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I don't know when it'll be back! - very long incoherent rant

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  • I don't know when it'll be back! - very long incoherent rant

    We lost power today for about 4-5 minutes. Everything. Completely black - no power at all.

    Of course, everyone in the store immediately had to check out when we lost power. Everyone in the store immediately needed something only a computer could provide - even though before they had just been wandering and didn't need help. Most of them had every so politely just barked "JUST LOOKING!" when I asked them how they were doing only minutes before.

    Of course, the power going out in the entire side of the mall was my fault. Since I didn't know when it would miraculously turn back on - this was also my fault. Once the power did come back on - since I had to hard reboot all computers, server, and managers computer - and this takes maybe 10 minutes to get up and running and the register software to work again - this is also my fault. Suddenly every customer in the store had somewhere to freaking be - right at that moment. They were all on line tapping their feet, glaring at me, and then at their watches and sighing dramatically. Yet before the power went out - no one was intending on buying anything except for the one woman I was in the process of ringing up.

    Her card scanned through the device and the power went out mid-scan. Then she was pissed at me b/c no receipt printed. Well, no shit Sherlock. Receipts don't print without power. I know that's hard to imagine, but it's really true. I tried to tell her her purchase didn't go through, and I could look it up and show her (once power was on) but she insisted she had paid b/c she swiped it. I explained the power was out so it didn't work and she refused to pay. I just gave her the damn thing. I didn't even care. She started going on about how she's going to miss her daughters bus and she'll be stranded. If she needed to pick her daughter up in 10 minutes, what on earth was she doing shopping in the mall? Even if the power didn't go out - it would take her maybe 20 minutes to finish her purchase, collect her other kid who didn't want to leave and get to her car - let alone drive to wherever she's meeting the bus. How is her poor planning my fault?

    Then, to make it even better - the power outage blew our brand spanking new modem. So we had no Internet connection. Which means all gift card redemptions, credit cards, customer reward coupons - all have to be called in. The fun part of that - is that we changed banking providers b/c now we have those debit pin pad machines so our # to call changed and our authorization #s changed. But corporate gave us the wrong numbers. So we called and called - but couldn't get anyone to authorize our customers purchases. We called corporate - but they gave us a different set of - yes, again - wrong numbers to call. Soon I began just typing in random authorization numbers to force it to go through so people would stop screaming at me.

    No, I don't know when the computers will be back up. No, I can't sell gift cards - but I can sell paper gift certificates. Yes, it's the same thing. No they're not very pretty. Yes it's the same, it's just paper instead of plastic. No you can't just take the plastic and leave money for me to ring up later. No - I don't know when the computers will be back up. Yes, I know the computer is taking a long time - it's on dial up now barely. Yes, I still have to call in your gift card. No, I can't just take your word that there is $30 on it. Yes, we should have a better system. No I don't know when it'll be back up. Screaming at me about what rewards you should have earned on your card from last December til now is not going to do you any good after I say "I can't look anything up - I HAVE NO INTERNET CONNECTION!" Wash, rinse repeat many more times and still hollering at me is not going to get you anywhere. Here's customer service - have fun. Scream at them. Do you seriously think that if I designed software for a company like mine that I'd be behind this counter listening to your shit right now????

    And please, after all of that - don't smile at me and say, "I guess it would've been easier if I paid cash?" and then laugh at me. This happened twice. I had to close my eyes and take deep breaths and the other assistant held my arm b/c she thought I was going to leap over the counter and hit the people the second time someone said that to me.

    The modem was only 3 weeks old.

    Then I get a phone call that my sisters brother in law is in a coma, and then I get to run a birthday party. Then I got to stay til 7pm, when I should have left at 5:30pm.

    Today sucked ass.
    If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.

  • #2
    Ah, they joys of power failures. At the supermarket where I work we have a generator to power the basics, some lights, phones, alarms, and some outlets in the sales floor, one or two outlets in each dept, and the main Walk in freezer and refrigerator. The server is on a UPS and the generator, but the registers are on just the generator. since the generator takes about 3-5 seconds to provide power the registers will go off and then begin to boot up when the generator is on-line. They take about 90 seconds to come back, which is way to much time for SC's.


    • #3
      Oh, the number of times the power went out on our parade of shops (strip mall for those abroad) and the other shopkeepers would come to us and ask if our power was out.

      "Nah - we prefer to sell veg in the dark."

      One guy had an electrician working on his house and came to us to ask if the power was out - we knew where he lived, and he passed fifteen houses and about ten shops before getting to us.

