to the refund desk and it goes like this.
Me - Well me
SC - Evil wench
L - Manager extrodinar
Me " Hi how can i help you?"
SC " You can start by training your employees better, that stupid boy didn't scan my bags correctly, i want a refund and an apology RIGHT NOW!!
Me "I'll refund the bags for you", Processes refund for a whopping 17 cents. "There you go, sorry about that.
SC "I want an apology from that boy not from you"
Me "Ma'am it was an honest mistake and i've already aplogised, i don't feel he needs to do it aswell.
I need to mention that coworker was never rude to her and didn't even realize he had made a mistake, i've made the mistake before but haven't had anyone screaming at me over a lousy 13 cents.
L " What seems to be the problem?"
SC "That stupid boy screwed up and i want an apology from him, and that girl was very rude to me.
L " What was the mistake?"
Me "Coworker accidenly rang up the wrong barcode and forgot the other two"
L " You want an apology over 17 cents?
SC " YES!"
L " Was he rude to you in any way?"
SC "NO, but that's not the point, i'm the customer, i AM always right and i deserve an apology.
L " He didn't realize he made a mistake and it could happen to anyone, he doesn't even know you're up here getting a refund, did you say anything to him when it happened?
SC "No, but he should have known, i shouldn't have to point it out."
L "You've already gotten an apology from chained and i'm sorry it happened but it's 17 cents and it was an accident, you got an apology from 2 people and i think that's enough, you have your 17 cent refund now please leave my store.
SC "FINE, but don't expect me to shop here again, i promise you that"
L " We can live in hope"

And off evil wench goes to hopefully never return, it's 17 freaking cents for gods sake imagine getting bent out of shape over that.