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An evening full of MADNESS!

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  • An evening full of MADNESS!

    Hello all! I have been a lurker for months now. I was too lazy to register before, but now I finally did. YEAY for ME! So I work at a grocery store and tonight was a doozie. First a little backround. We were very busy, and are always short staffed on wednesdays. All the local schools begin again on Monday, but my manager decided to not pay attention to this small detail and let 10 people go on vaction this week. OK PAL! So we are slammed, there is me and 1 other checker. It's 9 at night and the fire alarm goes off. I call management to see if we need to evacuate, he tells me No, it's the sprinkler. We get the siren off and in strolls the firemen. That was a bright spot in the night because usually we get the old hefty ones. This time we got all the cute young ones Aparently the sprinkler in the storage freezer exploded! When I left at midnight they had damaged out over $6,000 in goods and still counting! Apparently the fire alarm sound translates into HEY MORONS, TIME TO GET TOGETHER AND GO SHOPPING!

    idiots #1 &#2 Chinese man and his friend were shopping. Limited english. I ring each of their transactions thru and they charge them. 2 minutes later they complain about blah blah and what we finally figure out is they wanted to use 2 seperate cards to pay. WTH? You morons used the same card? It's one of the guys credit cards and he let the other guy use it on accident? So we credit the card once, and the other guy pays using a different card. Then he decides M&Ms were too much (he called them brown nuts ) So he wants to do yet another return. I wish i could have showed him what brown nuts were by kicking him in them . Believe it or not, this dumb ordeal took 25 minutes to figure out with the whole language barrier, and their joint stupidity. Checker #2 went home after these two jackasses/\.

    idiot#3 A lady chatting away on her phone not paying attention to her transaction. slides atm, slides atm, slides atm, "Whys it keep making me slide payment card?" PUSH THE FRICKIN BUTTON FIRST! "Whys it saying select paymet method?" PUSH THE DAMN BUTTON! "Whys it sayin enter pin? ENTER PIN! "Whys it sayin enter pin?" ENTER THE DAMN PIN NUMBER!!! "Whys it saying thank you?" BECAUSE INBREEDER, IT"S AS HAPPY AS I AM THAT YOU ARE FINISHED. THANKS AND LEAVE NOW!

    idiot #4 she was a mean one. Goes thru the process and it comes back INCORRECT PIN. She gets all snotty and says "Why does it say wrong pin?" I told her nicely that means she keyed in the wrong pin. "NO I DID NOT!!" Um, yes you did. please try again. this goes on 3 more times and she's getting madder each time. Finally she realizes its her husbands card. DUUUH

    Gosh, my 3 year old and 6 year old can follow directions better than these geniuses. thats all for now, I am heading to bed. GOod night all!