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The case of the Triangle-Haired Special Order Lady

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  • The case of the Triangle-Haired Special Order Lady

    "Welcome!" I greeted the customer, with an ever-so-convincing smile, almost as if I cared about something other than my date that evening with Ms. Mango.

    "Is it here yet?" she asked, getting right to the point.

    The customer was of an interesting type. Her hair extended an impressive distance away from her head, not unlike the character Alice in the Dilbert comics. For some inexplicable reason, her lips were rolled over her teeth almost as if she were pretending she had none, in order to lull me into a false sense of security before she attacked. I resolved not to lose eye contact.

    "Is what here?" I asked, doing a very good job of sounding like I had no idea what she was talking about. I had no idea what she was talking about.

    "The book," the customer explained, "that the girl I spoke to last time was going to order for me."

    "Hmm," I said, because they tend to like it when you at least look like you're concentrating on their problem. (In reality, I was concentrating on Ms. Mango.)

    "I actually don't recall any special orders being made recently," I said. This was true. It was kind of odd having a ready-made answer and NOT having to think one up on the spot. "Do you remember the name of the girl you dealt with?"

    "Oh! The girl's name was..." she paused, doing a very good job of pretending she was trying to think of their name. But I knew better.

    "Betty Sue?" I asked helpfully.

    "Yes!" she exclaimed triumphantly, falling right into my trap. The only other employee who worked in that department was a very large man named Mitch.

    "And did, er, Betty Sue call you to tell you your order was here?" I ask.

    "No," she says. "It's just been so long since I made the order, I'm sure it's here by now."

    "All right. Just one moment please." I went to the back room for a moment to look at my framed picture of Ms. Mango.

    Some time later, I returned. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "I spoke with Betty Sue. She says she remembers you coming in, but that you didn't place an order. What was the title of the book?"

    She tells me. I know the book and tell her I'd be glad to order it. I could even have it here on tomorrow morning's truck. All she would need to do is prepay for it.

    "No, no, no need to do that," she said. "I only wanted to get it if it were here. I don't want it otherwise. I probably won't ever want it. I've spent so much time travelling here that I won't be able to come again."

    I wondered why, if it took her so long to get here, she didn't verify that the product she'd "ordered" was in yet.

    Several days later, she returned, and asked if the book had arrived.

    Given that she had not paid for the book, I had not ordered it. Given that I had not ordered it, it was rather unlikely that it would be here. I voiced my logic to the customer.

    She appeared crestfallen. "I was sure it would be here," she said.

    "Did one of us give you a call to tell you that?" I ask. It's fun asking questions that I already know the answer to.

    "Oh, no," she says. "I was just so sure it would be here that I didn't check." [Editor's note: this was verbatim.]

    I offer again to order the book. She declines.

    She did select a DVD, paid for it with cash, and went on her way.

    Several days later, I received a page. Someone who refused to give her name was on line eighteen with a question about a DVD. I do a quick check of the computer. We have only sold one copy of that DVD in the past two months. I pick up line eighteen, ready for anything.

    "Hello, how may I help you? My name is Mango," I say.

    "Hello. I purchased a DVD from you a few days ago. It plays the first few minutes, but then stops."

    "No problem," I say, eager to please, "We'll send you out another one, no charge. May I please have your name?"

    "No!" she yelped, almost as if I had trodden on her tail.

    "All right then...?" I say. I admit I was not ready for this. Usually, free products pacify a customer.

    "No!" she said again. "I just thought you should know. I'll come by and exchange it next time I'm in the area."

    Several days after that, she brought back the DVD. I opened the case to discover it looked like someone had used the DVD as a coaster.

    "It looks like someone has used this DVD as a coaster!" I say.

    "I don't know anything about that. It was like that when I got it," she explains.

    I resist the urge to inform her that here at my store, we rarely use brand-new, shrinkwrapped DVDs as coasters, and then package them up and re-shrinkwrap them, just to annoy the customers.

    She tells me that she would rather have a refund. She didn't really like the first few minutes that she did see.

    I resist the urge to inform her that I would have given her a refund, no questions asked. She wasn't required to use the DVD as a coaster first.

    She decided to look at the books.

    I kept a close eye on her.

    She turned to me, seeming confused. She couldn't find a book. Yes, *the* book.

    I raised one eyebrow. It must have been pretty high, because I didn't even need to open my mouth.

    "Well, you know," she said. I did not know. Fortunately, she continued. "I just thought that since I'd been asking about it so much you would have brought it in."

    "Not unless you order it, pay for it, send a carrier piegon with a note about it, or give me SOME kind of indication that you want me to do that for you. I COULD do that for you, if you want," I say, noting that this is the third time I have offered to do this.

    She declined again. If it wasn't here, right now, she didn't want it.

    We debated ordering in a copy of the book, or telling her the next time she came in that we HAD ordered one, but someone had bought it just the day before.

    We decided the second one would be more fun.

    For once, I can't WAIT for a customer to be back!

  • #2
    Boy this one reached into the far corners of my brain to kill cells I didn't even know were there!!!!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      This one reminded me of the Gord's going round with the kid about the Donkey Kong strategy guide.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        And I can't wait for her to come back either. Judging from what you've written, she WILL be back.

        Hope that'll be fun for you. >D


        • #5
          Ha! I can picture the hair! win at life! Keep us updated!
          ~a lass unparallel'd~


          • #6
            That's some incredibly baffling behaviour right there.

