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If you pick that phone up again...

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  • If you pick that phone up again...

    ...I'm gonna come over there and wrap the cord around your scrawny neck and pull on it til your head pops!

    I hate the jewelry counter. (Like I haven't mentioned that a thousand times before.) One of these days I'm really gonna lose it and will probably also lose my job. I thought today was that day.

    I was covering the jewelry diva's break and had an elderly lady and another older lady (her caregiver, I summised) at the counter looking for a wind-up watch. We don't sell wind-up watches and "No, I don't know who, if anyone, sells wind-up watches."

    (Dumb question: Just because I work at a retail store why should I know what every other freaking store carries? Hmmmmmmm?)

    Anyway, once I was finally able to make them understand that we don't have any wind-up watches, they decided on one of our new-fangled, battery operated timepieces. So, I take the watch out of the glass case and the elderly lady tries it on.

    It fits! Oh glory be!

    She's happy, her cargiver is happy and I'm happy 'cause now I can ring it up and get the hell away from the jewelry counter.

    Not so fast!

    It seems the elderly lady has very little money and needs to know what the final cost, including tax, will be. The watch was on sale for 35% off so I did a price check on the register to get the sub total then grabbed a pen and paper to figure the tax.

    That's when it happened!


    I look up from my math problem to see this asswipe standing on the opposite side of the counter hollering at me.

    Asswipe: "WHERE IS SHE?"

    Me: "I'm helping another customer right now. I'll be with you in a minute."

    Asswipe: "WELL. WHERE IS SHE?"

    Me: "I'm in the middle of something here. It will be a minute."


    Me: At this point I have re-started figuring the tax 3 times already and can't believe this POS is still hollering at me. I ignore him.


    Me: (Seething in anger...another death glare)

    I finally get the total for the watch, including tax and tell the elderly lady. She decided she wanted the watch so I turn back to the register to ring up her purchase. All this time, that POS was talking. He just wouldn't shut up. I tried to ignore him to keep my mind on what I was doing but it was getting more and more difficult as I was getting more and more angry.

    Then, my phone rings. And guess who it was?

    That POS picked up the red customer service phone on his side of the jewelry counter and then has the audacity to tell me to smile.

    I swear to God, I wanted to choke the life out of him.
    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.

  • #2
    I hate the "customers" who want you to stop helping another customer and help them even though they came after the current customer. I was helping one lady with a cake order when Ms. Entitlement Bitch comes up next to other lady.

    EB: Entitlement Bitch

    EB: Helloooooooooo!! Helloooooooooo! IS SOMEBODY GONG TO HELP ME!!
    I am standing two feet away helping another customer, open you dam eyes.
    Me: I will be with you in one minute, one I finish with this cust.
    EB: But I need help now.
    Me; It will only be a minute.
    EB walks away. About three minuts late (or 30 seconds later after after i finished with orig. cust)
    PAGE: Customer Assistance to bakeshop.
    EB (wals up on cell) Yeah i gotta go, i need to try to get the fing inbred retard to help me, since he dosen't know how to treat a
    Me: excuse me?
    EB: I guess you don't loke people telling the truth either, dumbass.
    Me: I will not help you until you treat me with respect. You will need to find a manager if you have a problem with this.
    EB: Go F yourself!
    I page MOD and explain situation. The MOD on was the cool one who didn't take crap from customers. Se whined to hom, but her told her to leave if she woudl treat our staff that way. I haven;t seen her since.
    Last edited by mattm04; 09-28-2007, 07:21 AM.


    • #3
      This sort of thing is one reason I didn't like working at the watch counter at Macy's, because it always seemed to be those customers who could see you were busy helping someone else, but wanted you to drop everything to attend to them. Had it happen one day that some lady needed help with an exchange/resizing on a Guess watch, no other customers were around, but the instant I started helping this woman, a younger guy, an older couple, and a middle-aged woman with teen girls all showed up and wanted to look at watches. The younger guy was the only one who was polite about asking if there was anyone else available to help, the older people and the woman with teens both got quite nasty.


      • #4
        Quoth Retail Associate View Post
        (Dumb question: Just because I work at a retail store why should I know what every other freaking store carries? Hmmmmmmm?)
        Uh, because you work in a retail store.

        So there.

        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid

