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Who is Worse? Americans or British? (Breeder's Cup)

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  • Who is Worse? Americans or British? (Breeder's Cup)

    If you think Americans, you're wrong. If you answered the British, you're wrong too. This weekend was the Breeder's Cup and it was at the racetrack I work at. Lots of foreigners came for the races. Mostly British and Japanese. A couple Irish people. And rudeness all around, except from the Japanese people I dealt with. They were really nice.

    I was working a stand called the "Chowder Bar". Our main seller was clam chowder if you didn't guess already. The only problem was we didn't have too much of it because I couldn't keep running back and forth to the kitchen, as the pans get very heavy and EXTREMELY hot. So there were plenty of times where we had run out of clam chowder, and of course, with everyone being so understanding, a lot of people were pissed off. One guy wouldn't leave the two women alone at my stand, wouldn't stop harassing them. Finally, he decided it'd be smarter to harass me and he wouldn't leave me alone, and he was bothering other customers. Finally, I said, "Blow me." You should have seen the look on his face. He was speechless. He couldn't handle me not taking his crap and he just left. The other customers in front of my stand laughed.

    Thank God I got paid $200 bucks for the day. The $70 I made in tips was crap. I made $120 on our normal biggest day and the Breeder's Cup has a lot more people. It never would have been worth it without that ridiculous salary.
    "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House