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I wear my 'grasses!' (LONG)

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  • I wear my 'grasses!' (LONG)

    Saturday was a short shift... Get in shoot a few sessions and I'm out. Simple right?

    Nope.. Busy as fuck and I'm run off my feet when I have a passport customer come in. The usual schpiel is to have the customer take off his/her glasses, any shiny jewellery and if there's any shininess on their face, to powder them with a light matte finish powder.

    Simple right?

    She gets up onto the chair and sits and I tell her to take off her glasses. "No!" she shrieks at me in a strident sharp accent. "I wear my grasses! I can wear my grasses if I want to!"

    "Ummm no, you can't." I show her the framed poster beside the chair that states all the rules. No glasses, no shiny jewellery, no white shirts, no black shirts... Yes they're that stupid picky.

    "I wear dem I wear dem if I want! It says so in my application!" *head-desk*

    "I'm not shooting the passport, unless you take off your glasses."

    "Harumph... Fine! But I can wear my grasses if I want to!"

    So she finally takes off her damned glasses and we shoot the photo, and I cut it, stamp it. She pays for it... "I no like the picture. You take it again. I wear my grasses!"

    "There's nothing wrong with the photo m'am. If you want me to take another photo it will cost you $11.95 plus tax."

    She storms off, but not before screaming at me about how all her other passports she was allowed to wear her glasses.

    About 30-50 minutes later she comes back and butts in front of the line while I'm shooting other passports. "I can wear my grasses! I ask other photographer! I can wear my grasses! You take photo again now!"

    "You are not allowed to wear your glasses. I have that posted for a reason, ma'm. Why do you think I'm lying to you!? What possible reason would I have for lying to you? There'd be no point in it and I'd be losing a sale." I say, exasperated.

    "No I don't think you lying to me! I wear my grasses!"

    "Look, if you wear the glasses it creates glare. They don't want glare. If any kind. They are very VERY picky and will not accept photos with glasses!!"

    The family of passports are staring at this woman like she has 3 heads, the other customers in line are getting impatient and start yelling at her.

    "I'm in a hurry lady! She's trying to do her job. If she says you can't wear glasses. You can't wear glasses! I have places to fucking be okay? So just take your damned photos and go away!"

    She starts yelling back. "I no leaving until I get picture with my grasses! I saw dis on dah internet! Dah INTERNET! It was on dah internet!" she shrieks.

    "Yes, and I got that poster from PASSPORT CANADA! PASS-PORT CAH-NAH-DAH! Look. If I shoot the photo again with your glasses on and show you the glare and why they won't take it, will you then leave?"

    She glares at me indignant. "Yes.. You show me!"

    I smile tightly, I'm shaking at this point, but I remain calm, cool, and cheerful as fuck. "Okay well m'am. These customers are ahead of you so if you'll just wait a moment and I'll cut and stamp their passports so they can be on their way."

    So I stamp and cut their passports and they're gone. I take passport lady from hell and shoot the photo. There's two white blobs of light on her glasses where her eyes should be. I show her.

    "See? That's why I can't take it with your glasses on."

    "But all my other passports..."

    Oh god not this again.

    "That is why I can't take it with your glasses on, they won't take it. It will get REJECTED!"

    She stomps out and leaves. About 20 minutes later, I'm on the phone trying to track down the phone number for the passport office, and trying to phone another studio, except it won't dial out... There's somebody on the other line.


    "Herrow? Dis the portrait studio? I get my passport done der and I no like it! I have passport done before with grasses! I want my grasses!"

    *Oh sweet jesus* This is now bordering on harassment.

    "M'am I took your photos. Remember? I sat you in that chair and I showed you why you can't wear your glasses. YOU CAN'T WEAR YOUR GLASSES!!"

    "All my other passports had glasses!"

    "When. Were. The. Photos. Taken." I say slowwwwwwwwwwwly.

    "It don't matter! All my other-"

    "Yes. It. Does. It does matter. Because the rules have changed. You cannot have glasses on in a passport photo. I've told you this. I've told you this countless times. Where and WHEN did you have those photos taken?"

    "Calgary. 1992."

    Oh sweet jesus...

    "You cannot have your glasses on in your photo, m'am. I'm sorry."

    "I bring the photos in. I show you. Der's no glare. I take photo with grasses on and I won't pay."

    "You can bring in the photos m'am but you can't have your passport photo done again. It reflects poorly on my studio to have photos taken and rejected. I can't knowingly take photos to have them rejected, just to make you happy."

    "I bring in photos. I have my grasses on. There no glare."

    "Are they the same glasses you're wearing now?"

    "No. Dat don't mattah."

    "Yes... It does matter."

    "I bring photos in. What time you open til?"

    "8..." Please sweet lord, please let her come in when Jemma's in... PLEASE!


