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I Was Sucky This Morning!

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  • I Was Sucky This Morning!

    My name is Kerrisan and today . . . I was a sucky customer.

    Whew . . . feels good to get that off my chest.

    This morning I forgot my lunch. I realized it right as I was entering the Interstate. It's a 30-minute drive to the school and I was already pushing it, so I figured I'd stop at the Kroger next to the school and get a Lunchable.
    I hurried in, found my lunch for the day, and decided on the U-Scan because I figured it would be fastest. I chose to use my debit card (yes, for a $1 purchase - I had zero cash on me ), and after selecting my means of payment on the pinpad, I stared at the pinpad while it said "Waiting for cashier."

    . . .

    . . .

    . . .

    Still "Waiting for cashier."

    I was getting a bit ticked. Something was wrong and somebody wasn't doing their job! Seeing as I worked at Kroger for about 2 years, I had a very "I know what I'm doing and you don't" attitude. So I stood there looking around all pissy and impatient. The cashier finally comes up to help me.

    She immediately went straight to the screen and selected "debit" for me.

    I apologized profusely and took my Lunchable from the register, hanging my head in shame. I had become the customer I hate - the one who doesn't follow the instructions in front of her face!

    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~

  • #2
    Anybody can have a brain fart. To be truly sucky you have to rant and rave that the machine isn't working and would somebody please fix it and you shouldn't have to go to the back of a regular checkout lane because you've already been waiting or some such thing.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      I might have been a little sucky this morning. I went to Best Buy to get the first season of Heroes on HD DVD. List price was 99.99, but the website had it as 79.99, which is normal as Best Buy usually sells DVDs cheaper the first week they are out.

      I grabbed it and went to pay, and it rang up as 99.99. I asked why it was not on sale like the website says, the cashier called the manager over, she looked it up online, saw I was correct, and did a price match. I felt a little embarrassed, but there was no way I was paying 99.99 plus tax. I could have gotten it off Amazon for 69.99 with free shipping, I would have just had to wait a week.

      I was polite through the whole thing, it was not busy so I was not holding anyone up, and I thanked them, but I guess I am just a little more sensitive to being sucky now.


      • #4
        Quoth ReverendBSB View Post
        I might have been a little sucky this morning. I went to Best Buy to get the first season of Heroes on HD DVD. List price was 99.99, but the website had it as 79.99, which is normal as Best Buy usually sells DVDs cheaper the first week they are out.

        I grabbed it and went to pay, and it rang up as 99.99. I asked why it was not on sale like the website says, the cashier called the manager over, she looked it up online, saw I was correct, and did a price match. I felt a little embarrassed, but there was no way I was paying 99.99 plus tax. I could have gotten it off Amazon for 69.99 with free shipping, I would have just had to wait a week.

        I was polite through the whole thing, it was not busy so I was not holding anyone up, and I thanked them, but I guess I am just a little more sensitive to being sucky now.
        That's not sucky. Bitching up a storm before and after the price match would have been sucky.
        I know nothing and I can prove it!


        • #5

          You did not scream, bitch, moan, whine, or threaten to call corporate. Your suckiness was limited to a pissy face, for which you apologized. Your brain seized up for a minute? It happens. You do not rate Sucky Customerness.


          No way were you sucky. You simply asked for the correct price. The error was on Best Buy's side. You did not scream, bitch, moan, whine, or threaten to call corporate. You were a good customer.

          I think a lot of members have gotten hypersensitive about their behavior because of this site. It's a good site to remind us how we are viewed when we're on the other side of the counter, but we as customers are entitled to certain things. (OMG: I said ENTITLED.) Yes, we are. We are entitled to the correct price. We are entitled to be treated nicely and told, "Thank you." We are entitled to not be ripped off or overcharged for services. We are entitled to honesty (well, most of the time).

          I will not list what we are not entitled to, as this entire site is one big, comprehensive list.

          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            Anybody can have a brain fart. To be truly sucky you have to rant and rave that the machine isn't working and would somebody please fix it and you shouldn't have to go to the back of a regular checkout lane because you've already been waiting or some such thing.
            A real SC wouldn't say please.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              you shouldn't have to go to the back of a regular checkout lane because you've already been waiting or
              .... and let's not forget "wasted my time I want this for free or I'm never shopping here again!"

              On a lighter note, I shop regularly at a store where there actually isn't ANY prompt on the card pad. It just says "Welcome to Xxxxxx's" Once you get used to it, no problem just punching debit or credit or what have you, but it does throw you at first. Even stranger, there are two of these stores locally. Whether it is management philosophy or coincidence, the clerks at each store handle this quirk VERY differently. At store A they wait until it's evident that you have no idea what to do, then say something like "Just press credit or debit to get started." At store B, they begin strident precise instructions the second the card starts down the slide and don't stop. It actually makes it more confusing to have someone giving you instructions a step ahead or behind what you are actually doing at the pad. I try to stick to store A.


              • #8
                And has anyone ever noticed that no two pin pad systems are alike? you go to one store, and you stick the card in, and it spits it out, the others you have to slide it with the magnetic strip FACING the keypad, others with it facing AWAY from the keypad. And then you either push ok, or enter, or yes, all to confirm that the amount they are deducting is correct!

                And its different if you pay by credit card or debit! Its gotten so I can't keep them straight, and will have a slight hesitation while i figure out which button to push to do what!

                So I can understand the confusion, and would be SO nice if they were all the same! (I know, wishful thinking)


                • #9
                  yeah, my boyfriend describes my pin pad system methods as "chaotic and frantic." I never know which does what, sometimes you have to hit yes, sometimes enter, and I almost always run my card through before its ready and manically push buttons until I can scan it again. It's embarrassing and I am always sorry for the cashiers.


                  • #10
                    As long as neither of you utter the phrase, "They're all different!" to the cashier. I'm so tired of hearing that, I've started to answer it with a short lecture about capitalism and competition to avoid monopoly.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Shengirl View Post
                      As long as neither of you utter the phrase, "They're all different!" to the cashier.
                      That declaration will forever be embedded in my brain, i've heard it so damn many times.
                      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

