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SCs in the Winter!

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  • SCs in the Winter!

    I didn't want to threadjack the snowbird thread so I decided to start this thread.

    I live in Michigan, I've worked outdoors (In a arena parking lot outside) for 2 years. I stood outside for as long as 3-4 hours directing traffic or taking passes. I also did this in the winter and I've noticed some things as an employee, customer, and observer in general:

    Working outside meant that we had to battle the weather, we also had snow crew which meant snow cleaning duty. This ranged from shoveling snow to plowing it in a pick-up with a shovel attachment. What irks me? People are complete idiots and don't seem to understand that I CAN'T FUCKING STOP WELL when I am driving a large vehicle with a giant shovel hooked to it. What the hell makes a person think that they can cross without getting hit? That shovel can kill someone if I go fast enough.

    I also hated the cars who tried to block me. They would back off when I'd lower the shovel, shift into neutral, and rev the engine. Classic reactions.

    Also hated the guys who said "Cold out"?

    As just a customer in general, people seem to plan for Armageddon when there's announcement of a big snow storm coming. Bread and milk too, it's always bread and milk.

    Now I'm rambling, anyway; share your tales of winter SCs or share your dread.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    As a native of the New England area(north East US) I can empathize.

    Why is it every time they say it's going to snow, suddenly no one can find a shovel, and must buy a new one? Bread, Milk, and those giant jugs of water. And people who have lived here for 40 years suddenly can't remember how to drive. And why, on Friday night before a week long holiday was the snowplow clearing the school parking lot?
    Shamus: Why hasn't anybody designs a cranium-anus extraction kit yet? It seems that so many people suffer from a improperly-stored head.


    • #3
      Quoth Nayeli_Sabia View Post
      And people who have lived here for 40 years suddenly can't remember how to drive. And why, on Friday night before a week long holiday was the snowplow clearing the school parking lot?
      I don't know what it is about that. I've lived in MI my whole life and I know how to handle snow and ice. I don't go out when it's bad for many reasons but for crying out loud prepare first so you don't have to risk hurting yourself.

      Off topic but related to winter, a bit perverted though.

      When I was 16, I had a snow day and decided to go for a run. At the time I lived near an old bus garage parking lot that was vacant. While out running I saw that the snow in the lot had no footprints on it, an idea came to my head. Using just my footprints I made a huge certain part of the male anatomy in the snow. This thing was big enough that a plane could see it. It was there for 5 days and then it snowed again.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4

        Haha, it's not crop circles, it's snow circles!


        • #5
          I'm amused. No interesting stories like that from me though.
          Shamus: Why hasn't anybody designs a cranium-anus extraction kit yet? It seems that so many people suffer from a improperly-stored head.


          • #6
            I hate the asshats that don't drive right and make the snow pack unevenly

            this is my first winter pushing carts so i'll have more


            • #7
              Quoth ArenaBoy View Post

              Also hated the guys who said "Cold out"?
              Here in MN, "Cold out" and "cold enough for ya?" are the traditional greetings.


              • #8
                Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                Also hated the guys who said "Cold out"?
                I work in a bar up by a bunch of ski resorts last January we had temps of about 12 below zero. I worked the front doors so people are constantly coming in and the cold air comes with them and doesn't leave. What pissed me off is when the customers would open the door, hold it open, see me shivering and the ask "Cold?"

                No I am shaking with anticipation of talking to you and your friends now close the damn door already so I can have this tiny space heater attempt to warm my frost bitten finger tips.


                • #9
                  In 2006 my city had snow 3-4 feet tall ... Thats the only day I remember where schools were closed. Schools are always open around here during snow storms and the like (I'm in canada, so its normal). I hate the fact that once a tiny sprinkle of snow hits in some US city and I'm seeing car accidents all over the place on TV and school closures. Drives me nuts.

                  Anyways.. offtopic for a moment..
                  I think those people are trying to commit suicide if they want to run infront of snow plows. And why in the hell would a car block a plow? Are they insane?
                  Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Fawn View Post
                    And why in the hell would a car block a plow? Are they insane?
                    No, they're just confident in their insurance policy.
                    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                    • #11
                      I have to admit my respect for snowplows is lower than it should be, but that's for two reasons.

                      One being that I'm still in school, and snowplows ruin my chances of having a snowday most of the time.

                      The second being that if we have five feet of snow fall in one night, Snowplows are my worst enemy. Last year, there was a huge snowstorm where I live in February right around/on Valentine's day, and as my mother had to work that night, she wanted me to shovel the driveway. I was a little dismayed to see that the snow outside was taller than my 5'3 self. In fact, I was horrified. I hate the cold, and I don't have a lot of arm strength for shoveling so I have to take a lot of breaks.

                      I ended up having to shovel in two to three layers, one 'square' at a time. It took me at least a couple hours to finish. And when i was finally done, a snowplow went by, and I had a border that was roughly two feet tall to shovel through again. Just tall enough that the car would never make it over.

                      Whoops, I ranted. Either way, it's times like that that make me hate either snowplows, or being a weak little girl instead of a strong tall guy like my brother. XP


                      • #12
                        I think this comic covers SC drivers and snow about as well as anything:

                        Check out my webcomic!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Fawn View Post
                          I hate the fact that once a tiny sprinkle of snow hits in some US city and I'm seeing car accidents all over the place on TV and school closures. Drives me nuts.
                          It drives me nuts too and I have always lived in an area that gets snow in the winter. People where I live will drive crazy slow when it is raining out side, but as soon as a blizzard hits they think they need to drive as fast as possible to beat the storm. It is sad that every year when the first big snow storm hits the main story on the news is how many car accidents there where. What does everyone forget how to drive in the snow over the summer, isn't it suppoused to be like riding your bike? I have never forgotten how to drive in the snow.

                          As for school closurs the last time we had a school closure due to snow was in 1995 and then the schools had a make-up day where you had to go to school on a Saturday in order to make up the snow day


                          • #14
                            Quoth princess4life View Post
                            As for school closurs the last time we had a school closure due to snow was in 1995 and then the schools had a make-up day where you had to go to school on a Saturday in order to make up the snow day
                            At our school, we have a certain amount of "allowed" snowdays that we can have a year. I believe the number is five. If we need to take more snowdays than that for our safety, we will, but after five, they add the days we missed onto the end of the year. It really isn't a big deal. The most days they've had to add can't be more than two or three, and the end of the school year is always very relaxed.


                            • #15
                              After the snow day in '95 they starting marking one of the days during Spring break as a a make-up day as needed and if there is more then 1 snow day they start taking days on to the end of the year, but it has been over 10 years since the last snow day.

