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Sucky Reseller

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  • Sucky Reseller

    Our company prefers to use local resellers for international sales. It's easier for us because we have a person who speaks the local language who can help with tech support and training (resellers earn a hefty commission, so they are well-compensated for taking on that duty).

    It's also easier on the end-consumer because they don't have to worry about import duties, proper wording of invoices and customs forms. The reseller, who is experienced in such matters, takes care of that.

    The reseller makes money, so it's good for him as well.

    Generally, when we sell overseas, we take our cue from the reseller on how to word everything to make sure it goes through customs smoothly and they don't pay more duties and taxes than they have to. The only thing we won't do is lie.

    Our Mexico City reseller never gets this. He'll demand that the invoice say that the retail value of the software is $1 and we'll refuse because it's not even close to the truth. We'll suggest alternative wording such as "Educational materials. No duties." or "Software for charity. Cash value of physical media and documentation: $1 (US)."

    This will go back and forth repeatedly. Then he'll dispute the shipping charge we've quoted him because his cousin told him so-and-so could do it cheaper.

    Once we've settled on that, he will haggle about having to pre-pay.

    While all this is going on he'll keep badgering us about how long the order is taking to fill.

    It goes on and on and ON with this guy. He is such an ass that I really wish Mark would get the cajones to tell him his business was no longer necessary. At the very least we should charge him $10 every time he makes us change the wording on the invoice.

    But last time he ordered really took the cake. He put us through the usual song and dance and we finally got everything to his satisfaction, took his payment and sent the order.

    Two days later we got a phone call from the shipping company. It seems that $5 in duty was due and the reseller was refusing to pay it so he could pick up the order. Mind you, the reseller was going to make about $1300 commission on selling them. Yup, he sure was in a big hurry.

    Our choices were to pay the $5 ourselves or have the stuff shipping back for $15 and give the reseller a refund. We were sorely tempted to take the second option, but chose the first because it was more pragmatic.

    The plan is that we add a new "special handling charge" (it's really a pain-in-the-ass tax, but we can't call it that) to this reseller's next order. I don't know what the amount is going to be, but we're going to tack an extra $5 on after we arrive at a fair figure.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    This is why I hate, absolutely hate, dealing with re-sellers. Some are really nice, but the ones that are a pain in the rear are sometimes 20 times worse than any normal SC. They want either:

    - A bigger discount cause they know this guy in catmandu that will give him your product for cheaper. You also have to take his/her word for it.

    - Special deals because they're a reseller and therefore making you more money as well.

    - Free shipping even though I don't ship! You want free shipping??? It's called get your lazy ass to my store and pick it up!

    - And lastly, free product for them personally whenever they come in.

    Gah, I wish I could give them your "special handling" charge dips...i really could
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


    • #3
      Quoth toolbert View Post
      Gah, I wish I could give them your "special handling" charge dips...i really could
      It's one of the perks of working for a very small company and knowing the owner.
      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

      The stupid is strong with this one.


      • #4
        Heh - there was a butcher I heard about who would add Butcher's Added Tax (playing on Value Added Tax) to people who turned up in a snowstorm but wouldn't be seen the rest of the year.



        • #5
          Your reseller in Mexico City has obviously never had Customs bust open his entire shipment and damage 3/4 of the original packaging with beautiful flourescent green tape and then have to worry how he's going to sell it as new stock if he's asking you to mark everything on the forms as valued at $1.00. The only time I *ever* value anything at $1.00 is if it's broken, defective merchandise and even then I'm scared out of my mind Customs is going to grab it and sit on it for weeks.

          Our very few int'l resellers' accounts are all on Prepaid because the one time we tried to set one up on Open, they refused to pay us more often than once every 6 months. And yeah, after you bust your tail to get everything packed and then triplequadruple check the customs paperwork, 90% of the time they leave it sitting with unpaid duty. Hate out-of-country resellers. Hate them! (I'm sure they feel the same about us, it's only fair)


          • #6
            Quoth Onte View Post
            Your reseller in Mexico City has obviously never had Customs bust open his entire shipment
            If he has, he's never told us about it. ;-)

            Quoth Onte View Post
            The only time I *ever* value anything at $1.00 is if it's broken, defective merchandise and even then I'm scared out of my mind Customs is going to grab it and sit on it for weeks.
            In our case I guess it works because it's software. We let them decide how to word it (as long as we aren't asked to lie). If something ever does get seized by customs, it's on the reseller, not us. We could just invalidate the serial number in our database making it the software unusable and we are out about $1 of plastic and cardboard. The reseller is out the money he's paid us. He then has a choice of getting a free replacement (if he pays for shipping again, of course) or getting a refund (less the original shipping charges).

            Quoth Onte View Post
            Our very few int'l resellers' accounts are all on Prepaid because the one time we tried to set one up on Open, they refused to pay us more often than once every 6 months. And yeah, after you bust your tail to get everything packed and then triplequadruple check the customs paperwork, 90% of the time they leave it sitting with unpaid duty. Hate out-of-country resellers. Hate them! (I'm sure they feel the same about us, it's only fair)
            We have dozens of them and only two have terms with us. You can bet our friend in Mexico City isn't one of those two.

            Someday I'll post about an overseas OEM who didn't feel he needed to pay us royalties.
            Last edited by Dips; 08-10-2006, 09:19 PM.
            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

            The stupid is strong with this one.

