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Irrefutable proof that life ain't fair.

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  • Irrefutable proof that life ain't fair.

    Here's a link about an extremely oily owner of a successful company for whom sexual harrassment is not only accepted but practically company policy:

    How do I know this and why is this ticking me off so much? Because this slimy, oily PIG used to come into Kinko's back in the day and act like a pain in the rump. When this headline came across my screen this morning, I just about choked on/spilled my coffee. We had this stunningly beautiful typsetter who he came in and harrassed repeatedly, trying to get her pose for pictures for him. She told him repeatedly to give it a rest and he repeatedly ignored her requests. Finally, my husband (who was her superior) stepped in and told him to stop bothering her. This ASS actually had the gall to say "Why do I have to stop?" J stood up and said, in his calm-before-the-storm voice., "Because I said so." That seemed to do it, and he quit bothering her.

    Frankly, to see this guy in a position of power over people makes me nearly physically sick.

    We were talking about this over lunch, and I have no idea what he was doing in SC. I can only imagine that it's because there are a lot of textile mills that operate with non-union labor. (In fact, J has speculated that this is probably less about sexual harrassment and more about the fact the Union's probably out to get him.)


  • #2
    I hope that this guy gets the pants sued off him (not literally of course). I absolutely hate these new campaigns of sex to lure people to clothing. It's clothing, get over it. I don't want to see a man with pants pulled down to his groin (and mind you with abercrombie a little ways to me left, i see it every day) as much as I want to see a woman doing the same thing. It's a bad influence to the kids now a days. I never had this much sex pushed into my face when I was it's all some little girls, and I mean little, talk about. To quote Dennis Leary: "you don't know shit about shit and pick up your pants!" XD
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


    • #3
      Off the record, this sounds like one of those guys who is in need of my patented "Behavioral Editing Attempt to Truly Dull Obsolete Ways as Necessary"...or B.E.A.T.D.O.W.N., for short.

      *puts away thesaurus*

      Seriously, someone get me the clue-by-four. This one definitely could stand a shot or two in the grapefruits...
      "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


      • #4
        IIRC, he's not all bad. He supposedly pays his factory workers and such very well. Well above the norm for that type of work.


        • #5
          I saw that, and I'm thinking it's because otherwise, nobody would work for him. Aside from being a predator, he's just flat out annoying. SERIOUSLY annoying. He'd walk in and we'd all go, "oh, , look who just oozed in."

          I'm thinking that's probably how he keeps people from quitting.


          • #6
            While I wouldn't work for him, I do have to question why in the world those 3 females went to work there fully knowing what kind of place it is. It wasn't something the dude just started doing, it seems to be common behavior with both females and males at that company. I take it like complaining about working with grease after being hired by MikeyD or a porn star complaining about seeing too many naked people.

            I understand the dude's logic (detaching emotions here), he sells underwear. You can't tell me you don't expect to see people walking about showing the underwear? Are we really at a point where we all must be wearing suits and ties and talk only about work while at work?
            I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


            • #7
              I hope that this guy gets the pants sued off him (not literally of course)
              To borrow a line from C. Montgomery Burns, he'd probably tell you you don't have to sue him to get his pants off.

              Yuck, that guy is nothing to look at. And I don't care how much he pays his employees. I wouldn't want to work for a sleaze like him.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                Seriously, someone get me the clue-by-four. This one definitely could stand a shot or two in the grapefruits...
                Grapefruits? I think you're complimenting him. I'd say more like poppy seeds...
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #9
                  Quoth LostMyMind View Post
                  I understand the dude's logic (detaching emotions here), he sells underwear. You can't tell me you don't expect to see people walking about showing the underwear? Are we really at a point where we all must be wearing suits and ties and talk only about work while at work?
                  There's having underwear out to talk about it and designing it, and then there's dropping your pants and talking to a female employee suggestively, and using words like "slut" and "C**t". They didn't sign up to objectified like that, they probably signed on to either do some data entry, some design work, answer phones, blah blah, but not get the crap annoyed and creeped out of them by this jerkwad.


                  • #10
                    If you google or yahoo search about that article. You'll find that almost all of the complaints against this guy were lay-off. And the folks who work at the office with this nuts, claim he isn't the only one that will drop and display company products. The longer report that I read actually had the complainer saying the "c" word as well (reported by her ex-coworkers). You'll also find they weren't being objectified. The people that the idiot called "slut" and "c" word aren't the one's complaining.

                    This is purely an money move by these people because they were fired. And the complaints didn't come until after they were fired. Yes, I agree. I wouldn't like to work at a place like that. But I doubt that they were hired without knowing what kind of environment it was. Which is why I said, it's like "a porn star complaining about seeing too many naked people".

                    Not everyone share the same standards. But to claim it afterwards is way too fishy.
                    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                    • #11
                      Spending all day in your underpants at work is just not appropriate behavior. Hitting on female employees isn't either. Doing both of them at the same time is just completely out of the question.

                      I can understand being in just the underwear for modeling or marketing purposes, but treating that as buissiness attire is just not acceptable.

                      The employees who deny the allegations may have just as much incentive to lie for their boss as the plaintiff may to lie against him, and their deny some behavior that he admits to himself.


                      • #12
                        I'm not debating that laughingfuzzball. I agree, I wouldn't like working in that environment. At the same token, I wouldn't like working in the porn business. But if I apply to work at a porn business and get hired. Complaining about seeing underwear or sex happening is just stupid.

                        By the same token, this company operates it's head office like one big hippy party. That's fine, it's his business (and quite successful running it like that). But those "ladies" were told before they were hired that how it is. And that makes them stupid and a gold digger looking for another pay day.

                        Again, it's only my opinion and don't mean much since I don't wear a black robe on the highest court of the land.
                        I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                        • #13
                          This is purely an money move by these people because they were fired. And the complaints didn't come until after they were fired. Yes, I agree. I wouldn't like to work at a place like that. But I doubt that they were hired without knowing what kind of environment it was. Which is why I said, it's like "a porn star complaining about seeing too many naked people".
                          I hear what you are saying, but this guy does not confine his behavior to his own offices. We were eyewitnesses to him bringing his lack of respect for women right into our store, and victimizing our co-worker with it. Then acting like he had every right to do so, even though she was uncomfortable, offended, and asked him to stop several times.

                          That's predatory behavior.

                          So yeah, working for a guy like that and then complaining is like the old fable about the spider hitching a ride on the frog's back, but that doesn't mean he's not guilty.
                          Last edited by NightAngel; 08-16-2006, 07:31 PM. Reason: added quotes


                          • #14
                            There is a video floating out there with him "parading the undies". It shows the office workers rooting him on. The more I read about the guy's suppose behavior, the more I start to believe that the complainers are full of it. I find it very odd that the complaints show up after they're dismissed. This smells way too much of crying wolf.

                            Which is why I liken it to working in the porn business and complaining about seeing sex.
                            I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                            • #15
                              ITA LostMyMind, I gotta agree with you 100% on this. The lawsuits sound fishy at best, and it's not like they didn't know what they were getting into when they first took the job. And I agree with your porn star comparison also.

                              Hopefully this yet another wasteful law suit gets thrown out the window IMO of course

