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Stories from my sister

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  • Stories from my sister

    My sister also works in customer service at a small grocery store.

    They do phone orders and deliveries for their elderly customers.

    She was telling me a couple of really cute stories that I had to share. (I can't convince her to join the site.)

    There are these two old dears who are best friends and, my sister suspects, drinking buddies.
    One day, the first lady, Elsie (not her real name) called in to order her groceries, asking for delivery at a specific time. She said she was going out for dinner later and needed them at that time.
    My sister explained that the timing would be difficult, but she would do her best. Then she got the young guy to make a special trip with the groceries before he left for the day.

    A little while later, the boy came back, with the bags of groceries in hand.
    He had gone to her house and she wasn't home.
    My sister thought that was odd, because the lady had been so specific, and she had rushed the order through as a favour.

    On a hunch, she called the other old dear, Martha's house.

    My sister: Hi, Martha, this is J**** from (name of store). Would Elsie be there, by any chance?
    Martha: Yes, she is.
    Elsie: Hello?
    My sister: Hi, Elsie, this is J**** from (name of store). Our delivery guy just stopped by with your order and you aren't home.
    Elsie: Yes I am. (Obviously, the fact that she was using Martha's phone had escaped her grasp.)
    My sister: No, you aren't Elsie. I am calling you at Martha's house.
    Elsie: Well I only just got here.

    My sister didn't bother trying to point out that she lived next door to Elsie, and she had obviously been there for a while, or she would have been home when the driver got there, since the call came in, she put the order together, and he rushed it over.
    My sister just made arrangements to deliver the stuff the next day.
    ************************************************** ********

    She had another old dear who called in her grocery order, obviously more than a little inebriated. (What is it with little old ladies on the sauce in my sister's town? )

    The lady was giving her the list, and then she started to draw a blank.

    "Oh, what is that other thing?"
    "Oh, you know, it goes in salad."

    My sister started listing all the possible things she could think of that go in a salad.
    Every answer was a frustrated, "No. You know what I mean. You put it in salad."

    Finally, out of ideas, my sister said, "Gloria, I have no idea what you could mean."

    Apparently, a light bulb went off in Gloria's head, because she said, "Oh, yes...that was it...steak. I need a nice piece of steak."
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    What? You don't put steak in your salad? Steak goes with everything. Try sprinkling some on your fish at some point. It makes a great seasoning. Just don't mix it with milk. Eww.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Quoth Broomjockey View Post
      What? You don't put steak in your salad? Steak goes with everything. Try sprinkling some on your fish at some point. It makes a great seasoning. Just don't mix it with milk. Eww.
      Two responses to this:
      Mmmm, milksteak.
      Mmm, Steakmilk!
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Oatmeal cookies gone stale and hard can get a new lease on life as sweet cinnamony croutons.
        I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


        • #5
          Quoth Juwl View Post
          Mmmm, milksteak.
          Mmm, Steakmilk!


          It's like trying to get laid by showing a girl your resume.
          Look, I was good at Biology and Woodwork.
          So I know where stuff is and I'm good with my hands.

          - Dan, The Gruen Transfer


          • #6
            Oh man, this topid is going to make me

            But yeah, you can put steak on a salad if it's sliced thinly enough. Quizno's does it with their salads.
            I AM the evil bastard!
            A+ Certified IT Technician

