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Stop calling me you dumbass!

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  • Stop calling me you dumbass!

    On friday we had a client come in, and he said he had some questions about one of his vitamins that was in production.

    I was really really busy on friday tons of paperwork (paperwork day) and the new computers were being delievered. So I told the client to hang on for a bit while I finished up.

    When I finished the mountain of paperwork I brought him into my officed answered all his questions (or so I thought) and sent him on his way. Thats the end of it right?

    Nope he turns around and come back in my office, and utters these now infamous words "I may have a question or two over the weekend are you working?" he said it in a way that actually sounded like he only had a question or two

    Me trying to be a good employee said "no I won't be working, but if you have A QUESTION feel free to call me on my cell, but I will be busy so I won't be able to help too much" that was the biggest mistake I have ever made.

    By 10:00am on saturday (I like to sleep in) I had 10 voicemails and each was a different question, so I called him and was on the phone for about 2 hours (great way to start off my day )

    I thought it was over, but he kept calling all day, untill I just turned off my phone around 4:00pm and still havent turned it on for fear he might call again.

    It really gets me mad that he intentionally lied about his questions and admitted he didnt ask everything he wanted to when he was in my office. This guy is a true jackass.
    KAHN: I thought being smart person in Texas set her apart.

    KAHN: If my girl doesn't wrestle, I'll show you who put the sue in Souphanousinphone!

  • #2
    You gave a customer your personal phone number??
    I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
    another time, this world would fade away
    To find true love, is like no other joy,
    our choice is here
    be happy for today


    • #3
      i hope that is a work phone, or at least you get reimbursed for minutes used

      also you could start calling him back from payphones

      requesting collect calls

      at 2AM


      • #4
        I used to have a web design client who would call me on Saturday evenings. I made the mistake of picking up when he called once. Once.

        He is no longer my client.
        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
        -- The Meteor Principle

        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


        • #5
          Think, I am working feverishly on a time machine for you, with the "if I knew then what I know now" thingamajigger working, so you can do that day over and NOT give the customer your personal number.

          Hell, only a few people at work have any way to contact me, and that's to see if I can come in on my day off. My phone number(s) are officially NOT on record.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            C: I may have somemore questions for you over the weekend.

            Me: Great, here's my e-mail address.
            "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

            Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


            • #7
              And people wonder why I don't have a cellphone...
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                That is rough, but not totally un-customer-like. Oooh, is that a new word I just invented? LOL I'm calling Webster to have it added to the dictionary right now!
                The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                • #9
                  Quoth COMINATCHA View Post
                  You gave a customer your personal phone number??
                  Yeah, it's not to uncommon in my line of work. Most of the high end clients have my number,(gotta kiss butt a bit) but all of them are good about not calling during the weekend unless it's an emergency.

                  This guy, however feels that he can call and I would take it back if I could
                  KAHN: I thought being smart person in Texas set her apart.

                  KAHN: If my girl doesn't wrestle, I'll show you who put the sue in Souphanousinphone!


                  • #10
                    I emailed another company we do business with from home (as might occasionally be easier for an employee due to time constraints before they have to leave the office or temporary email problems at work, etc.). Once my question was resolved I didn't expect further email from them, but this person decided my personal email addrenss was now the official way to alert our company when a problem came up with our account with them, as I found when cleaning spam out a month later.
                    I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                    • #11
                      Back when I first started taking care of video games at other people's establishments (theaters, hotels, that sort of thing), I gave one hotel my home phone, since I didn't have a cell phone at the time.

                      After I got a cell phone, I gave them that number. And gave them that number again later, after they lost it. Ang gave it to them again. Rinse, lather, repeat several times.

                      This place was hopeless. They wouldn't call for important problems that I didn't mind doing a service call for-- like, say, none of the token machines working, so NOBODY can play a game-- but if a customer complained that a game stole a single token, they'ld find the phone number somehow for that crucial problem. At 10:30 PM on a Saturday night.

                      Anyway, time passed. I ended up losing this account to another person as we adjusted boundries. Did that stop the calls? Nooooo... for the next four months, I'ld get calls once or twice a week, as (usually insignificant) problems cropped up. Towards the end, I started ordering them to rip up the card the phone number was on, because they weren't cluing in that hey, this phone number doesn't get problems fixed any more. But I had given them the phone number so many times that my cards were ALL OVER the hotel... and I found out that these calls had been coming from ALL OVER the hotel... security... front desk... manager's office... housekeeping...

                      Housekeeping?! What are they doing with the phone number for the game tech? And y'know, I already told you-- personally-- to get rid of the one in the manager's office. Oh, you did, but there was another of my cards in the manager's office? Get rid of that one too, would you?!

                      Anyway, I finally got tracked down every single phone number and got it changed to the right one or destroyed. Or so I thought.

                      Nearly a year after I gave this account up, I get a phone call. 11:30 PM on a Saturday night, after I had a tiring day. ON MY HOME PHONE! Someone found a copy of the phone number I had given them almost two years prior, buried in who knows what file! Here I am, freaking that someone in the family is having a crisis... there's no other reason anyone would be waking me up... and they want to tell me that two games are having problems, and they want me out there before they close in half an hour.

                      I'm sad to say that I didn't fully uphold the high customer service standards of my company that night as I explained their error.
                      Last edited by Gurndigarn; 08-13-2006, 10:25 PM.

