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Yes, I'm a jerk sometimes.

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  • Yes, I'm a jerk sometimes.

    Wednesday is my last day at Cumberland Farms (Yay!). Combine this with a flu/bug that's been making me sick for nearly two weeks now, and I have not been in a good mood to deal with people and their asinine crap, particularly from some of the 'regulars'.

    MM = Moron McDumbass
    Nicole = The man-hating lesbian who called me a 'F*CKING FAGGOT' for carding her one time.
    MD = Miz Dipshit
    Me = Wanting to curl up and die

    This thing is not the same as that thing.
    We sell those prepaid phones that people can buy the PINs for to recharge whenever they need. We just recently got a new system that prints the PIN off through the register, instead of a separate machine. During the switch over, I learned that Cingular had merged with AT&T, so all the little tags said AT&T now instead of Cingular (Way it works in our store is you find the tag for whatever phone you have, tell us the denomination you want, we scan it, and voila, new PIN).

    MM: "I need fifteen on Cingular." *throws down money. Strike #1*
    Me *looking like death warmed over*: "You need to bring one of the cards up from the stand over there." *points at HUGE stand across the store that says "PREPAID PHONE CARDS"*

    McDumbass lumbers off in that direction, and I go back to contemplating the cost of seeing a doctor versus death by drowning in my own lung fluid (FYI, dying was cheaper). Then I hear this: "I dun' see any Cingular cards."

    Me *without looking up*: "Cingular merged with AT&T, so just grab one of those and you're set."
    MM: "I dun' see 'em."

    I look up, and I can see them instantly. They're shades of orange and blue reserved only for frat house party puking, road flares, color-blind golfers, and seizure-inducing cartoons. I don't even need my glasses to see them from this distance.

    Me *pointing*: "Dude, they're right there. The AT&T one."
    MM *blinking*: "But that's AT&T, I want Cingular."
    Me: "AT&T IS Cingular now. Just get that and it'll work fine."
    MM: "But it's not Cingular! I dun' need AT&T!
    Me *Grinding my teeth by this point*: "Apparently, we're losing something in communication. A. T. And. T. Is. Cingular. You want Cingular, you buy AT&T now."

    Wash. Rinse. Repeat for another two minutes before he leaves even more confused than he was before stepping into the store. I suppose I could have tried to communicate better with him, but grunts, howls, and ball-scratching is generally frowned upon in the store.

    Do you see "Bank" written across my forehead?
    Like Gravekeeper's 867 knuckle-draggers, these people are the bane of my existence. Anyone who's worked convenience knows these people.

    MD: "Pack of Marb reds please."
    Me *thinking, 'It's Marl, you stump-humper, Marl'*: "Five twenty-eight."
    MD whips out that brand new $100.
    Me: "Can't break that, got anything smaller?" *this happens so often I've long since stopped apologizing for the so-called 'inconvenience'.*
    MD *pulling a spectacular case of cat-butt face*: "But it's all I haaaavvvveeee! Don't you have the money in your registerrrrrrrr?!"
    Me: "Yep, to ensure change for ALL customers, not just those with big bills. I see you have a credit card, you can use that if you like."
    MD: "I'm not using my carrrrrd!"
    Me *putting the smokes back*: "Might I suggest a bank then?"
    MD *looking at me like I was crazy, which given the cold meds, I probably was*: "But the bank is clooooosssed!"
    Me *shrugging*: "Sucks to be you then."

    Yes, she did the whole valley-girl whine the entire time. I'm pretty sure I have lost brain cells to this dingbat, and they shall be lamented by the remaining survivors. Not the first time she's tried that tactic. You'd think they'd learn after seeing me working. I have a good majority of them trained to know what to expect upon seeing me working. Now if I could just get most of them to walk in front of a runaway freight train...

    The Return of Thundercunt, I mean, Nicole (Long one)
    I wrote about Nicole in one of my previous postings, she's the eternally pissed off woman who screamed I was a "fucking faggot!" for daring to card her for smokes. While there are claims that she is a lesbian, I can only assume this level of pissitude can only come from one who hasn't gotten any in a long, long, LONG time. Not surprising, most the town won't come within twenty feet of her.

    We have a small 'island' of candy, mostly the usual stuff with a few lesser known candies. Regular size (standard Snickers, M&M's, etc) are 89 cent, king sized are $1.39, and theatre size are $1.99. At the bottom of the 'regulars' shelf are Tropical flavored Mike & Ikes. These are NOT considered a 'regular' and therefore are 99 cents, and marked as such on the bag.