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              It's called she has time on her hands! She keeps coming in alone!


              • #8
                I know you mentioned the lady from Dilbert, but the whole time I was just thinking about this.


                Which just made the mental image oh-so-much more interesting.
                "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                • #9
                  Quoth Boozy View Post
                  That's some incredibly baffling behaviour right there.
                  If she doesn't order it, she isn't out money up front. She's probably had success with those tactics before - possibly from businesses, possibly from parents/aunts/uncles. 'Oh, I want this, but I don't want to put myself out in any way for it'.

                  Sometimes things she wants just appear, if she whines enough.
                  Seshat's self-help guide:
                  1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                  2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                  3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                  4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                  "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                    I know you mentioned the lady from Dilbert, but the whole time I was just thinking about this.


                    Which just made the mental image oh-so-much more interesting.
                    I'm sorry, but the mannequin sequence was quite disturbing enough without picturing Pyramidhead with a granny body. I'm now off to melt off the top layer of my brain, thank you very much. Pass the napalm.
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Seshat View Post
                      If she doesn't order it, she isn't out money up front. She's probably had success with those tactics before - possibly from businesses, possibly from parents/aunts/uncles. 'Oh, I want this, but I don't want to put myself out in any way for it'.
                      A conversation I had yesterday with a guy who wanted a laptop. He said he had just gotten his Associate's Gegree and wanted something nice. So we went through the options. Then...

                      Associate Degree Guy: I don't have a whole lot of cash. Do you guys do financing?
                      Me: Yes, we do. (explains options)
                      ADG: Oh, so it's a store credit card thing? Like a loan from your store?
                      Me: We have a partner company who provides the funds for it, but, essentially it is like a loan from us.
                      ADG: And do I have to pay it back?
                      Me: ... yes...
                      ADG: (dejectedly) Oh. (pause) Well. (pause, gazing mostly at the floor but glancing at the desired laptop and me) I guess I'll have to come back when I have more money, then. (pause)
                      Me: If you can afford about $40 a month, you could have this paid off in four years or less on one of the financing plans.
                      ADG: No, I can't afford that. (pause) Thanks anyway. Maybe I'll be back later.
                      Me: We'll be here when you're ready. Have a good night.
                      ADG: (expectant pause) ... thanks. (leaves, glancing back three times before moving out of my line of sight)

                      What? You want it for free? Think I'm going to give you a grant for you laptop? Go put your "degree" to use and get a job so you can pay for your wants like normal folks.
                      I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                      - Bill Watterson

                      My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                      - IPF


                      • #12
                        Quoth Geek King View Post
                        I'm sorry, but the mannequin sequence was quite disturbing enough without picturing Pyramidhead with a granny body. I'm now off to melt off the top layer of my brain, thank you very much. Pass the napalm.
                        Welcome to my horrifying little world.
                        "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                        • #13
                          Two hypotheses:

                          1) Crazy lady is crazy, or has some severe paranoid issues about people knowing her name and/or information, since she refuses to place an order (requires a name) or allow you to ship out a copy of the DVD (requires name and address).

                          2) Crazy lady is a scammer/shoplifter and only wants the book ordered in so she can give herself a five-finger discount. Also, the refund on the DVD was probably a bad call as she obviously watched it and then coastered it so that she could use that as an excuse to return it for a refund.

                          Take your pick. I consider #2 more likely, but #1 would be way more fun.
                          "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                          • #14
                            Quoth MMATM View Post
                            Also, the refund on the DVD was probably a bad call as she obviously watched it and then coastered it so that she could use that as an excuse to return it for a refund.
                            That particular DVD was not a high ticket item (wholesale price is about seventy-eight cents) so I would have done a refund for any reason, watched or no. Other than that I'd say pick the best of both worlds and go for numbers 1 AND 2


                            • #15
                              Quoth MMATM View Post
                              Two hypotheses:

                              1) Crazy lady is crazy, or has some severe paranoid issues about people knowing her name and/or information, since she refuses to place an order (requires a name) or allow you to ship out a copy of the DVD (requires name and address).

                              2) Crazy lady is a scammer/shoplifter and only wants the book ordered in so she can give herself a five-finger discount. Also, the refund on the DVD was probably a bad call as she obviously watched it and then coastered it so that she could use that as an excuse to return it for a refund.

                              Take your pick. I consider #2 more likely, but #1 would be way more fun.
                              Speaking of paranoid people. I once had a lady place an order for a cake. As part of the order we take a name and phone #. She gave me Mrs. Jones as the name and she said her phone # was 867-5309. Part of the order was conditional on stuff showing up on the load. She was told than and asked us to call her if id didn't come in. Lucky for us it didn't come in and when we attempted to call her that number wan not in service. She came in looking for a her cake, it wasn't made (duh) and she demanded the MOD:
                              SC: The cake is important, i neeeeeeeed it.
                              MOD: you knew that it may not be ready if supplies didn't come in.
                              SC: Well you were supposed to calllllll me.
                              MOD: we tried it was not a valid number.
                              SC: Yes it is, call it now my husband will answer.
                              MOD: *walks SC over to floor phone, dial code for outside line, presses speaker phone button, dials 867-5309*
                              Phone company voice: "The number you have dialed...
                              SC: *walks away*
                              MOD: *Hangs up call, goes in back and kick the crap out of a box to relieve stress.*

