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There's really no better way to put this.

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  • There's really no better way to put this.

    Well, there’s really no backstory to this one that will make it as amusing as just reading the letter I had to write to send out to this customer, except for this:

    Instead of trying to placate her, the point of this letter was to get her so pissed she just blows a blood vessel in her brain. Either way, the effect will be the same.

    This is edited slightly from what I sent to protect the "innocent" and avoid me getting fired for an NDA clause, but most of it remains intact.

    Dear Psychowoman from the Depths of Hades-

    We are sending this in response to your letter that you mailed to our showroom.

    The sales contract, which you signed, has the following statement on the back of the receipt.

    Responsibility for the size(s) of the items selected, with respect to home delivery, remains with the buyer.

    I personally wrote down the measurements of the pieces in question on your order form so that measurements could be made to not only plan out the layout in your home, but also determine if there would be any complications in the delivery, as covered by the second statement on the contract:

    If we have to disassemble and reassemble your furniture in order to complete delivery, there will be an additional charge of $199.99 per piece. Our delivery service will do whatever is reasonably possible to prevent you from incurring this expense.

    The binding waiver of liability which, you filled in and signed at the time of delivery, offered you two options:

    1. To have the furniture movers try and bring in the furniture, which was determined to be too large or wide. The waiver clearly states that if you select this option, our company, the furniture mover or any agents thereof will not, under any circumstances, be responsible or liable for any damages to the furniture or to the residence as a result of attempting to bring in furniture which was too large.

    2. Referring back to the clause in your purchase agreement stated above. The furniture movers could take the furniture back to our warehouse for disassembly and redelivery at the soonest convenient date.

    You decided to forego the disassembly and experienced the first option to have the furniture movers attempt to bring in the furniture.
    Note: She’ll have to read this line a few times before it sinks in, and hopefully, if that doesn’t send her over the edge, this will do it.

    The waiver of liability which, is a legally binding rider to the original sales contract is absolutely clear in stating that the furniture and/or the residence may be damaged if the movers attempt to bring the furniture in. It also clearly states that the company or the furniture movers will not be responsible for said damage. This waiver requires not just one, but three signatures in order for the drivers to exercise this option.

    Please find attached a copy of the original purchase order with the dimensions highlighted, along with the two clauses in question, and also a copy of the signed waiver.

    We are not able to reimburse you for the damage to your home.
    And now, the final hammer blow to the stake in the heart of the vampiress:

    Since you have filed a complaint with the local Better Business Bureau, they have contacted us in an attempt to resolve this dispute. To this end, we have forwarded on a copy of this letter and all related correspondence including copies of the attached paperwork, in addition to all email messages between our company and yourself in regards to this issue.

    We hope this has helped clarify our position regarding this matter.

    The Bastard Manager
    Just how bad did she get damaged?

    It seems she had just had the front of her home remodeled and the contractor did a sub-par job. The sofa got wedged in the door and when she tried to have us force it in, the entire doorframe assembly ripped out of the wall and the resulting damage from the fasteners tore the shit out of her walls and her hardwood floor.

    Remember folks, this is why we give you the measurements.

    And yeah. Those emails were very very colorful.
    "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."

  • #2
    Good on you and your company for not giving an inch, especially in light of the asinine BBB complaint. Better Business Bureau? More like "catering to Big Bawling Babies who didn't get their way and went crying to mama" bureau.


    • #3
      Obviously, it's easier to attempt to get money out of your company, than to pursue a settlement from the contractor. Deep pockets applies.

      Your letter was beautiful. Maybe you should consider law school.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        If her contractor is anything like the guy who did my parents' kitchen, good luck getting them to come back! And he lives on the street behind can see his house from my living room window!
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          SC pwnage. It's a beautiful thing.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            If her contractor is anything like the guy who did my parents' kitchen, good luck getting them to come back! And he lives on the street behind can see his house from my living room window!
            Lure him with a barbeque and when he goes inside lock the door and refuse to let him out until he signs a contract to fix the damage.

