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Drunken bum makes lewd comment

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  • Drunken bum makes lewd comment

    I used to work at a major retail optical establishment. We had what the company liked to call "The Gift Of Sight" program. We donated eye exams and glasses to less fortunate people. I think this is a great and rewarding program, except most of the adults that qualified for this program were complete PWT (poor white trash) or joe dirt-ay if you please. I had helped this one stinky nasty drunken bum with his glasses, and everyday he would come in with them bent up one way or another just so he could come in and see me. At first I accomodated him because I figured he probably wouldn't remember in the morning anyway until one day. . . I went to the lab to fix his glasses-again-and when I came back out to return them to him he told me it must be really cold back there because he couldn't see past my headlights! At first I was thinking "oh hell no you did not just go there!" Then he said it again! I didn't know whether to laugh at his open idiocy or yell at him for the complete innapropriateness of the whole thing. Thankfully my manager heard the whole thing and kicked him out for good. I much prefer suitors who don't smell like stale cigarettes, cheap beer, and who also have more than two teeth.

  • #2
    Oooh, but I bet you have nice "headlights"! LOL Sorry, couldn't resist. I had a squatter about my age hit on me a few times down near my college & my roommate ended up sleeping with him. He was nice enough, just kinda smelly. Not really my type.
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      How about the elderly, rancid smelling not to mention Double Bagger type trying to grab you in a backroom, complete w/missing teeth?

      (Double Bagger for those not familar w/the term means so Fugly that they need a bag for themselves, one for who they are with and the lights out. )

      Been there, had that happen. Not a pleasant experience by any means.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Quoth crazymama View Post
        I had helped this one stinky nasty drunken bum with his glasses, and everyday he would come in with them bent up one way or another just so he could come in and see me.
        That, and there's a good chance that he was getting his ass kicked (and his glasses bent) on a regular basis anyway. I'm so glad our downtown office is kaput now, I didn't mind helping hobos but some of them were downright creeps!

        We do all kinds of exams for charity programs too-most of them are children's programs but we do work with one homeless program in town and I think we've been lucky. So far all of the people from the homeless program have been pretty much well mannered, although B.O. is still an issue with some of them. No drunks, though... all of our drunks have been businessmen! (How on earth they thought they could have an eye exam while looking through beer goggles is beyond me!)
        "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"