    Nicole came in one night while I was training our new closer. She grabs her usual coffee, and a bag of the Tropical Mike & Ikes. They rang up 99 cents, and she went off on her usual tirade of bitchery and complaining. Just to be nice, I had LJ (the new guy) rering them up as 89 cents. Partly just to be nice, and partly to get her the hell out of the store. I later found out she came back the next day and whinged that I was very unhelpful, and refused to 'honor' the price of regular candies. Needless to say, I was not happy being lied about. (Management later put up a sign basically saying "Prices as marked. This includes the Mike & Ikes.)

    Joy of joys, she came in last night while I was working. Oh, the fun I had pushing her buttons.

    Nicole: "What the hell is this?" *toeing the sign*
    Me: "Just what it says. Regular candies are 89 cents, the Tropical flavored Mike & Ikes are 99 cents."
    Nicole *going off*: "That's fucking bullshit! They're a regular candy, they're located with the rest of the regular candy!"
    Me: "Just because they are with the rest, doesn't make them regular. We have 99 cents apple pies with the thirty-five cent snacks. Doesn't make them thirty-five cents."
    Nicole: "Cut your fucking attitude, you're being a dick!"
    Me: "Funny that, I usually am a dick to people who lie about me like you did earlier this week."
    Nicole: "Your attitude sucks! I'm going to speak to talk to your manager and have you fucking fired!"
    Me *grinning ear to ear*: "Go ahead, she could use the laugh, and I leave in five days anyways. Not that anything would happen, no one here likes you because you're always being a pissy bitch."

    I don't recall what all was said after that. A lot of screaming of things that would make a sailor blush with shame, and storming out of the store. I'm sure she'll be back, unfortunately. Apparently, we have the only coffee she likes. I'm sure she'll get her ass banned eventually.

  • #2
    Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
    Me *grinning ear to ear*: "Go ahead, she could use the laugh, and I leave in five days anyways. Not that anything would happen, no one here likes you because you're always being a pissy bitch."
    Slam and Dunk. Bravo!
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      That's okay, I like to be a jerk to the jerks, myself. I firmly believe that people should get it as good as they give it. If they want to be respected, they need to show others that same level of respect. If they want to treat everyone like dirt, then they deserve to be stomped into the mud.

      Sadly, working for a local BP station, I can just imagine how subhuman these lowlifes you described are. I get to experience the joys of herding my own mass of dumbasses. I'm just glad that my manager and all my good customers seem to find it rather humorous when I decide to dispense a dose of biting sarcasm to a sucky customer.
      The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

      Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


      • #4
        Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
        I don't recall what all was said after that. A lot of screaming of things that would make a sailor blush with shame, and storming out of the store. I'm sure she'll be back, unfortunately. Apparently, we have the only coffee she likes. I'm sure she'll get her ass banned eventually.
        FYI, Sailors never blush at swearing. If you think the level of swearing has achieved a level that would cause a sailor to blush, that is the point where we have setup the lawn chair, dug out the pad of paper and pen, and are furiously taking notes while encouraging the participants for more.


        • #5
          Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
          Me *thinking, 'It's Marl, you stump-humper, Marl'*
          Aren't Marboro's those many-tentacled horrors with the usual blue magic 'Bad Breath' in the Final Fantasy universe? Thanks to a mistranslation/lack of available memory in FF6J/3?
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            I know that beautiful feeling all too well. I, too, had the pleasure of being less than courteous with a couple habitually rude people towards the end of my retail career.
            "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
            ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


            • #7
              Quoth MadRocketScientist View Post
              FYI, Sailors never blush at swearing. If you think the level of swearing has achieved a level that would cause a sailor to blush, that is the point where we have setup the lawn chair, dug out the pad of paper and pen, and are furiously taking notes while encouraging the participants for more.
              Whip out the lawn chairs and pads: I made my Samoan, ex-Navy, former brother-in-law blush one time. It can happen.

              Where did I learn? Computer programmers. Worst mouths ever.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                Me *grinning ear to ear*: "Go ahead, she could use the laugh, and I leave in five days anyways. Not that anything would happen, no one here likes you because you're always being a pissy bitch."

                And she deserved every bit of it. I hope you made her feel bad.
                This area is left blank for a reason.


                • #9
                  Quoth wagegoth View Post
                  Whip out the lawn chairs and pads: I made my Samoan, ex-Navy, former brother-in-law blush one time. It can happen.

                  Where did I learn? Computer programmers. Worst mouths ever.
                  Computer geeks in general have the best profanity. Why? Well, we have to spend so much time restraining our digital fury for customers and co-workers that, when we do unload, we're releasing a solid, corporeal stream of profanity.
                  Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

                  I like big bots and I cannot lie.


                  • #10
                    Quoth I Love Pit Bulls
                    Nonononononooo...that's Malboro!
                    Ah-hem... The Japanese don't distinguish between the sound an 'l' makes and an 'r' makes. Thus, Verthandi (Goddess of the Present in Norse Mythology, if I remember correctly) became Belldandy in Ah, My Goddess.
                    And, again, I did specify a 'translation' problem...

