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kids drive me crazy

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  • kids drive me crazy

    Sears is not a playground!

    Yesterday must have been drop your preteen off at Sears and leave because I had the worst problems with unattended kids. There was a group of about five or six boys ages maybe 12-14 roaming the store yesterday. They were, of course, attracted to the escalators.

    I saw one fuzzy haired kid walk up the down escalator. When he was up, I approached him as he gazed down the escalator. Kid was smacking on a large wad of gum.

    I said: "Hey, buddy. We aren't going to play on the escalator anymore, all right?"

    Kid looked terrified. I think I must have scared him because he didn't see me. He stood around the escalator for a while and I retreated back to the cash wrap, about ten feet away. He then gets on the escalator and turns his head. He sees me watching. I give him my evil teacher eye--one that I've perfected from student teaching (it works!). He sort of cringed and went down the escalator without incident. After that, a manager came up and asked me to play escalator mommy for the next few hours, as LP was noticing a lot of stupid kids playing on the escalator. So. I did. I also stopped them bouncing on the display mattresses, zipping their friends into pieces of luggage, climbing into cabinets, and fighting with the giant stuffed animals.

    I don't mind a little goofing off. Kids will be kids. But these guys were out to cause trouble, IMO. I think I pissed a lot of kids off. Finally, that one roving group of preteens left. I watched them as the headed straight for the another store in the mall with escalators--JcPenny. I called my best friend that works at JcPenny and told her to watch out for a group of bored preteens coming to play on the escalator. If they start goofing on the escalator--I told her to tell them that their friend from Sears said to stop playing on the escalators.

    She said that indeed, a group of kids starting trying to walk up the down escalator and she stopped them and delivered the message. They looked mortified and began to leave. She said told them that McRae's--the last store with escalators--had already been warned about them and so they shouldn't even try to play there. (well, it was a lie, but she said the looks on those kids faces were priceless.)

    But that fuzzy haired kid got back at me. Went down the escalator and found a massive, massive wad of gum stuck on the ground. Looks like someone put it on the escalator and it got stuck when the step went down. Stupid kid.

  • #2
    I swear there should be a law that says young kids have to wear dog tags with their guardian's info. You get enough calls about your kids pissing people off every time they go to the mall, it might actually cross your mind to change your parenting tactics.
    The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


    • #3
      Wouldn't it be great if you got a teaching job and that kid ended up in your class?
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Too bad you couldn't ask where their parent was and then when they couldn't tell you, just tell them to leave the store. Go play in the mall. Then when Mommy comes in to bitch just tell her you aren't a damned day care center. Stupid parents.

