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I'm an idiot just for asking for his ID!

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  • I'm an idiot just for asking for his ID!

    Another customer complained about me asking for his ID. He was cashing a check for 1, 000 dollars and he expects me NOT to ask? Not to mention, the jerk had to keep snatching his check and his wallet away from me like a damn child. He then told me, "why do I need to show ID if its MY check Cause the check is made out for 1000 damn dollars and I DON'T KNOW YOU! I just ignored him and then that's when the jerk called me an IDIOT right to my face! I didn't say anything after that, I just sat there. I hate people, i hate customers and I am finding another job cause I am sick of this god forsaken crap.

  • #2
    I wonder how he'd feel if the check was stolen and someone else tried to cash it and you didn't check their ID.
    MMO Addicts group


    • #3
      Should have said "I don't know you either. So why would I give a total stranger $1,000.00?"

      Guess he should realize that if you wants your money, he should prove who he is and that he deserves it. Unless you normally give away free money. In which case, let me know where you work, 'cause I'd like to visit
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        well, he has a choice, show the damned id to cash his 'oh so special check' or leave without the cash.

        easy choice; if he wants to be an ass, can you refuse service?

        (he's a dumbass on top of it; i can't think of many places that DON'T ask for id even for lower amounts)
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          Yep, if he refuses to show id, we can refuse. I won't be dealing with this much longer cause i found another job! So no more stupid check cashing.


          • #6
            He's probably one of those that has been to a check cashing place that does not require an ID. 20/20 once did a show on that, where folks steal someone else's social security checks, and they can cash them without proving who they are.


            • #7
              "Sir, due to your abusive language, I will no longer be able to help you, with or without your ID. Now I am going to have to ask you to leave the premises before I call security and/or the police."

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."

