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When the SC is one of your own (Long)

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  • When the SC is one of your own (Long)

    We've all had SC's of all kinds, but when one comes in WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!!

    Background: I work for a Best Western. BWs participate in an employee discount program. Travellers who are employed at other BWs may get rooms at other BWs for a huge discount, provided that they present a universal employee voucher from their hotel, signed by their manager. No voucher, no employee rate. BW hotels are only obligated to honor the rate for a certain number of rooms per day, and a certain number of rooms per employee. We aren't strict at my hotel about these limitations, as we like to accomodate our fellow compatriots. Enter said employee.

    Me: FD Monkey
    SC: Fellow desk clerk from hell.

    Me: Good morning, can I help you? (right away, she's 4 hours ahead of our 3pm checkin time)
    SC: I need to check in, NOW!
    Me: Let me see if your rooms are available. We were full last night, and housekeeping is still cleaning rooms.
    Me: (already pissed and feeling snarky) Ma'am, you can either be patient and let me try and get you rooms now, or you can come back at 3pm, which our earliest checkin time. Your choice.

    This witch seriously needs an enema, but, whatever. Dealt with her kind before. So, I find 2 rooms that are ready.

    Me: I have the rooms now, What's the last name?
    SC: Blah blah blah
    Me: (Pulling up her reservations, I see now she is an employee of another BW) I have your two rooms at the employee rate. Did you bring your employee vouchers from your hotel?
    SC: NO!! The asshole manager never filled them out. I suppose you're going to be an asshole and not give me the rate, right? You call my hotel, they'll tell you I work there!
    Me: (Now I'm menatlly flipping out) You can call them. I don't mind if they fax the vouchers to us for you, but until I receive them, I cannot check you in at that rate.
    Me: (Reeling by now) Then you can pay $102 a night like everyone else.
    SC: Who the FU** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!!????
    Me: (I've now lost it)Who the FU** do you think YOU are??? What job do you have at your hotel?
    SC: I'm the front desk manager, JUST CHECK ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FU**!!
    Me: (Thouroughly indignant at this point, and not caring about what I say to this bitch or who hears it) Here's what we're going to do. You're going to shut your trap!! Of all people that can understand what it's like to have to deal with asshole customers, it would be you. And you come in here and act like that, cuss me out, scream in my lobby, embarrassing me, embarrassing the other guests who are walking though here? You're done talking now, and you will do what I SAY or you can get the hell out! First off, this rate is no longer available to you, voucher or not. I already have the required number of employee rates in house and we are not obligated to honor yours. We did so out kindness to a fellow BW employee. Your rooms are now at the rack rate. If you want to call customer care and lodge a complaint, feel free. Secondly, you will NOT get checked in until the designated checkin time at 3pm, and even then, do NOT even set foot in this lobby until you see that I have left the building, because I do not want to see you. Now, GET OUT!!!
    SC: FU** YOU!!
    Me: One more word and I'll have the cops here.
    SC: Storms off, mumbling...

    Called the GM of her hotel after she left, told her what this person did. Apparently the reason she did not give this moron any employee voucher was because she has done this at other BW's and was even banned from one of them. Why they still employ someone like this is beyond me, but, that is their problem. GM told me to cancel her reservations and she would call her and, basically tell her if she set foot back in my hotel, they would fire her.

    She never did come back.

  • #2

    Why the hell would you keep an employee like that? I'd love to see how she deals with her own sucky customers! Or maybe not
    Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 10-19-2007, 04:59 PM.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      OMG you have earned my total ! I worked on hotel front desks for about 6 years of my life and WISH I had the guts to talk to a guest like that. I really should start posting some of my stories...since one of the hotels I worked at was a "waterpark resort" (3 waterslides). Needless to say I have a lot of them.....

      again...I will worship the ground you walk on from this point on
      "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


      • #4
        oh hell, she doesnt deserve it
        see shes the person that whenn does lose her job is goiung to rage on the company and tell a shit load of lies...
        not worth it


        • #5
          Cripes. I would so not want someone like that to be associated with any company I was with.

          It's good that her manager totally backed you on it, though. There are some out there who would let anyone else twist so long as they weren't inconvenienced.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Should have sent her stupid ass to Motel 6-They leave the light on for


            • #7
              good on you for standing up to her, what in the chicken-pickens was she thinking??


              • #8
                Quoth Damien View Post
                what in the chicken-pickens was she thinking??
                This is clearly the best phrase I have ever heard.