    Jemma phones and says she's going to be 30 minutes late... I don't get the message because I'm in the middle of a session, and then SHE shows up. Self-satisfied glare on her cat-butt face.

    "See photos! All with grasses!"

    "If I shoot a photo with your glasses on. Will you go away?!" I'm through being nice with this woman.

    "Yes. With my grasses. I not pay - You make mistake."


    She gets up on the stool again, I shoot the photo. "This photo is NOT guaranteed. If there's anything wrong with it. It's not my fault." I say as I've taken the photo.

    "Ok I not hol' you responsible. Who your manager?"

    I smile tightly. "I'm the manager." You silly bitch. You think I'd put up with your horse shit for the last 4 hours if I could have pawned you off on somebody else?!

    "YOU?! You manager!?"

    "Yes... I'm the manager m'am."

    I write on her receipt. "Photos NOT guaranteed. Photos shot with glasses."

    "There you go. Have a nice day..."

    And she leaves... Hopefully for good.

    What a self-serving, self-satisfied, horrible pain in my ass! I was in the mall later that night and saw the family I'd been serving when she stormed in for the second time and told them that she even had the nerve to phone and scream at me and then come in for a 3rd time. They couldn't believe it...

    Neither could the woman who'd screamed at her for not being able to pick up her photos. I wouldn't be surprised if the stupid bitch ends up in Sightings.

    If I never see her again it'll be too soon.

  • #2
    Ugh, how incredibly frustrating! What nationality was this woman?
    I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
    another time, this world would fade away
    To find true love, is like no other joy,
    our choice is here
    be happy for today


    • #3
      What country are you in? In the US I thought passport photos were supposed to be shot with glasses if one normally wore them.

      (Silly me, I should have read further)
      Last edited by Mixed Bag; 08-07-2006, 01:49 PM.
      I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


      • #4
        Do people think stores have posters stating the rules up for decoration purposes only?
        "Those who do not complain are never pitied." - Jane Austen.


        • #5
          in the US you cant wear glasses if they create glare
          I had to take off my glasses for my passport photo after they created glare the first time
          did I argue? no.. I didnt care!!!


          • #6

            Some people just have to have it their way or no way at all. She must have thought you merged with Burger King. Me? Take my picture and pray to god it doesn't break the camera. I HATE having my picture taken. So when I get glasses eventually here, I won't care how it's taken as long as it's done quickly and I can get out of there.
            "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


            • #7
              Nightwolf: Me? Take my picture and pray to god it doesn't break the camera.
              Amen! Same here! I had my first passport picture taken back in 1977, and even then the rules were if the glasses cause glare, off they come. Fine by me--I hate having my picture taken. If the camera is a blur to me, so much the better!

              That lady's one and only brain cell died a long time ago--from lack of use.


              • #8
                I went through this same happy horsecrap when I had my senior pictures taken. I was told not to wear my glasses because they would create glare.

                The solution? I had to get a pair of my frames without the lenses in them. That way I still wore my glasses, but there was no glare.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth NightWolf View Post
                  Take my picture and pray to god it doesn't break the camera.
                  Thats how I feel about it too.
                  Thats why I'm usually the one taking the pictures!!
                  "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"


                  • #10
                    I hated getting my passport pic taken. First, I had to take my glasses off which makes me look very different (going through customs I actually had to take my glasses off so they could be sure it was me), then I managed to blink during the first three takes because of those stupid floodlights or whatever they're called. Finally on the fourth I blinked early on purpose, so my picture was with my eyes doing "deer in headlights". Guy was "finally. NEXT!"
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      how frustrating for you RB

                      pre 911 I have a B1B2 american visa, Im smiling theres glare and the photo is the wrong size (my face is to big part of my forehead and chin are cut off) it was accepted.

                      post 911 I had to reapply for my B1B2 visa again, this time Im not allowed to smile, they put matting powder on my face, and it took 3 times to get the face size just right.

                      RB is not exaggerating they are SCRICT now

                      dont you just love it when customers know your job better than you RB!!!
                      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                      • #12
                        Quoth COMINATCHA View Post
                        Ugh, how incredibly frustrating! What nationality was this woman?
                        I think she was from Sucklandia.



                        • #13
                          Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                          I think she was from Sucklandia.

                          Sounds right.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Quoth Mixed Bag View Post
                            What country are you in?
                            Quoth Retail's Bitch View Post
                            "Yes, and I got that poster from PASSPORT CANADA! PASS-PORT CAH-NAH-DAH! ...
                            I'm gonna go with ... Portugal!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                              The solution? I had to get a pair of my frames without the lenses in them. That way I still wore my glasses, but there was no glare.
                              Yeah, that's what they suggest when you have school pictures taken. In fact it's written on the little sheet that you fill out. The photographers prefer it that you don't wear glasses (I always took mine off, I look better without them anyway). But they usually do the best they can if you still wore your glasses . . .
                              This area is left blank for a reason.

