Most c-stores nowadays charge customers for cups regardless of whether they get a drink. I read signage which puts me ahead of most customers, but I see signs telling this fact at many store fountain stations. You'd think people would catch on to this trend. Yeah, it may seem like a minor thing, but we're not obligated to just give it to you because it's just a cup of ice.
Today, this guy threw a hissy fit because I scanned his cup even though it was just ice.
"It's just a cup of ice."
"Okay." I scan the cup.
"I said it's just ice!"
"Yeah, I heard you the first time. I still have to charge you for the cup, though."
"You mean I can't just have it?"
"Hard times are the only thing I know to be free in life."
He just looked at me dumbfounded. "I'm going to get a drink, then."
"Okay, whatever."
He was still grumbling about it as he crossed the store to fill his cup and as he left.
One of our regulars was standing off to the side just laughing about it. I looked at him as the guy was filling his cup, "I guess I should have broken out my violin and offered to play him a tune, too."
The old man just about bust a gut laughing at the ice jerk.
We seem to have a lot of that. People think that they are entitled to not being charged for just a cup or just ice. Nevermind the cost the store pays out for things like wasted product if a customer is messy, decides they don't want it before they get to the counter, or cost of upkeep to have those machines and supplies for the convenience of the customer. Some people are such entitlement whores. It's a minor point, but it's still annoying that people whine and complain about such petty things. I usually just ignore them and charge them anyway.
I had one guy last week who insisted that he wasn't paying for just ice. I told him he could get a drink, but he didn't want a drink. He'd already run his credit card and saw it on the receipt as he signed for it. I told him he already used the cup so no one else could use it. We were out that cost, and he'd never bothered to ask if he could get an ice cup. We have ice cups, but you have to ask for them. Our company has this stupid policy about not putting them out with the fountain cups, but I usually do anyway. He just assumed. I'm not refunding it now. If he'd have been nice about it, I might have been willing to give it back. But he was a jerk. He'd left a big mess on the counter as he couldn't bother to throw his straw wrapper away, pulled extra lids from the dispenser and just left them on the counter. It was the whole series of little things that help make drink counters a disgusting mess for clerks like me to be stuck cleaning later. So, I decided that I wasn't going to give him a refund just for being such an inconsiderate jerk. He left the cup behind anyway, which I told him he might as well take it since no one else could use it. He said he'd complain, but I've not heard anything about it if he bothered. Yes, it's a minor thing, but where do these people get off thinking they're entitled? Someone needs to break them of that.
Today, this guy threw a hissy fit because I scanned his cup even though it was just ice.
"It's just a cup of ice."
"Okay." I scan the cup.
"I said it's just ice!"
"Yeah, I heard you the first time. I still have to charge you for the cup, though."
"You mean I can't just have it?"
"Hard times are the only thing I know to be free in life."
He just looked at me dumbfounded. "I'm going to get a drink, then."
"Okay, whatever."
He was still grumbling about it as he crossed the store to fill his cup and as he left.
One of our regulars was standing off to the side just laughing about it. I looked at him as the guy was filling his cup, "I guess I should have broken out my violin and offered to play him a tune, too."
The old man just about bust a gut laughing at the ice jerk.
We seem to have a lot of that. People think that they are entitled to not being charged for just a cup or just ice. Nevermind the cost the store pays out for things like wasted product if a customer is messy, decides they don't want it before they get to the counter, or cost of upkeep to have those machines and supplies for the convenience of the customer. Some people are such entitlement whores. It's a minor point, but it's still annoying that people whine and complain about such petty things. I usually just ignore them and charge them anyway.
I had one guy last week who insisted that he wasn't paying for just ice. I told him he could get a drink, but he didn't want a drink. He'd already run his credit card and saw it on the receipt as he signed for it. I told him he already used the cup so no one else could use it. We were out that cost, and he'd never bothered to ask if he could get an ice cup. We have ice cups, but you have to ask for them. Our company has this stupid policy about not putting them out with the fountain cups, but I usually do anyway. He just assumed. I'm not refunding it now. If he'd have been nice about it, I might have been willing to give it back. But he was a jerk. He'd left a big mess on the counter as he couldn't bother to throw his straw wrapper away, pulled extra lids from the dispenser and just left them on the counter. It was the whole series of little things that help make drink counters a disgusting mess for clerks like me to be stuck cleaning later. So, I decided that I wasn't going to give him a refund just for being such an inconsiderate jerk. He left the cup behind anyway, which I told him he might as well take it since no one else could use it. He said he'd complain, but I've not heard anything about it if he bothered. Yes, it's a minor thing, but where do these people get off thinking they're entitled? Someone needs to break them of that.