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Drugs and the workplace. With some xmas cheer

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  • Drugs and the workplace. With some xmas cheer

    Well i found this site and though 'Omg im home' so i will share a few 'Code **' stories. I wont use the actual code name as im sure its supposed to be kind of secret.

    Bassically a Code** (from here on called CD) is there is a theft in the store and loss prevention needs assistance from all male (yes just males. store policy. think of it as us guys being more expendable )personel as the theif is going to be a problem. Most theives realize they are caught and decide to go quietly....others dont.

    There are two tt stand out in my mind as having SC actually choosing the side of the theif.

    Our department store is located right next to a frequented bar but being a department store and closing at 9:30 this is rarely a problem. During my first month at this store im working on building a section for baby furniture when we see some managment moving to the south exit. My co-worker, being more experianced then me tell me we should move to the south exit as well. Promptly a CD is called and we rush to the scene. Apparently a man who was VERY intoxicated had believed that in order to steal a vaccum one must only have it over the sensors and they wont go off. Once the CD was called he promtly fought our loss prevention team and required about four of us to hold him to the ground. He then starts cursing us out and spitting at us (spitting, as we all know, a form of assault as we do not know if he has any diseases and such) We managed to tie his hands behind him with shoelace as he continued struggling. The cops where called as we could not handle this in store and we had to hold him in this way for 30 minutes as he continues struggling and spitting at us. During this half hour we obviously draw a crowd as we are right outside our front entrance. Almost every single customer demands us to let him go as it is brutality and such. People who saw the initial fight stayed to file reports against us as the intoxicated individual continued to attempt to spit on us and kick us. He struggled to the end when the cops finally showed up. Fortunatly the SC watching changed their tune as SOON as the cops showed up. Im not sure why they decide to stop razzin us for trying to keep ourselves safe.

    Story 2: It was a busy day at christmas season and a CD was called to the north entrance. CD where less common now as our Loss prevention team had a lot more experiance (this being two years later) and they knew how to handle almost all situations by themselves. This was an exception though. I show up to the north with a kid who looked no older then 16 being held on the ground on his hands and knees. Our LP where trying to get him to put his hands behind his back. Remember this kid is maybe 120-150 lbs. I am a 215 lb 5'11 tall guy and i can holold my owm. Im no fighter but i can move things darn well. I just try to move his left arm from holding himself up and move it beihd his back. I cant. Plain and simple i cant. I look at the kid his puils are crazy and he is tense as a fighter. Had to be on somethin. I think at most there was about 5 of us on him just TRYING to get him to put his hands behind his back. We couldnt do it. Eventually our LP did the pinch thing just under his shoulder (kinda his side) to make his arms move back. Wouldnt work. Eventually after about 2 min of us straining to get this kid down our LP kicked his ribcage until he finally gave in. Of course every customer in the vicinity is telling us they wish to speak to our managers of our mishandling of this poor distressed child. Our managers politely told them to screw off >.<

    Both theives where persecuted and im amazed at how often people will take to the side of the guy trying to steal rfom us and wont go wuietly O.o

    Thats my rant
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    Damn straight

    I have to help with these types of things to because the store is to poor to pay for enough security to handle it themselves. I don't really care if the guy get away with It since I get paid either way but If a CD is called i respond since i'm big (250 lbs) and that should keep people from getting hurt. People just don't know that these people, when fighting security, can actually hurt people. I've heard of people who get kicked in the face or have sprains after because these people fight back. And the Custumers come right up and ask why we need 8 people to hold him down why we try to handcuff him. I just wanna respond "Because your to stupid to stand back so if he gets up he's gunna punch me the other 7 people and you because he doesn't give a shit about our well being!!"


    • #3
      I'm assuming you have the legal right to restrain people in such a manner ... in which case - their fault. You gonna try stealing and then fight back when caught? Well you can expect to be in pain. Don't wanna get your precious ribcage kicked? Either don't steal, or if you do steal, go quietly when caught.

      As long as your people aren't beating down on people who are cooperating, doesn't sound like a problem to me.

      Both theives where persecuted ...
      I think you mean prosecuted. Persecuted is what the SCs thought the thieves were being.


      • #4
        lol yes. future referance my grammer is HORRID. i at least admit it
        Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


        • #5
          Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
          i at least admit it
          And that alone puts you a mile above SCs.

          I'm currently attending school to be an editor, so reading some posts gives me lots of practice at restraint, but I've had to stop visiting the PFB section, as it tends to make me wanna have an aneurysm reading the links.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            I usually restrain these days, but the fact that the used word exactly described what the SCs thought was happening was just too delicious to pass up.