      I was in the bakery once when it happened when the power went, and someone didn't understand why the staff couldn't use the bread slicer.



      • #4
        Quoth Rapscallion View Post

        I was in the bakery once when it happened when the power went, and someone didn't understand why the staff couldn't use the bread slicer.
        I can relate.


        Because the store being pitch black DOESN'T MEAN we're all light sensitive albinos?
        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


        • #5
          Maybe not as bad, but I was working in an the largest arcade in an amusement park during a 55,000 attendee day. God knows how many were in the arcade, but we had already refilled all the change machines three times, some of them up to seven times. I was finally tapped to go to lunch, and locked up my change apron when the lights flickered, just long enough to reset every machine in the building.

          I ran out the back door.
          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.


          • #6
            Quoth Luna View Post
            Then, to make it even better - the power outage blew our brand spanking new modem.
            Actually, it's technically the power coming back that killed the modem.

            But the big question is why any sort of device like that isn't (on at the very least) a surge protector. Even better would be a UPS.

            Quoth Geek King View Post
            I was finally tapped to go to lunch, and locked up my change apron when the lights flickered, just long enough to reset every machine in the building.

            I ran out the back door.
            Well, the better part of valor is discretion...

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
              But the big question is why any sort of device like that isn't (on at the very least) a surge protector. Even better would be a UPS.
              Oh man, don't get me of my past jobs was in the glorious world of being dumped on by clueless lusers IT. I was supposedly the only one there with any knowledge of computers, and my boss was an accountant.

              We were in an area where lightning would routinely take out several important pieces of equipment, and it was practically guaranteed to occur at least once a summer. It would have been much more cost effective to protect against this, but nooooo...proper surge protection and the like costs money. Not only that, the power was known to flicker frequently, as we were also located in the middle of backwoods nowhere. He eventually got several UPSes, but they were barely strong enough to keep the CPU on for a few seconds.
              "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


              • #8
                Freaky. It's the CFO here that fought to get every piece of equipment in the office on a UPS, particularly the phone system and our servers. The guy she was fighting to get it done was our IT guy!

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                  Freaky. It's the CFO here that fought to get every piece of equipment in the office on a UPS, particularly the phone system and our servers. The guy she was fighting to get it done was our IT guy!


                  Where ther heck is my frozen salmon cause I just want to smack the shit out of him. as a former/future IT person who has set up a number of business systems ie hardware and software this guy is just plain and simple ------> STUPID and has no busi9ness playing with business critial systems
                  I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                  -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                  "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                  • #10
                    Ah, this happened at Hell-Mart once. An entire supercenter, pitch black except for the light coming in at the front of the store, and dozens of cashiers upfront waving our little flashlights. Yes, the store manager has been informed of this problem, in fact, I think he might have gotten a clue because he was in here when the lights went out, too. There is no magical Manager's Mansion hidden in here that is immune to outages. Why is the power out? Beats me, but I hear tell that it is a whole block of the city. The freaking traffic lights are not working, and all you can do is stand here and bitch at me because you can't buy your crap.

                    One lady waiting at the self checkouts had the nerve to tell me that all the employees should be hunting the store for SKU numbers on people's orders and ringing them by hand, because that's what good customer service is. Not only is our system not set up to enter things like that WHEN WE ARE OFFLINE, but this store is huge, and there is no possible way that we can run around like ants in the dark trying to find prices of thousands of items! She walked out, leaving me with a few choice parting words, and I could only think of how much she was the opposite of 'sweet little Katrina refugee' that joined our church last week. Seriously, this woman lived in NO and her house and car were demolished by that hurricane. I hope I'm not being the insensitive one here, but I would think that after coming out of that situation with your life and the life of your family intact, you'd have more sense than to bitch at a Wal-Mart employee because of a short power outage.
                    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Racket_Man View Post

                      Where ther heck is my frozen salmon cause I just want to smack the shit out of him. as a former/future IT person who has set up a number of business systems ie hardware and software this guy is just plain and simple ------> STUPID and has no busi9ness playing with business critial systems
                      Yup. The IT guy at my place isn't a real IT guy. He's gotten all of what he knows about IT out of books, and he's not particularly interested in getting it done right if he can half ass it instead.

                      I have no idea what he did for the company before I started, but he's been with the company forever, and if was only two years after I started that he finally annoyed the real IT guy we had so much that he quit. (the real IT guy was a friend of mine, and my ex had gotten him the ad that he answered to get the job in the first place, and now he works for Princess making a buttload more money and with much better perks)

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

