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  • It's MAGIC!

    I had some pretty naive customers at Kinko's. Most weren't sucky, just kind of...I dunno...simple, I guess. If someone asks me a crazy/silly/just plain dumb question, I won't really think they suck until they argue with me when I tell them that what they want isn't possible.

    Heres' some example of magic some customers actually asked for.

    One chick wanted to know if we could print on a table, but really, that's not all that dumb a question. Some printers, I have learned, CAN do stuff like that.

    Many, many people said "I'd like this to go from a horizontal picture to a vertical one. I want it the same size, with no empty area and no cropping.

    Think about that one.

    Many people asked "I want this picture to be blown up bigger, but I don't want it cropped, and I don't want it on bigger paper.

    A couple people wanted "two copies of to keep and one to fax." (they thought faxing something teleported the actual document to another place...particularly interesting when people tried to fax money or checks.)

    One guy tried to insert a dollar bill into a picture of a bill changer on a computer screen.

    And my husband wins....he had a woman bring in a photo of a house and want the door erased in Photoshop sitting down?...she needed a photo of her husband and when that picture was taken, her husband was behind the door.

    Any of you have folks who think Harry Potter is a true account of actual events?

  • #2
    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
    And my husband wins....he had a woman bring in a photo of a house and want the door erased in Photoshop sitting down?...she needed a photo of her husband and when that picture was taken, her husband was behind the door.
    I laughed so hard I pulled a muscle in my side.
    Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'

    Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.


    • #3
      The stories just get better and better!

      When I've thought I've heard/read it all, then another doozie comes along !!!!


      • #4
        Oh, you know I left out one old chestnut:

        Many people think if you copy a black and white photograph on the color machine, the copy will magically come out in color.

        How could I forget that one?


        • #5
          roflmao. Wow I'm laughing so hard right now. It's 12:30 am and I need really to not laugh so hard or I'll wake someone up. That's the equivelent of "Where's the snow?" during a 110 degree heat wave in Canada.

