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I'll tell her where to stick her flippin' cord . . .

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  • I'll tell her where to stick her flippin' cord . . .

    Let me tell you about this "woman" I had to deal with yesterday. She calls on the phone and I happen to answer it. Granted I was also helping another customer at the same time, so I wasn't really paying attention to her little 'rant', something about a DVD player . . .
    Well, I come to find out that she's freaking out because the DVD player doesn't come with the A/V cord (I work in Pawn Shop, some things are pre-owned, especially the DVD players). Well, instead of listening what I was trying to say, she kept talking over me before I finished my statment, going on and on about how the girl who rang her forgot to put the cord in the bag. Oh, and did mention she purchased this DVD player on Wednesday, she called on a Friday (why didn't she call sooner? Like, when she got home??? I didn't ask, I didn't want to deal with a torrent of retarded excuses). I *tried* to explain to her if someone pawns or sells a DVD player, that we don't require them to come with the A/V cord, some do, some don't, if they do, we'll sell it with the cord. The customers don't usually care, if we have new ones for sale, they'll buy one of those, if not, they'll go somewhere else and get the cord or they have a bunch at home. This woman kept going on and on saying how the girl didn't put it in the bag (we test before the customers leave the store, we do have a couple of cords lying around, but they're well used and beat up). I told her just to bring in the DVD player the next day along with her receipt, thinking this must have been on of the DVD players that came with the cord and that the girl 'forgot to put it in the bag.' I told the woman it could still be lying around the register, or could have been put back away, but if the DVD player doesn't come with a cord originally, "there's really nothing I can do." I wasn't about to give her one for free, especially since we don't have any at this time!
    Then she goes on how the owner of the other Pawn Shop if they make a mistake they'll do everything they can to fix it-yadda yadda yadda. I tell her twice, "we are not affiliated with that Pawn Shop" but she continued to talk over me and obviously didn't hear me because she kept going on how wonderful that Pawn Shop was . . .
    So we kept going around in circles, she wouldn't hardly listen to what I had to say and she had a horrible screechy voice. She was making it sound like the end of the world because she didn't have any money and couldn't afford the cord and she wanted her money back (no refunds, says on the receipt).
    Again, I told her, "bring it in tomorrow with your receipt, we'll take a look at it." After telling her this four or five times, she decided to do that. Oh, and she kept saying how she was going to report us in the local newspaper on how terrible we are (like put in an ad or something, I've never seen it done, plus, doing something like that COSTS MONEY) - all over a stupid A/V cord? She said she WATCHED the girl not put it in the bag? HELLO, if you WATCHED her do it, shouldn't you have SAID something instead of waiting two days later to bitch at me, I think the whole call took a good 10 minutes . . .
    After I finally got off the phone with her, I mentioned it to the manager, she just kinda laughed it off.
    Anyway, she said she would be in today . . .

    This area is left blank for a reason.

  • #2
    could I ask a favour, could you edit the post and break it into a couple of paragraphs, its just a little hard to read as one big blob of squiggle

    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