            What? Kidnapping laws? No, it doesn't apply here.
            How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              SC pwnage. It's a beautiful thing.
              Preach, brother PREACH!
              This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


              • #8
                I'm calling it--she's gonna come bursting in the store screaming that she wants you fired.

                Knowing you, you're gonna tell her to GTFO or you'll call the cops.

                It's not gonna happen. She'll keep screaming at you till she's red in the face.

                You'll calmly, but snidely, explain to her that she signed the waiver, didn't want the furniture disassembled, and that the store isn't responsible; we won't do anything about it. Now get the fuck out of my store and never return, foul wench!

                In the end, cops are called and Psycho Bitch is arrested for trespassing. And thuswhich, another victory for Kusanagi, vanquisher of snooty rich assholes, ghetto superstars, and other assorted anal-dwelling twat monkeys.

                BTW, that letter rules. GO YOU!
                The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                Believe dat.


                • #9
                  Finally! An SC gets what they deserve! Most companies are altogether too happy to try and placate a customer. It's nice when they say "sorry, this was your fault. Get over it."


                  • #10

                    WOW well done!
                    Do please update us if/when she decides to respond
                    I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha


                    • #11
                      Quoth derangedperson View Post
                      ghetto superstars
                      That's ghetto stupidstars.


                      • #12
                        Actually in the original story it was Ghetto Superstar. Someone else later came up with the name Ghetto Stupidstar, and while it was vaguely funny, it did not have nearly the staying power of the original.

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          Oh man. I think I love you.


                          • #14

                            Awesome letter!!!
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15

                              So, the BBB dropped the case, I just got off the phone with one of their representatives. It turns out Psychobitch didn't like the nice and kind letter I had written and demanded that the BBB does something.

                              Well, as it turns out, I made the right move forwarding on all of the communications I had had with her to the BBB. They basically had said there was nothing we could do, so the poor rep got a huge earful, and I know just how pissed this woman can get.

                              The poor bastard called me and basically said if there was an way we could resolve the issue and I told them that the customer was the one who didn't want it resolved because we did nothing wrong.

                              BBB Rep: Are you sure? Because the complaint will stay open until it's resolved to her satisfaction.
                              Me: Okay, look. You know as well as I do that there's going to be nothing we can do to satisfy this woman. Even if we paid 20k (Yes, you read that right, she was claiming we did $20,000 worth of damages to her home) there's gonna be no way she'll claim she was satisfied. This isn't about customer service - if we pay the 20k do you really think she'll recommend us to her friends? No. She'll go on and on about how she was able to fight THE MAN and how hard she had to work to get the money from the claws of such an evil company.
                              BBB Rep: Oh trust me, I know that more than you do. But I'm just saying, a complaint could affect the business...
                              Me: Well, we could have a complaint filed, or we could have both the complaint filed and be out twenty grand. Did this woman file a claim against the contractor that did the work? Because she's yelling at you because no attorney in their right mind would take this case.


                              BBB Rep: Um, yeah, she did.
                              Me: So let me get this straight. She's filing a complaint with the contractor for reimbursement of the shoddy construction AND she's complaining against us to? You realize that she's trying to scam both companies out of the situation because if she gets both claims in her favor she'll pocket twenty grand.
                              BBB Rep: Good point...
                              Me: You've seen her attitude in the emails, you've dealt with her personally. She can yell all she wants, we aren't going to do anything because she signed the contract. Tell her to go after the contractor. The fault lies in him.
                              BBB Rep: :sigh: Okay then.
                              Me: Send her a written response, it will be easier on everyone, I assure you.

                              That was the conversation. It was almost like the rep was trying to get us to cave because he didn't want to call the woman back (We refuse to correspond with her except for written email, we will not speak to her over the phone and we have told her she will be arrested for tresspassing if she steps into the store again)

                              The emails get passed around to laugh at. If I get time, (I have another story that just happened while I was typing this up that I HAVE to share with you all) I'll see if I can dig some of them up for you.

                              Kusanagi - 2, Psychobitch - 0
                              "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."