                    Quoth wagegoth View Post
                    Where did I learn? Computer programmers. Worst mouths ever.
                    Band geeks/Spectra students (If you don't know what Spectra is, it's basically a free class that excelling students can slip out of regular class to go hang out). Even worse when one is both. Trust me.
                    Last edited by Imogene; 09-19-2007, 01:31 AM. Reason: Merging posts
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth wagegoth View Post
                      Where did I learn? Computer programmers. Worst mouths ever.

                      Back in my college days, it was quite well known that you did not want to come anywhere near the computer lab when any of us were working on our final programs. And I was probably the worst one of the bunch.
                      Sometimes life is altered.
                      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                      Uneasy with confrontation.
                      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                      • #12
                        Quoth wagegoth View Post
                        Where did I learn? Computer programmers. Worst mouths ever.
                        That's just because the damned computers like to torment and tease us by almost working for days on end until we finally figure out we missed a single fucking - character.

                        True story, happened to me. I'd spent weeks on a project, and then spent 3 days debugging one little piece of shit "-" while 150 developers were held up by this issue. If a co-worker had done it, and forced me to debug it, I think I'd have ripped out his esophagus, ironed it, and handed it back to him. As it was, since it was me, I could only curse up a storm that night on the way home.

                        I think we had a power outage that night, in fact.


                        • #13
                          I'm no computer programmer, but I can sure vent some foul strings of profanity when my temper starts to flare up. I also resort to frequent bursts of sarcasm to relieve some of that frustration when I get aggravated.

                          On the other hand, when I'm truly mad enough to be on the war path, I actually get so tongue tied that I can't even talk. That's usually the point at which I change into a destructive force of nature. Luckily, it doesn't happen that often. I do have pretty good restraint of those destructive urges. The sad part is that I'm not even trying to tear anything up at that point.

                          For instance, a couple of weeks ago, I had to replace one of the battery posts in my car. I was working day shift, and the manager had just returned from the bank. It was about our usual lunch time, so she gave me some money to go get us a pizza. She had it figured right that I was about ready for a break from the masses at the register. Funny how they always seem to pour in on me as soon as the manager goes to the bank. I went to the local Little Caesars. While there, the rain started to pour. I got our pizza, paid, and made a mad dash for the car. The car wouldn't start. Yeah, great time for the battery to die, I thought to myself. So, I waited in hopes the rain would let up. It didn't. I finally decided to just bite the bullet and check under the hood despite the pouring rain. Sure enough, there was corrosion on the negative cable. It's not connecting properly. I work with it to no avail, and am now thoroughly soaked. I decide I better call my manager and tell her why it's taking so long. That's when I realize that I was in such a hurry to get some food that I left my cell phone at the store. One of the girls working at Little Caesar's was kind enough to lend me her cell phone to call the store. Then, I call my wife's phone to see if she can pick me up since I'm not having any luck getting the battery to connect. Her office is just down the road from the store. I forgot she had to go out of town on business for the day, so I get her voice mail. One of the guys working in the kitchen steps out to take a smoke break. He sees that I'm struggling, so he offers to help and jump starts my car. I finally make it back to the store with a cold pizza. The manager sees that I'm soaked, so she tells me that I can go home to change if I want. I'm tempted to go, but I don't want to risk the drive across town. I know the car will at least be safe in the store's parking lot until I get a new battery cable. So, I go to wash my hands at the sink behind the counter. The paper towels stick in the dispenser. I work with it a little bit. It starts to feed again, then sticks again. Already frustrated and getting more frustrated, I yank and manage to pull the dispenser off the wall. I mean drywall anchors and all come detached from the wall. I'm surprised that I didn't start cussing like a sailor, but I couldn't even bother to formulate the words to express my feelings at that point. Now that was a day!
                          The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                          Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                          • #14
                            Quoth wagegoth View Post
                            Where did I learn? Computer programmers. Worst mouths ever.
                            Thought of my dad when I read this.

                            A few writers and a teacher have some foul mouths too. I'm restrained when it comes to swearing but when I get angry then most sentences will have at least 3 or 4 profane words after every normal word. I met a friend of my grandfather who swore like it was normal.
                            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                            • #15
                              Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                              MD: "Pack of Marb reds please."
                              Me *thinking, 'It's Marl, you stump-humper, Marl'*:
                              For future reference, I am NOT a stump-humper. I am a fairly intelligent young woman who sometimes is lazy in her speech (and even when I am, people still tell me I'm intelligent...and shouldn't talk like that). I call them Marb reds because it sounds better.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