                • #9
                  This story reminds me of one of the crappy encounters I've had with managers. I had one call the hotel, ask for reservations, the hotel did what they were trained to do, they transfered to MACRO (me). The manager asked me if I was in house, I told him yes (legally, as long as he in on the phone, I am in house reservations for the hotel he called). Here was the conversation,
                  manager- "I need your employee rate this weekend"
                  me- "i'm sorry, we've already used our full allotment of employee rooms for this weekend"
                  manager- "isn't there anything you can do"
                  me- "i can see if we have any sister properties nearby and see if any of them have an employee rate available"
                  manager- "you lieing (profanity), you told me you were in house, you are in MACRO, are you at least in the United States, you (profanity) came in and stole jobs from us, now transfer me back to the hotel immidiately you little (profanity)"
                  me- "sir, your hotel also participates in MACRO, so you know that I did not lie to you, I have the same authority as someone onsite, you should also know that I don't have the ability to transfer back to the hotel, you have been abusive and I must inform you that I fully intend to send a barrier form against your hotel since you have made it clear that you do not appreciate the service we provide and there are hotels on the wait list to join the program. Also, I remind you that this call was record and I intend on filing an abusive caller report, appropriate measures will follow. And now I am releasing the call, have a good night"

                  oh, some explanations on that, if a hotel has too many barrier forms sent against them corporate will force them out of the program, and this hotel while still in the program is dangerously high in the number of barriers that have been sent against them... oh, and i checked the hotel contact list a week later, and that manager was no longer on the list of managers at the hotel, probably more because of my abusive caller report than anything else.
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    I got an idea! How about we sing, this alleged BW employee (I'm hoping ex-employee by now ) is a stupid B***H in D Minor? *Cartman singing* Well...


                    • #11
                      You know, that's something I've noticed.

                      One of my suckiest customers was a manager from another property. This woman was totally obnoxious at check-in and very demanding. She even made the 2nd shift girl cry.

                      She also left a nasty comment card.

                      When she wanted to book another room for next month, my manager refused to give her the employee rate. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty.


                      • #12
                        you still need to keep a certain degree of professionalism with customers who are paying full price(tell them to GTFO in a nice tone), if you aren't a manager(they are allowed to decide whether or not they still want the person's business) but an employee that deals with the same bullshit? fuck em


                        • #13
                          yay, i just got a when the sc is one of you owns... got a guy calling, first he sounds drunk, he can't even say florida properly... that's actually the second thing, the first thing that pissed me off, he called our upscale reservations line to try to reserve a holiday inn express (sadly I can't tell him I can't book it, because I'm authorized to book all of our chains), then he asks for the friends and family rate, I inform him that is not one of the hotels that offers a friends and family rate, and even if they did they only have 6 rooms available that night, they would not offer it (our hotels cut off to reserve employee or family rates is 80% occupancy). He says, fine, I can tell you just don't know how to do your job, just give me their phone number, I know someone at the hotel can give me the rate I want...
                          here's to hoping that hotel participates in macro... he'll get the same answer accept it will be someone in charleston telling the idiot that he's an idiot rather than me (florida is sadly a CHSRO market)
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #14
                            I'm a cashier and I once had a woman, possibly drunk, come up to the register with her friend. Right away she was cussing, while dropping things and digging money out of her purse. Oh shit, this, and shit that. Not very classy. Anyway, her item was ringing up wrong, she said. There was supposedly a sign back there that had a sale price on it, and she told me (multiple times) that she worked at another store, the same company, as a cashier, and she knew how things were done. Well, someone went and checked into it and said that yes, the sign was there, but it shouldn't be. The sales floor guys had forgotten to take it down once the sale was over. So the woman said very loudly to her friend, "They forgot to take the sign down. DUH!! Dumbasses!" and then gave an evil cackle. And she said that while knowing that she was going to get the item for the sales price anyway, as store policy. Well, at the time I was still pretty new and inexperienced and made an error in the transaction in which the supervisor had to take over and finish at another register. I could see she was standing there for longer than she should have. Well, turns out, she was cursing up a storm, this is bullshit, etc. etc., and while my supervisor (who is actually a really sweet, fun person) didn't want to admit it to me, it was pretty obvious that she had said shit about me. Well, immediately after she left, my supervisor called the store that the woman worked at and made sure that they knew how she was behaving out at other stores of our company. I know she was a total bitch, but I did feel bad that she probably got her in trouble with her boss....
                            Last edited by Despina83; 11-02-2007, 04:50 AM.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Despina83 View Post
                              7I know she was a total bitch, but I did feel bad that she probably got her in trouble with her boss....
                              Don't feel bad. It wasn't anything she didn't bring on herself.

                              You said the person who handled her was "real sweet" so she must have been a serious bitch to get him irritated enough to report her to her own store.

                              Plus, her attitude while off the clock gives all of the rest of you who work for the same store a bad image.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

