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Complain Complain Complain!

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  • Complain Complain Complain!

    Why do people complain about things they have control over but choose not to exercise that control?

    From August 12th 2006
    Why to people piss and moan about the traffic being bad and that they couldn't get here on time... WHEN THEY DECIDED TO LEAVE AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND TO GET HERE!?! I know it only takes 2.5 hours to get here from Maryland (DC area). And yes, you will get stuck in traffic if you leave at noon time to get here. Perhaps next time you should plan better and LEAVE EARLIER! I mean, Dog forbid you have *gasp* get up early to leave for your vacation. This is why people miss flights and everything. Because they wait until the last possible second to leave. Gah! Don't complain to me about you have no time to spend when you darn well should have left earlier!
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.

  • #2
    Quoth GolfCart34 View Post
    Dog forbid
    I love this saying! I say "OH MY DOG" all the time. It's nice to hear other dog lovers/non-believers using this term too. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
      I love this saying! I say "OH MY DOG" all the time. It's nice to hear other dog lovers/non-believers using this term too. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!
      I'll use the "Oh My Dog" phrase on occasion simply because I get sick of "Oh My God" and it's variants. Not only that, but I think it fit well within this post.
      Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


      • #4
        God spelled backwards is Dog. That means that there are 2 natures to people. A spiritual peace loving side & a darker more evil side. That concludes my sermon boys &


        • #5
          Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
          I love this saying! I say "OH MY DOG" all the time. It's nice to hear other dog lovers/non-believers using this term too. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!
          hehe, me too.

          I started leaving at 7:15 last week to get to work, otherwise I don't have time to stop at the cafeteria before I punch in (because of course my ID doesn't work on the time clock that I pass on my way in and I have to walk halfway across the warehouse to get to one that does). We have to punch in by 1 minute after our scheduled start time or we're considered late. Which my boss reminded us at a staff meeting the Friday before last week. Hence my being "good." (Never mind that our department doesn't affect the warehouse operations schedule in any way, shape, or form, and one of us being late doesn't affect the others in the department, either, and if we do punch in late, we also punch out late and are therefore working the hours we are supposed to.) Without traffic I could leave at 7:30, and if I leave between 7:20 and 7:30, now that the kids are back in school, I get slowed down by traffic at a certain intersection that I can't avoid or school buses or both, no matter how I try to time it I still end up running to punch in. So I decided to set my alarm earlier. Week 1: So far so good.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            I started leaving at 7:15 last week to get to work, otherwise I don't have time to stop at the cafeteria before I punch in (because of course my ID doesn't work on the time clock that I pass on my way in and I have to walk halfway across the warehouse to get to one that does). We have to punch in by 1 minute after our scheduled start time or we're considered late. Which my boss reminded us at a staff meeting the Friday before last week. Hence my being "good." (Never mind that our department doesn't affect the warehouse operations schedule in any way, shape, or form, and one of us being late doesn't affect the others in the department, either, and if we do punch in late, we also punch out late and are therefore working the hours we are supposed to.) Without traffic I could leave at 7:30, and if I leave between 7:20 and 7:30, now that the kids are back in school, I get slowed down by traffic at a certain intersection that I can't avoid or school buses or both, no matter how I try to time it I still end up running to punch in. So I decided to set my alarm earlier. Week 1: So far so good.
            Depending on when I start my shift depends on which way I go to work. I have a fabulous 40 minute drive to work and I have two ways I could go. If I start at 7:45 I go one way, if I start any later, I go my normal way. The reason why is to avoid school and traffic congestion. I only went my normal way all summer when school was out since I didn't get tied up in school traffic. I must say that I haven't even gotten caught up in school traffic yet since the school year started.
            Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


            • #7
              Quoth Bright_Star View Post
              God spelled backwards is Dog. That means that there are 2 natures to people. A spiritual peace loving side & a darker more evil side. That concludes my sermon boys &
              Methinks you have them backwards.... I mean, what's more loving than this?


              • #8
                Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
                "OH MY DOG"
                "Oh. Your. Dog!"
                "Oh. Your. Dogs!"
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  I love my Hairless Chinese Crested . . . . . . . .
                  yes folks Tria found a great picture of my Dog Breed.
                  Mine isn't spotted and is a different color . . . .but you have to love them.

                  Sorry I thread jacked . . .I couldn't help myself . . .please return to the topic at hand.


                  • #10
                    Cottage Country Trip

                    Travel times to cabin 219 Kilometers away in cottage country when you leave Saturday morning. Does not include time packing and unpacking boats at lakes.

                    6:30 AM or earlier: 2 Hours 45 minutes Hours trip time.

                    7:00 AM: People going to work slows you down while still in town, then a fast trip for 3 Hours trip time.

                    7:30 AM: People from Toronto merge in on way to Orilla, 3-4 Hours trip time.

                    8:00 AM: Everyone is on the road to cottage country, 4+ Hours trip time.

                    8:30 AM: Some idiots get impatient and start cutting off people. 4 Hours 30 minutes+ Hours trip time.

                    9:00 AM: Traffic slows as people eyeball idiots pulled over by cops. Note: to keep the traffic moving on peak days cops turn a blind eye to people going up to 15 KPH over the speed limit, you really must be speeding to get pulled over.

                    10:00 AM: Ex's brother left this late once, by then some idiot causes an accident on one of the few bridges that let you into cottage country. 8+ Hours trip time.

                    Leave Early, it is for the best.

